À propos

The 2012 edition of Mediterra takes the mobilising potential of the Mediterranean Diet as a basis and proposes a multidimensional itinerary involving sociodemographics, health, ecology, enterprise, geo-economics and citizens' initiative.
Consumers in the countries of the Mediterranean Basin have progressively changed their dietary practices as they have gradually become caught up in the dynamics of urbanisation and the globalisation of agricultural trade. They are adhering less and less to the Mediterranean Diet, despite the fact that it is the basis of their identity and one of the major assets of the region. Pressures on natural resources and the emergence of new private actors are compounding the complexity of diet-related issues.
Already the subject of widespread sociocultural and scientific debate and research, the Mediterranean Diet merits reconsideration from the political point of view given the growing awareness of the strategic dimension of agriculture and the crucial role played by food production in the stability and development of societies. This diet, whose health-promoting virtues are widely recognised and which UNESCO has now listed as part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, is now raising questions in the fields of environmental responsibility and political action to promote greater regional cooperation.
This report has been produced under the direction of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), which is an intergovernmental organisation for training, research and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, food and sustainable rural development in the Mediterranean region.

Rayons : Sciences & Techniques > Sciences appliquées et industrie > Filières industrielles > Agriculture / Agronomie / Agroalimentaire

  • Auteur(s)


  • Éditeur

    Presses de Sciences Po

  • Distributeur

    Harmonia Mundi

  • Date de parution


  • Collection


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    504 Pages

  • Poids

    8 775 Ko

  • Diffuseur

    Harmonia Mundi

  • Entrepôt

    Eden Livres

  • Support principal

    ebook (ePub)

  • Version ePub


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