Anglais Pressure Ulcers in the Aging Population


À propos

Medical practitioners receive little, if any, formal training in the prevention, assessment and management of pressure ulcers and other chronic wounds.   Pressure Ulcers in the Aging Population: A Guide for Clinicians is a resource primarily aimed at physicians interested in the fundamentals of wound care.  This book is written for geriatricians, internists, general practitioners, residents and fellows who treat older patients and unlike other texts on the market addresses the specific issues of wound prevention and managment in older individuals.      Pressure Ulcers in the Aging Population: A Guide for Clinicians emphasizes prevention, proper documentation and the team care process which are often overlooked in standard texts.  Chapters are written by experts in their fields and  include such evolving topics as deep tissue injury and the newer support surface technologies.

  • Auteur(s)

    Md David R. Thomas, Md Gregory A. Compton

  • Éditeur

    Humana Press

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  • Date de parution


  • EAN


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    Dans le cadre de la copie privée

  • Nb Partage

    6 appareils

  • Poids

    1 362 Ko

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  • Support principal

    ebook (ePub)

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