Abdelkhalak El Hami
38 produits trouvés
Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence
Abdelkhalak El Hami
- Wiley-ISTE
- 28 Novembre 2023
- 9781394255344
Today's information technology, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI), is moving towards total communication between all computerized systems. AI is a representation of human intelligence based on the creation and application of algorithms in specific computer environments. Its aim is to enable computers to act like human beings. For it to work, this type of technology requires computer systems, data with management systems and advanced algorithms, used by AI. In mechanical engineering, AI can offer many possibilities: in mechanical construction, predictive maintenance, plant monitoring, robotics, additive manufacturing, materials, vibration control and agro composites, among many others. This book is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence uncertainties in mechanical problems. Each chapter clearly sets out used and developed illustrative examples. Aimed at students, Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence is also a valuable resource for practicing engineers and research lecturers.
Aide-mémoire de maths : conforme aux nouveaux programmes des CPGE scientifiques
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaïb Radi
- 17 Janvier 2023
- 9782340077089
L’ouvrage est organisé en six parties : Analyse ; Suites et séries ; Algèbre générale ; Algèbre linéaire ; Algèbre Bilinéaire ; Probabilités. Il développe d’une manière progressive les différentes notions du programme. De nombreux exemples illustrent les points les plus compliqués. Sa présentation synthétique et son index permettent de retrouver rapidement une formule, une définition ou les termes précis d’un résultat.Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants de classes préparatoires de 1re et 2e années. Il s’adresse également aux étudiants de licence scientifique.
Maths MP et MP* : cours, exercices et problèmes de synthèse corrigés
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Radi Bouchaïb
- 18 Octobre 2022
- 9782340074897
L’ouvrage est organisé en douze chapitres qui développent les différents thèmes du programme de mathématiques.Chaque chapitre est divisé en trois parties : un rappel des définitions et des principaux résultats du cours qui s’appuient sur des exemples ; un ensemble d’exercices d’application et de problèmes de synthèse et de concours ; et enfin, l’ensemble des corrigés détaillés.Il s'adresse aux étudiants de classes préparatoires MP-MP*.
Maths : MPSI-MP2I ; cours, exercices et problèmes corrigés
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaïb Radi
- 25 Janvier 2022
- 9782340065086
Cet ouvrage est conforme au nouveau programme de mathématiques et en développe successivement tous les différents thèmes.Chaque chapitre propose un rappel des définitions et des principaux résultats du cours et un ensemble d’exercices d’application.
Applications and Metrology at Nanometer Scale 1
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Philippe Pougnet, Pierre Richard Dahoo
- Wiley-ISTE
- 7 Janvier 2021
- 9781119808145
To develop innovations in quantum engineering and nanosystems, designers need to adopt the expertise that has been developed in research laboratories. This requires a thorough understanding of the experimental measurement techniques and theoretical models, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. This book presents experimental methods enabling the development and characterization of materials at the nanometer scale, based on practical engineering cases, such as 5G and the interference of polarized light when applied for electromagnetic waves. Using the example of electromechanical, multi-physical coupling in piezoelectric systems, smart materials technology is discussed, with an emphasis on scale reduction and mechanical engineering applications. Statistical analysis methods are presented in terms of their usefulness in systems engineering for experimentation, characterization or design, since safety factors and the most advanced reliability calculation techniques are included from the outset. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master?s students.
Reliability in Biomechanics
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Ghias Kharmanda
- Wiley-ISTE
- 14 Octobre 2016
- 9781119370826
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that we have developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied only in biomechanical studies.
Material Forming Processes
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Septembre 2016
- 9781119361404
Manufacturing industries strive to improve the quality and reliability of their products, while simultaneously reducing production costs. To do this, modernized work tools must be produced; this will enable a reduction in the duration of the product development cycle, optimization of product development procedures, and ultimately improvement in the productivity of design and manufacturing phases. Numerical simulations of forming processes are used to this end, and in this book various methods and models for forming processes (including stamping, hydroforming and additive manufacturing) are presented. The theoretical and numerical advances of these processes involving large deformation mechanics on the basis of large transformations are explored, in addition to the various techniques for optimization and calculation of reliability. The advances and techniques within this book will be of interest to professional engineers in the automotive, aerospace, defence and other industries, as well as graduates and undergraduates in these fields.
Fluid-Structure Interactions and Uncertainties
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 7 Février 2017
- 9781119388913
This book is dedicated to the general study of fluid structure interaction with consideration of uncertainties. The fluid-structure interaction is the study of the behavior of a solid in contact with a fluid, the response can be strongly affected by the action of the fluid. These phenomena are common and are sometimes the cause of the operation of certain systems, or otherwise manifest malfunction. The vibrations affect the integrity of structures and must be predicted to prevent accelerated wear of the system by material fatigue or even its destruction when the vibrations exceed a certain threshold.
Uncertainty and Optimization in Structural Mechanics
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 8 Avril 2013
- 9781118711835
Optimization is generally a reduction operation of a definite quantity. This process naturally takes place in our environment and through our activities. For example, many natural systems evolve, in order to minimize their potential energy. Modeling these phenomena then largely relies on our capacity to artificially reproduce these processes. In parallel, optimization problems have quickly emerged from human activities, notably from economic concerns. This book includes the most recent ideas coming from research and industry in the field of optimization, reliability and the recognition of accompanying uncertainties. It is made up of eight chapters which look at the reviewing of uncertainty tools, system reliability, optimal design of structures and their optimization (of sizing, form, topology and multi-objectives) - along with their robustness and issues on optimal safety factors. Optimization reliability coupling will also be tackled in order to take into account the uncertainties in the modeling and resolution of the problems encountered. The book is aimed at students, lecturers, engineers, PhD students and researchers. Contents 1. Uncertainty.
2. Reliability in Mechanical Systems.
3. Optimal Structural Design.
4. Multi-object Optimization with Uncertainty.
5. Robust Optimization.
6. Reliability Optimization.
7. Optimal Security Factors Approach.
8. Reliability-based Topology Optimization. About the Authors Abdelkhalak El Hami is Professor at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Rouen, France. He is the author of many articles and books on optimization and uncertainty.
Bouchaib Radi is Professor in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the University of Hassan Premier, Settat, Morocco. His research interests are in such areas as structural optimization, parallel computation, contact problem and metal forming. He is the author of many scientific articles and books. -
Advanced Numerical Methods with Matlab 2
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 24 Mai 2018
- 9781119527428
The purpose of this book is to introduce and study numerical methods basic and advanced ones for scientific computing. This last refers to the implementation of appropriate approaches to the treatment of a scientific problem arising from physics (meteorology, pollution, etc.) or of engineering (mechanics of structures, mechanics of fluids, treatment signal, etc.). Each chapter of this book recalls the essence of the different methods resolution and presents several applications in the field of engineering as well as programs developed under Matlab software.
Advanced Numerical Methods with Matlab 1
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 15 Mars 2018
- 9781119516552
Most physical problems can be written in the form of mathematical equations (differential, integral, etc.). Mathematicians have always sought to find analytical solutions to the equations encountered in the different sciences of the engineer (mechanics, physics, biology, etc.). These equations are sometimes complicated and much effort is required to simplify them. In the middle of the 20th century, the arrival of the first computers gave birth to new methods of resolution that will be described by numerical methods. They allow solving numerically as precisely as possible the equations encountered (resulting from the modeling of course) and to approach the solution of the problems posed. The approximate solution is usually computed on a computer by means of a suitable algorithm. The objective of this book is to introduce and study the basic numerical methods and those advanced to be able to do scientific computation. The latter refers to the implementation of approaches adapted to the treatment of a scientific problem arising from physics (meteorology, pollution, etc.) or engineering (structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, signal processing, etc.) .
Dynamics of Large Structures and Inverse Problems
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 17 Juillet 2017
- 9781119427315
This book deals with the various aspects of stochastic dynamics, the resolution of large mechanical systems, and inverse problems. It integrates the most recent ideas from research and industry in the field of stochastic dynamics and optimization in structural mechanics over 11 chapters. These chapters provide an update on the various tools for dealing with uncertainties, stochastic dynamics, reliability and optimization of systems. The optimization-reliability coupling in structures dynamics is approached in order to take into account the uncertainties in the modeling and the resolution of the problems encountered. Accompanied by detailed examples of uncertainties, optimization, reliability, and model reduction, this book presents the newest design tools. It is intended for students and engineers and is a valuable support for practicing engineers and teacher-researchers.
The book aims to provide an efficient methodology of solving a fluid mechanics problem. It aims to meet different objectives of the student, the future engineer or scientist. Using simple sizing calculations, and more advanced analytical calculations, the book covers all the essential numerical approaches for solving complex practical problems.
The book aims to provide an efficient methodology of solving a fluid mechanics problem. It aims to meet different objectives of the student, the future engineer or scientist. Using simple sizing calculations, and more advanced analytical calculations, the book covers all the essential numerical approaches for solving complex practical problems.
Compressible Flow Propulsion and Digital Approaches in Fluid Mechanics
Michel Ledoux, Abdelkhalak El Hami
- Wiley-ISTE
- 18 Janvier 2017
- 9781119368779
This book aims to provide an efficient methodology of solving a fluid mechanics problem, based on an awareness of the physical. It meets different objectives of the student, the future engineer or scientist: Simple sizing calculations are required to master today's numerical approach for solving complex practical problems.
Nanometer-scale Defect Detection Using Polarized Light
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Philippe Pougnet, Pierre-Richard Dahoo
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Août 2016
- 9781119329688
This book describes the methods used to detect material defects at the nanoscale. The authors present different theories, polarization states and interactions of light with matter, in particular optical techniques using polarized light. Combining experimental techniques of polarized light analysis with techniques based on theoretical or statistical models to study faults or buried interfaces of mechatronic systems, the authors define the range of validity of measurements of carbon nanotube properties. The combination of theory and pratical methods presented throughout this book provide the reader with an insight into the current understanding of physicochemical processes affecting the properties of materials at the nanoscale.
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that they developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied to biomechanical studies.
Stochastic Dynamics of Structures
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 22 Novembre 2016
- 9781119377658
This book is dedicated to the general study of the dynamics of mechanical structures with consideration of uncertainties. The goal is to get the appropriate forms of a part in minimizing a given criterion. In all fields of structural mechanics, the impact of good design of a room is very important to its strength, its life and its use in service. The development of the engineer's art requires considerable effort to constantly improve structural design techniques.
Numerical Methods for Reliability and Safety Assessment
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Seifedine Kadry
- Springer
- 30 Septembre 2014
- 9783319071671
This book offers unique insight on structural safety and reliability by combining computational methods that address multiphysics problems, involving multiple equations describing different physical phenomena and multiscale problems, involving discrete sub-problems that together describe important aspects of a system at multiple scales. The book examines a range of engineering domains and problems using dynamic analysis, nonlinear methods, error estimation, finite element analysis and other computational techniques.This book also:· Introduces novel numerical methods · Illustrates new practical applications · Examines recent engineering applications · Presents up-to-date theoretical results · Offers perspective relevant to a wide audience, including teaching faculty/graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers.
Movement Equations 5
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Georges Venizelos
- Wiley-ISTE
- 5 Décembre 2019
- 9781119681038
The final volume in the Non-deformable Solid Mechanics set, Movement Equations 5 deals with the dynamics of sets of solids. This volume provides the appropriate mathematical tools (torsor calculus and matrix calculus) to obtain and solve the equations of motion for a chain of solids. These equations are then used to acquire the information necessary for the design of mechanical systems. Also examined are the vibratory behavior of continuous (deformable) systems, rigid and deformable solids, and sets of several solids. The book concludes with a study of the response of an excited system as a function of the excitation frequency. Accompanied by detailed examples, this book is aimed primarily at students, but would also serve as a valuable support for working engineers and teacher-researchers.
Movement Equations 5
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Georges VÉ, NizÉ, Los
- Wiley-ISTE
- 3 Décembre 2019
- 9781119681014
The final volume in the Non-deformable Solid Mechanics set, Movement Equations 5 deals with the dynamics of sets of solids. This volume provides the appropriate mathematical tools (torsor calculus and matrix calculus) to obtain and solve the equations of motion for a chain of solids. These equations are then used to acquire the information necessary for the design of mechanical systems. Also examined are the vibratory behavior of continuous (deformable) systems, rigid and deformable solids, and sets of several solids. The book concludes with a study of the response of an excited system as a function of the excitation frequency. Accompanied by detailed examples, this book is aimed primarily at students, but would also serve as a valuable support for working engineers and teacher-researchers.
Optimizations and Programming
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Bouchaib Radi
- Wiley-ISTE
- 27 Avril 2021
- 9781119818267
This book is a general presentation of complex systems, examined from the point of view of management. There is no standard formula to govern such systems, nor to effectively understand and respond to them. The interdisciplinary theory of self-organization is teeming with examples of living systems that can reorganize at a higher level of complexity when confronted with an external challenge of a certain magnitude. Modern businesses, considered as complex systems, ideally know how to flexibly and resiliently adapt to their environment, and also how to prepare for change via self-organization. Understanding sources of potential crisis is essential for leaders, though not all crises are necessarily bad news, as creative firms know how to respond to challenges through innovation: new products and markets, organizational learning for collective intelligence, and more.
Applications and Metrology at Nanometer-Scale 2
Abdelkhalak El Hami, Philippe Pougnet, Pierre-Richard Dahoo
- Wiley-ISTE
- 14 Avril 2021
- 9781119818977
Nanoscience, nanotechnologies and the laws of quantum physics are sources of disruptive innovation that open up new fields of application. Quantum engineering enables the development of very sensitive materials, sensor measurement systems and computers. Quantum computing, which is based on two-level systems, makes it possible to manufacture computers with high computational power. This book provides essential knowledge and culminates with an industrial application of quantum engineering and nanotechnologies. It presents optical systems for measuring at the nanoscale, as well as quantum physics models that describe how a two-state system interacts with its environment. The concept of spin and its derivation from the Dirac equation is also explored, while theoretical foundations and example applications aid in understanding how a quantum gate works. Application of the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) method of mechanical structures is implemented, in order to ensure reliability of estimates from the measurement of mechanical properties of carbon nanotube structures. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master?s students.
Heat is a branch of thermodynamics that occupies a unique position due to its involvement in the field of practice. Being linked to the management, transport and exchange of energy in thermal form, it impacts all aspects of human life and activity. Heat transfers are, by nature, classified as conduction, convection (which inserts conduction into fluid mechanics) and radiation. The importance of these three transfer methods has resulted ? justifiably ? in a separate volume being afforded to each of them. This second volume is dedicated to radiation. After recalling photometry, the calculation of luminance is addressed using the theory of the black body and associated laws: Stefan, Wien. The reciprocal radiation of two surfaces in total influence is discussed extensively, and the case of finished surfaces is also considered. Heat Transfer 2 combines a basic approach with a deeper understanding of the discipline and will therefore appeal to a wide audience, from technician to engineer, from doctoral student to teacher-researcher.