Allison B
Enfermée dans la solitude depuis la disparition de mes parents, je tente d'effacer les souvenirs atroces de ce macabre assassinat. J'ai grandi dans la foi. J'ai trouvé un certain apaisement dans la religion chrétienne. Pratiquante assidue, je me rends quotidiennement à l'église de mon quartier. C'est dans ce lieu sacré que j'ai rencontré un homme aussi mystérieux qu'intrigant. Ma famille était étroitement liée à un puissant cartel. Il m'est impossible d'échapper à mon passé, mon destin est désormais scellé...
Ils m'ont brisé en ôtant la vie de celle que j'aimais.
J'ai accepté cette mission dans le but de me rapprocher de mon ennemi. Je veux détruire leur existence comme ils l'ont fait avec la mienne.
Elle n'était qu'un numéro de dossier, désormais, je donnerais ma vie pour elle... -
Grande blonde à forte poitrine, Alice est le stéréotype de la femme parfaite. Pourtant, elle cache une blessure profonde depuis son enfance. Lors d'une soirée, elle va rencontrer Théo, membre des King Of Bikers. Très vite, ils instaurent une relation purement sexuelle qui semble leur convenir à tous les deux. Mais peu de temps après leur idylle, Théo et Alice doivent se séparer contre leur gré. Alice se retrouve désormais seule et elle enchaîne les mauvais choix. Elle va blesser beaucoup de monde sur son passage pour tenter de retrouver le bonheur.
Depuis six ans, Hannah a délaissé sa ville natale afin de refaire sa vie loin de la criminalité, de la violence et de tout ce qui appartient de près ou de loin aux gangs.
Elle a tout pour être heureuse : un travail parfait, un petit ami aimant... Une vie harmonieuse bien rangée.
Jusqu'au jour où elle apprend que son père est gravement malade, Hannah se voit dans l'obligation de revenir là où ses souvenirs sont enterrés depuis tant d'années. Accompagnée de son petit- ami avec qui elle partage sa vie, Hannah va devoir s'habituer à ce que son passé revienne à la surface, surtout quand elle se retrouve nez-à-nez avec Devon, l'homme qu'elle a autrefois aimé et qui est devenu vice-président de son gang. Hannah et Devon ne vont pas avoir d'autres choix que de se cotoyer chaque jour et malgré la fusion qui existe toujours entre eux, elle n'a pas le droit de laisser libre court a ses pulsions. Pas question que ce criminel fasse de nouveau parti de sa vie, mais elle va découvrir que les apparences sont parfois trompeuses...
Et si le méchant n'était pas celui qu'elle croyait ?
Serait-elle prête à prendre le risque de tout perdre ? -
Après plusieurs échecs, tant au niveau sentimental, qu'au sein du club, Porter est au plus mal. Il décide d'effectuer un road trip à travers les états pour rejoindre son pays natal : le Canada. Là-bas, il y a laissé tous ses plus beaux souvenirs, notamment ses débuts dans le club des MC Devil's, et son premier amour, Sage. Alors qu'il l'imaginait mariée à un membre du club, Porter était loin de se douter de l'enfer qu'est devenue sa vie. Son tempérament de feu, lui, n'a pas changé, mais Porter est déterminé à percer la carapace de celle qu'il a aimée et à découvrir comment elle en est arrivée là.
Alors que les Koroks célèbrent leur défunt chef, les ennemis de la tribu se rapprochent.
Perdre un être cher est une épreuve difficile, malheureusement pour Cheyenne cela ne sera que le début d'un long combat.
Les cauchemars qu'elle faisait enfant réapparaissent, ils la terrifient autant que les évènements étranges qui se succèdent depuis la mort de son grand-père. Seulement, dans sa famille, le passé semble aussi tabou que la magie noire.
Si au départ la jeune fille cherchait simplement des réponses, c'est en pleine guerre qu'elle devra partir en quête de la vérité.
Entre rites, légendes et magie, découvrez l'histoire de Cheyenne dont le destin lui a été arraché et volé. -
Auditory Development and Plasticity
Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay, Karina S. Cramer, Allison B. Coffin
- Springer
- 14 Octobre 2017
- 9783319215303
This volume presents a set of essays that discuss the development and plasticity of the vertebrate auditory system. The topic is one that has been considered before in the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research (volume 9 in 1998, and volume 23 in 2004) but the field has grown substantially and it is appropriate to bring previous material up to date to reflect the wealth of new data and to raise some entirely new topics. At the same time, this volume is also unique in that it is the outgrowth of a symposium honoring two-time SHAR co-editor Professor Edwin W Rubel on his retirement. The focus of this volume, though, is an integrated set of papers that reflect the immense contributions that Dr. Rubel has made to the field over his career. Thus, the volume concurrently presents a topic that is timely for SHAR, but which also honors the pioneer in the field. Each chapter explores development with consideration of plasticity and how it becomes limited over time. The editors have selected authors with professional, and often personal, connections to Dr. Rubel, though all are, in their own rights, outstanding scholars and leaders in their fields. The specific audience will be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and established psychologists and neuroscientists who are interested in auditory function, development, and plasticity. This volume will also be of interest to hearing scientists and to the broad neuroscience community because many of the ideas and principles associate with the auditory system are applicable to most sensory systems. The volume is organized to appeal to psychophysicists, neurophysiologists, anatomists, and systems neuroscientists who attend meetings such as those held by the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, the Acoustical Society of America, and the Society for Neuroscience.
Incarnating Feelings, Constructing Communities
Ana Maria Forero Angel, Catalina Gonzalez Quintero, Allison B. Wolf
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 12 Novembre 2020
- 9783030571115
Attempting to connect the academic discussion around the anthropology and philosophy of the emotions to real-life, everyday experiences, this collection brings together concrete cases and situations arising from specific social and political contexts throughout the Americas. In particular, the authors explore how emotions are generated, constructed, discovered, manipulated, and experienced throughout the Americas by exploring undertheorized topics ranging from investigating the emotional lives of prisoners in Colombia and Brazil who have committed "crimes of passion," to Colombian soldiers' experiences of core "emotional events," to the role of emotions in immigration policy in the United States, to how emotions affect educators' abilities to teach certain material. Taken as a whole, this innovative, interdisciplinary, collection of original essays is not merely comparative, but rather seeks to bring voices and methodologies from North and South America into conversation to generateinnovative analyses and ways to reflect about emotions in response to violence, state policies, and educational systems.
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution , Volume 3
Shuman Xia, Allison Beese, Ryan B. Berke
- Springer
- 26 Mars 2021
- 9783030609597
?Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the 2020 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the third volume of seven from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including:Novel Experimental MethodsExtreme EnvironmentsInterfacial FractureIntegration of Models & ExperimentsMechanics of Energy & Energetic MaterialsIntegration of Models & ExperimentsIn Situ Techniques for Fatigue & FractureMicroscale & Microstructural Effects on Mechanical Behavior
Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 3
Vijay Chalivendra, Ryan B. Berke, Allison M Beese
- Springer
- 1 Janvier 2022
- 9783030867416
Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the 2021 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the third volume of four from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including:Recycled Constituent Composites
Damage Detection
Advanced Imaging of Composites
Multifunctional Materials
Composite Interfaces
Tunable Composites
Novel Experimental Methods
Extreme Environments
Interfacial Fracture
Integration of Models & Experiments
Mechanics of Energy & Energetic Materials
Integration of Models & Experiments
In Situ Techniques for Fatigue & Fracture
Microscale & Microstructural Effects on Mechanical Behavior -
Traversez l' Amérique en moto et découvrez les aventures de Devon, Théo et Porter à travers cet intégral qui regroupe les 4 tomes de la série.
A History of Discoveries on Hearing
Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay, Allison B. Coffin, Darlene R. Ketten
- Springer
- 19 Décembre 2023
- 9783031413209
This volume focuses on the history of research on hearing from comparative approaches. Each chapters examines the most formative studies that led to current understanding of hearing across taxa and still influence hearing research in general. Much of the early work on hearing, which goes back to Aristotle, as well as the classic work of 16th to early 20th century scientists (e.g., Spellanzani, Retzius, Ramón y Cajal, and Helmholtz) is not well known to modern investigators. Similarly, work in the first 75 years of the 20th century is also unknown or, in some cases, dismissed because it is "old."
Much of the earlier work describes research approaches and results fundamental to our understanding of hearing as well as the beauty of observation and synthesis. The pioneering work on hearing contains ideas and questions that are still germane today. Thus, the goal of this volume isto introduce, review, and put into perspective, older but exemplary, extraordinary studies by investigators that form the basis of our knowledge as well as questions being asked today.
Each chapter includes the first significant observations and approaches to hearing in the taxa and/or hearing type that is the focus of the chapter with some of the most important earlier papers discussed in some detail, including the theories, formative experiments, results, and conclusions. Each chapter provides briefer notations and citations of additional important papers that are outgrowths of the founding research - or correlate and even reverse the original works.
This volume is a departure from the classic approach established for the SHAR books in which the focus has been on a single topic, and on the most recent and exciting discoveries. One difference in this volume from past SHAR volumes is that we have a more coordinated approach for the chapters to ensure that this volume is, indeed, a documentation of hearing research history, not a review of the latest status of the topic. A second difference is that the focus of the volume is on the historical value of studies. In that sense, the volume maintains the tutorial value for which SHAR books are famous, but it explores the ancestry of modern research in order to help new researchers to gain perspective on important questions and on fundamental information they may not fully appreciate - to their loss.
Our interest in doing this volume comes from phenomena familiar to most senior investigators - that younger investigators often have little or no sense of the history of their discipline, and they often do not know that their "hot" new idea was not only pursued, and often solved, but further that it was solved in an elegant way. We believe it is important to bring the methodologies and discoveries on hearing done before the advent of the internet to light, for the benefit and growth of new research.
In deciding on the chapter divisions for this book, we considered a number of different organizational schemes, and particularly using as a focus methodological approaches (e.g., psychoacoustics, low to high frequency types, physiology, anatomy). However, we came to the conclusion that most investigators tend to be more focused on working within a particular taxonomic group, settling on particular taxa, in many cases driven by the special hearing abilities. We also concluded that that this approach is more naturally related to the evolution not only of hearing, but also to the evolution of ideas, as much of hearing science was part of the "natural philosopher" approach that was a core element of historical discoveries.