- Springer VS (10)
- Librairie Droz (9)
- Wiley-Blackwell (5)
- Wiley (4)
- American Geophysical Union (2)
- Editions Humanis (2)
- Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal (2)
- Presses universitaires de Liège (2)
- Springer (2)
- Wiley-ISTE (2)
- AZ éditions (1)
- Andrii Ponomarenko (1)
- Atramenta (1)
- Bayard Canada Livres (1)
- Casterman (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Département des littératures de l´Université Laval (1)
- Editions Boréal (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Petit Véhicule) (1)
- Gabler Verlag (1)
- Guy Saint-Jean Editeur (1)
- Les Éditions Histoire Québec (1)
- P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales (1)
- PUF (1)
- Palgrave Macmillan (1)
- Presses de la Renaissance (1)
- Presses universitaires de Bordeaux (1)
56 produits trouvés
Valeur et vérité ; études cyniques
Comte-Sponville Andr
- Perspectives critiques
- 8 Juillet 2014
- 9782130639107
Comment penser le rapport entre la valeur et la vérité ?Si la valeur est vraie, comment échapper à la religion ? Si elle ne l'est pas, comme échapper au nihilisme ? Si la vérité commande, comment échapper au dogmatisme ? Si elle obéit, comment échapper à la sophistique ? Il s'agit ici - à la suite de Diogène et Machiavel, mais aussi de Montaigne, Pascal ou Spinoza - de trouver une autre voie. Le cynique, en ce sens philosophique, c'est celui qui disjoint les ordres : il ne se fait d'illusions ni sur la vérité (qui est sans valeur intrinsèque) ni sur la valeur (qui est sans vérité objective) : mais il ne renonce pourtant ni à l'une ni à l'autre. La vérité ne vaut que pour qui l'aime ; la valeur n'est vraie que pour autant qu'on s'y soumet. C'est où se croient la connaissance et le désir : c'est où l'amour rencontre, parfois, la vérité qui le contient. De là une morale, et davantage. Les cyniques, disait Montaigne, donnent " extrême prix à la vertu " : le cynisme est une philosophie sans foi ni loi, mais non sans fidélité ni courage.
Imaginaire de jamaica kincaid variations autour d'une ile caraibe
Kekeh Dika Andr
- Presses universitaires de Bordeaux
- 27 Juin 2023
- 9791030010084
Jamaica Kincaid est l'une des voix remarquables de la petite île d'Antigua. Installée aux États-Unis depuis une quarantaine d'années, elle est l'auteur d'une oeuvre protéiforme et originale (romans, nouvelles, essais, chroniques, récits de voyage, ouvrages sur le jardin). Sa production s'inscrit dans l'entre-deux d'un espace littéraire caribéen et d'un imaginaire « mondial ». L'imaginaire de Jamaica Kincaid souhaite éclairer son oeuvre singulière et montrer ce qui, dans son écriture, résiste aux étiquettes trop facilement assignées (récits autobiographiques, Bildungsroman). On a ici choisi de suivre les chemins de traverse et de prêter attention à ce que disent les voix insistantes, faussement insignifiantes, des textes inclassables de Jamaica Kincaid. Par le biais de la notion de reprise et de motifs ordinaires (la marche, le travail de la main, le jardinage, le tricot, l'objet), L'imaginaire de Jamaica Kincaid aborde les discrètes façons dont l'oeuvre figure les tiraillements du soi, la difficulté du rapport au monde, à la famille, à l'histoire et au verbe. L' oeuvre fait voir le chemin des petites choses, les tracés autres que ceux de la ligne droite (zigzag, diagonales, lignes brisées, courbes) faisant ainsi surgir un fond commun de motifs qui met l'espace de l'oeuvre en résonance critique avec un imaginaire caribéen et mondial.
Histoire Québec. Vol. 20 No. 2, 2014
Marie-France Poulin, Pierre Cecil, Luc Cordeau, Serge Cholette, Jean-Pierre Raymond, Anne-Marie Charuest, Charles Andr
- Les Éditions Histoire Québec
- Histoire Québec
- 20 Novembre 2014
- 9782895861065
En complément au colloque automnal de la Fédération Histoire Québec, la revue présente un dossier thématique portant sur la Première Guerre mondiale et les traces qu'elle a laissé au Québec. De la base de Valcartier, qui fête son centenaire cette année, à la contribution du lieutenant-colonel de Lanaudière et de la crête de Vimy jusqu'à Vladivostok en Sibérie, les régiments québécois se sont distingués. La revue met aussi à l'honneur des destins individuels comme celui du médecin militaire et héros de guerre Albéric Marin. Hors dossier, un article soulignant les 250 ans du premier journal de la province, le Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, ainsi qu'une analyse économique du secteur du cuir dans le second versant du XIXe siècle, entre autres.
Seismoelectric Exploration
AndrÉ, Revil, Niels Grobbe, Zhenya Zhu, Evert Slob
- American Geophysical Union
- 14 Octobre 2020
- 9781119127390
Seismoelectric coupling and its current and?potential future applications The seismoelectric method-the naturally-occurring?coupling of seismic waves to electromagnetic fields-can provide insight into important properties of porous media. With a variety of potential environmental and engineering uses, as well as larger scale applications such as earthquake detection and oil and gas exploration, it offers a number of advantages over conventional geoEdit HTML Sourcephysical methods. Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications explores the coupling between poroelastic and electromagnetic disturbances, discussing laboratory experiments, numerical?modeling techniques, recent theoretical developments, and field studies.? Volume highlights include: Physics of the seismoelectric effect at the microscale Governing equations describing coupled seismo-electromagnetic fields Examples of successful seismoelectric field experiments in different geological settings Current and potential applications of seismoelectric coupling Noise removal techniques for seismoelectric field measurements The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
Systems Biology and Livestock Science
Marinus Te Pas, Henri Woelders, AndrÉ, Bannink
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Septembre 2011
- 9780470962961
Systems Biology is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of life made possible through the explosion of molecular data made available through the genome revolution and the simultaneous development of computational technologies that allow us to interpret these large data sets. Systems Biology has changed the way biological science views and studies life and has been implemented in research efforts across the biological sciences. Systems Biology and Livestock Science will be the first book to review the latest advances using this research methodology in efforts to improve the efficiency, health, and quality of livestock production. Systems Biology and Livestock Science opens with useful introductory chapters explaining key systems biology principles. The chapters then progress to look at specific advances in fields across livestock science. Coverage includes, but is not limited to, chapters on systems biology approaches to animal nutrition, reproduction, health and disease, and animal physiology. Written by leading researchers in the field, Systems Biology and Livestock Science, will be an invaluable resource to researchers, professionals, and advance students working in this rapidly developing discipline.
Pediatric Psycho-oncology
Shulamith Kreitler, Myriam Weyl Ben-Arush, AndrÉ, S Martin
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 2 Juillet 2012
- 9781118307809
Like the ground-breaking first edition, Pediatric Psycho-oncology, Second edition puts the child at the centre of medical and psychological care. It broadens the focus beyond treatment and cure to consider the quality of life of the child and their family. Written by an international group of pediatric oncologists and psychologists/psycho-oncologists brought together by an expert editorial team, it focuses on the real-life practical aspects of children undergoing treatment for cancer. This edition has been restructured and opens with a major section on Active treatment, which includes chapters addressing quality of life, pain, psychosocial aspects of treatment and interventions, art therapy and different fantasy-based techniques, palliative care, communication and education, as well as a new chapter on psychopharmacology. Shorter sections then discuss survivorship and care of the dying child, including a new chapter on bereavement. The final section comprises new chapters on ethical considerations and on addressing the emotional needs of children whose parents have cancer, as well as a case study on international collaboration. An appendix provides a comprehensive overview of tools for evaluation and assessment in pediatric psychooncology. This book is a highly practical resource that will be invaluable for all health care professionals looking after children and adolescents with cancer.
A Companion to Early Cinema
AndrÉ, Gaudreault, Nicolas Dulac, Santiago Hidalgo
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 17 Juillet 2012
- 9781118293874
A COMPANION TO EARLY CINEMA "This collection of essays by early cinema scholars from Europe and North America offers manifold perspectives on early cinema fiction which perfectly reflect the state of international research." - Martin Loiperdinger, Universitaet Trier "A fabulous selection of first-rate articles!" - Rick Altman, University of Iowa "One of the most challenging books in recent film studies: in it, early cinema is both a historical object and a contemporary presence. As in a great novel, we can retrace the adventures of the past - the films, styles, discourses, and receptions that made cinema the breakthrough reality it was in its first decades. But we can also come to appreciate how much of this reality is still present in our digital world." - Francesco Casetti, Yale University A Companion to Early Cinema is an authoritative reference on the field of early cinema. Its 30 peer-reviewed chapters offer cutting-edge research and original perspectives on the major concerns in early cinema studies, and take an ambitious look at ideas and themes that will lead discussions about early cinema into the future. Including work by both established and up-and-coming scholars in early cinema, film theory, and film history, this will be the definitive volume on early cinema history for years to come and a must-have reference for all those working in the field.
L'Image : communication fonctionnelle
Lisabeth Rohmer, Abraham Andr Moles
- Casterman (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Synthèses contemporaines
- 16 Juin 2016
- 9782403010862
La « communication par l'image » est devenue l'un des thèmes essentiels de notre culture. Dans notre monde pressé et encombré, les images font passer - quasi instantanément - des impressions, des messages, des valeurs. Elles viennent tantôt au secours, tantôt en concours d'un texte, plus précis, plus froid, plus lent. C'est pourquoi l'image est maintenant étudiée, en soi, dans toutes les écoles d'arts, de communication, de journalisme et de publicité.
Cet ouvrage propose, à travers une série d'études faites par l'auteur à l'Institut de psychologie des communications de Strasbourg, une attitude fonctionnelle vis-à-vis de l'image : à quoi peut-elle servir, quelle est sa structure, comment doit-on en faire usage dans l'illustration des textes, la compréhension d'un processus par un schéma, la création des schémas utilitaires, la découverte des phénomènes sociaux par la photographie, la reconstruction perceptive que nous faisons du monde extérieur par l'« image » sonore ou visuelle ? Tels sont les thèmes principaux que présente ce livre, très largement illustré, pour étudier des modes d'emploi de l'image dans des domaines divers. -
Études littéraires, volume 42, numéro 2, été 2011
Bruno Clément, Eric Méchoulan, Rémy Gagnon, Nathalie Watteyne, Sophie Létourneau, Benoit Castelnerac, Andr Duhamel
- Département des littératures de l´Université Laval
- 13 Octobre 2016
- 9782920949461
L'histoire est connue : tout commence quelque part en Grèce antique, alors que logos et mythos se confondaient en une seule voix dans la parole sacrée (hieros), jusqu'à ce qu'au siècle de Platon, une méfiance philosophique provoque la séparation entre les légendes fabuleuses et la recherche de la sagesse. La philosophie n'a peut-être d'autre origine que cette méfiance à l'égard du mythos, méfiance fascinée cependant, qui maintient à distance en même temps qu'elle semble répondre sans cesse au chant des sirènes narratives, attachée au mat de la raison.
Cependant, la narrativité, comme l'a montré Paul Ricoeur à maintes occasions, notamment à propos de l'histoire, cette autre discipline soupçonneuse, ne se limite pas au simple fait de raconter de la fiction. Il y a de la narrativité jusqu'à la limite de la pure syntaxe, pourrait-on dire. À partir du moment où les mots sont arrangés de façon à représenter un monde, parler de ce monde ne peut aller sans le présenter d'une certaine manière, sans lui donner une cohérence quelconque, c'est-à-dire en somme sans le raconter, ce dont ne se prive pas bien sûr la philosophie, ni l'histoire d'ailleurs, comme le soulignent heureusement depuis quelques décennies de nombreux historiens et non des moindres, que l'on pense à Michel de Certeau. La racine du fait narratif est ainsi enfouie beaucoup plus creux que ne le laissent croire les récits philosophiques d'affranchissement du narratif (dont il faudrait dresser un inventaire exhaustif, si la chose était possible). Mais affirmer cela, c'est du même coup prendre en compte l'inverse, à savoir que la racine philosophique est elle aussi très profondément enfoncée dans le terreau narratif et que le récit ne fait pas que raconter, il fait mieux : il pense en racontant. Ce dossier voudrait donc, à partir de quelques exemples, montrer ce double jeu de la pensée et du récit en examinant à l'oeuvre la pensée se racontant ou le récit pris en flagrant délit philosophique. -
Asile au pays des merveilles
Velyne Andr-Guidici, Kharma Legal, Skull Sisters
- Editions Humanis
- 21 Juillet 2018
- 9791021903265
Doit-on accepter de n'être qu'un charmant sourire qui fait disparaître la femme que l'on est ? Faut-il courir après le temps comme un lapin pris en chasse ? Est-on maître ou esclave des coeurs que nous voulons cueillir sur notre ordinateur ?
Dans cet asile peuplé des personnages inspirés de Lewis Caroll, si l'on reste bloqué à l'heure du thé, c'est pour éviter de regarder le journal télévisé. Il n'est pas sûr que les fous soient ceux que l'on croit !
Découvrez le texte de cette comédie musicale déjantée, représentée en Nouvelle-Calédonie par la troupe KL en septembre 2018. -
Small Unmanned Fixed-wing Aircraft Design
Andrew J. Keane, James P. Scanlan, AndrÁ, S SÓ, Bester
- Wiley
- 29 Août 2017
- 9781119406327
Small Unmanned Fixed-wing Aircraft Design is the essential guide to designing, building and testing fixed wing UAVs (or drones). It deals with aircraft from two to 150 kg in weight and is based on the first-hand experiences of the world renowned UAV team at the UK's University of Southampton. The book covers both the practical aspects of designing, manufacturing and flight testing and outlines and the essential calculations needed to underpin successful designs. It describes the entire process of UAV design from requirements definition to configuration layout and sizing, through preliminary design and analysis using simple panel codes and spreadsheets to full CFD and FEA models and on to detailed design with parametric CAD tools. Its focus is on modest cost approaches that draw heavily on the latest digital design and manufacturing methods, including a strong emphasis on utilizing off-the-shelf components, low cost analysis, automated geometry modelling and 3D printing. It deliberately avoids a deep theoretical coverage of aerodynamics or structural mechanics; rather it provides a design team with sufficient insights and guidance to get the essentials undertaken more pragmatically. The book contains many all-colour illustrations of the dozens of aircraft built by the authors and their students over the last ten years giving much detailed information on what works best. It is predominantly aimed at under-graduate and MSc level student design and build projects, but will be of interest to anyone engaged in the practical problems of getting quite complex unmanned aircraft flying. It should also appeal to the more sophisticated aero-modeller and those engaged on research based around fixed wing UAVs.
The Seismoelectric Method
AndrÉ, Revil, Abderrahim Jardani, Paul Sava, Allan Haas
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 12 Mars 2015
- 9781118660287
The seismoelectric method consists of measuring electromagnetic signals associated with the propagation of seismic waves or seismic sources in porous media. This method is useful in an increasing number of applications, for example to characterize aquifers, contaminant plumes or the vadose zone. This book provides the first full overview of the fundamental concepts of this method. It begins with a historical perspective, provides a full explanation of the fundamental mechanisms, laboratory investigations, and the formulation of the forward and inverse problems. It provides a recent extension of the theory to two-phase flow conditions, and a new approach called seismoelectric beamforming. It concludes with a chapter presenting a perspective on the method.
This book is a key reference for academic researchers in geophysics, environmental geosciences, geohydrology, environmental engineering and geotechnical engineering. It will also be valuable reading for graduate courses dealing with seismic wave propagation and related electromagnetic effects. -
This book argues for a prospective turn in ergonomics to challenge the established fields of strategic design (SD) and management. Its multi-disciplinary outlook builds upon concepts derived from Management, Innovation and Design Science. Differences, similarities and relationships between strategic design and prospective ergonomics are reviewed using existing theories and frameworks from design, ergonomics, and strategic and innovation management. To complement the theory, 12 cases have been analyzed in greater depth according to 4 main dimensions of analysis. Outcomes have shown that innovating through the Prospective Ergonomics (PE) approach is about finding the right balance between, on the one hand, meeting primary objectives such as profit maximization or solving the design problem, and on the other, acknowledging that human activity is bounded by rationality. This means that humans have diverse motives.
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography
Dominique Penninck, Marc-AndrÉ, D''Anjou
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 3 Août 2015
- 9781118397329
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference for ultrasound techniques and findings in small animal practice, with more than 2000 high-quality sonograms and illustrations of normal structures and disorders. Provides a comprehensive collection of more than 2000 high-quality images, including both normal and abnormal ultrasound features, as well as relevant complementary imaging modalities and histopathological images Covers both common and uncommon disorders in small animal patients Offers new chapters on practical physical concepts and artifacts and abdominal contrast sonography Includes access to a companion website with over 140 annotated video loops of the most important pathologies covered in each section of the book
Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design
Hugh Magande, AndrÈ, Garcia Mcdonald
- Wiley
- 21 Août 2012
- 9781118403181
A fully comprehensive guide to thermal systems design covering fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer and thermodynamic power cycles Bridging the gap between the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics, and the practical design of thermo-fluids components and systems, this textbook focuses on the design of internal fluid flow systems, coiled heat exchangers and performance analysis of power plant systems. The topics are arranged so that each builds upon the previous chapter to convey to the reader that topics are not stand-alone items during the design process, and that they all must come together to produce a successful design. Because the complete design or modification of modern equipment and systems requires knowledge of current industry practices, the authors highlight the use of manufacturer's catalogs to select equipment, and practical examples are included throughout to give readers an exhaustive illustration of the fundamental aspects of the design process. Key Features: Demonstrates how industrial equipment and systems are designed, covering the underlying theory and practical application of thermo-fluid system design Practical rules-of-thumb are included in the text as `Practical Notes' to underline their importance in current practice and provide additional information Includes an instructor's manual hosted on the book's companion website
Aircraft Aerodynamic Design
Alexander I J Forrester, AndrÁ, S SÓ, Bester
- Wiley
- 23 Septembre 2014
- 9781118534717
Optimal aircraft design is impossible without a parametric representation of the geometry of the airframe. We need a mathematical model equipped with a set of controls, or design variables, which generates different candidate airframe shapes in response to changes in the values of these variables. This model's objectives are to be flexible and concise, and capable of yielding a wide range of shapes with a minimum number of design variables. Moreover, the process of converting these variables into aircraft geometries must be robust. Alas, flexibility, conciseness and robustness can seldom be achieved simultaneously. Aircraft Aerodynamic Design: Geometry and Optimization addresses this problem by navigating the subtle trade-offs between the competing objectives of geometry parameterization. It beginswith the fundamentals of geometry-centred aircraft design, followed by a review of the building blocks of computational geometries, the curve and surface formulations at the heart of aircraft geometry. The authors then cover a range of legacy formulations in the build-up towards a discussion of the most flexible shape models used in aerodynamic design (with a focus on lift generating surfaces). The book takes a practical approach and includes MATLAB®, Python and Rhinoceros® code, as well as `real-life' example case studies. Key features: Covers effective geometry parameterization within the context of design optimization Demonstrates how geometry parameterization is an important element of modern aircraft design Includes code and case studies which enable the reader to apply each theoretical concept either as an aid to understanding or as a building block of their own geometry model Accompanied by a website hosting codes Aircraft Aerodynamic Design: Geometry and Optimization is a practical guide for researchers and practitioners in the aerospace industry, and a reference for graduate and undergraduate students in aircraft design and multidisciplinary design optimization.
LTE-Advanced and Next Generation Wireless Networks
Guillaume De La Roche, AndrÉ, S AlayÓ, N-Glazunov, Ben Allen
- Wiley
- 17 Septembre 2012
- 9781118411001
LTE- A and Next Generation Wireless Networks: Channel Modeling and Performance describes recent advances in propagation and channel modeling necessary for simulating next generation wireless systems. Due to the radio spectrum scarcity, two fundamental changes are anticipated compared to the current status. Firstly, the strict reservation of a specific band for a unique standard could evolve toward a priority policy allowing the co-existence of secondary users in a band allocated to a primary system. Secondly, a huge increase of the number of cells is expected by combining outdoor base stations with smaller cells such as pico/femto cells and relays. This evolution is accompanied with the emergence of cognitive radio that becomes a reality in terminals together with the development of self-organization capabilities and distributed cooperative behaviors. The book is divided into three parts: Part I addresses the fundamentals (e.g. technologies, channel modeling principles etc.) Part II addresses propagation and modeling discussing topics such as indoor propagation, outdoor propagation, etc. Part III explores system performance and applications (e.g. MIMO Over-the-air testing, electromagnetic safety, etc).
Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
John P. Smol, H. John B. Birks, Andr F. Lotter, Steve Juggins
- Springer
- 6 Avril 2012
- 9789400727458
Numerical and statistical methods have rapidly become part of a palaeolimnologist's tool-kit. They are used to explore and summarise complex data, reconstruct past environmental variables from fossil assemblages, and test competing hypotheses about the causes of observed changes in lake biota through history. This book brings together a wide array of numerical and statistical techniques currently available for use in palaeolimnology and other branches of palaeoecology. ?Visit the Springer's Extras website to view data-sets, figures, software, and R scripts used or mentioned in this book.
Landscapes and Landforms of France
Monique Fort, Marie-Franoise Andr
- Springer
- 23 Août 2013
- 9789400770225
The Landforms and Landscapes of France provides an informative and attractive overview of the most scenic landscapes of France. The geodiversity of France is emphasized, for example the glacial landscapes of the Mont-Blanc Massif, the volcanoes of the French Massif Central, the chalk cliffs and sand dunes of the Atlantic coast, the granitic landscapes of Corsica or the lagoons and coral reefs of French Polynesia.
The objectives are to provide the reader with an enjoyable and informative description of the selected sites within their regional geographical and geological settings; to offer an up-to-date survey of the evolution of France's landscape; and to give additional information on the cultural value of the selected sites wherever appropriate (prehistoric paintings, legends related to sites, famous vineyards, etc.).
The book is a richly illustrated reference work that makes accessible for the first time a wealth of information currently scattered among many national and regional journals. It will be of benefit to earth scientists, environmental scientists, tourism geographers and conservationists -
Microfictions caldoniennes : 100 petits Cailloux
Velyne Andr-Guidici, Firmin Mussard, Roland Rossero, Frdrique Viole, Luc Deborde
- Editions Humanis
- 17 Juin 2019
- 9791021904026
À savourer debout ou assis, sur la plage, en voyage ou dans votre lit, voici un délicieux florilège de cent récits très courts, composé par cinq auteurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Ironiques, tendres, cruels, fantastiques, drôles ou acides, ils vous invitent à regarder autrement cette île que l'on dit « la plus proche du Paradis. » -
Études françaises. Volume 49, numéro 3, 2013
Martial Guédron, Valérie Stienon, Erika Wicky, Véronique Cnockaert, Thierry Laugée, Peggy Davis, Andr Schincariol
- Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal
- 19 Septembre 2019
- 9782760641471
Ayant su attirer dans le champ de l'empiriquement observable des phénomènes relevant du jugement subjectif et donner l'allure d'une science à une croyance populaire, la physiognomonie a connu le succès d'une science capable de produire un savoir social particulièrement précieux dans un contexte de bouleversement des hiérarchies socioculturelles. À ce titre, elle a profondément marqué l'histoire des représentations et influencé la production et les projets d'artistes, de penseurs et d'écrivains. L'élargissement du champ d'investigation de la physiognomonie, son réinvestissement dans des constructions politiques ou sociales ainsi que les transpositions disciplinaires et médiatiques dont elle a fait l'objet, ont contribué à en faire un objet d'étude polymorphe. Les contributions réunies dans ce numéro observent les différentes manifestations de la postérité connue au XIXe siècle par le modèle physiognomonique qui postulait l'équivalence entre l'intériorité d'un individu et ses caractéristiques observables.
Process Engineering Renewal 2
Jean-Claude AndrÉ, , É, Ric Schaer
- Wiley-ISTE
- 17 Juillet 2020
- 9781119751212
Process engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs ? sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment ? are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 2 focuses on research in process engineering, which is partly overshadowed by the sciences that contribute to its development. The external constraints of this interface science must be seen in relation to conservation, sustainable development, global warming, etc., which are linked to current success and the difficulty of taking risks in research.
Space Physics and Aeronomy, Magnetospheres in the Solar System
Hiroshi Hasegawa, Romain Maggiolo, Daniel T. Welling, Nicolas AndrÉ,
- American Geophysical Union
- 20 Avril 2021
- 9781119829980
An overview of current knowledge and future research directions in magnetospheric physics In the six decades since the term 'magnetosphere' was first introduced, much has been theorized and discovered about the magnetized space surrounding each of the bodies in our solar system. Each magnetosphere is unique yet behaves according to universal physical processes. Magnetospheres in the Solar System brings together contributions from experimentalists, theoreticians, and numerical modelers to present an overview of diverse magnetospheres, from the mini-magnetospheres of Mercury to the giant planetary magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Volume highlights include: Concise history of magnetospheres, basic principles, and equations Overview of the fundamental processes that govern magnetospheric physics Tools and techniques used to investigate magnetospheric processes Special focus on Earth's magnetosphere and its dynamics Coverage of planetary magnetic fields and magnetospheres throughout the solar system Identification of future research directions in magnetospheric physics The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief
Le soir du 26 mars 1998, Jean Charest, ancien ministre conservateur à Ottawa, annonçait qu'il rejoignait les rangs du Parti libéral du Québec : « Cette soirée me fait penser à la maison familiale. Lorsqu'on entre, on laisse à la porte nos autres préoccupations. On accroche nos manteaux, qu'ils soient bleus ou rouges. » La foule explosait. L'effet Charest.
Saut en avant. Le 10 mars dernier, à Calgary, Jean Charest, ancien premier ministre libéral à Québec, annonce qu'il sera candidat à la direction du parti conservateur canadien. « Je vais vous livrer un gouvernement », promet-il aux militants. Ce qui pourrait ressembler à une volte-face n'est pourtant qu'un retour aux sources, à la tradition familiale des Charest, celle des « bleus » de Sherbrooke, où son père était une figure en vue et avait toujours imaginé son fils premier ministre du Canada.
Qui est Jean Charest? Un libéral égaré chez les conservateurs? Un conservateur qui a trouvé son vrai destin chez les libéraux? Où est donc sa vraie maison? À Ottawa ou à Québec? Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, l'énigme Charest reste entière.
C'est cet homme si chaleureux que chacun voudrait avoir comme frère, mais qui est aussi un politicien dont chaque émotion, chaque geste est mis en scène et minuté. Ce formidable orateur qui prêche la modération, mais qui ne dédaigne pas la démagogie. Cet être fier et horriblement sûr de lui, également sympathique et généreux. Ce leader charismatique, mais solitaire et distant. Cet extraordinaire communicateur, mais qui n'est pas à l'abri d'un faux-pas. Ce chef hésitant, mais d'une détermination à toute épreuve.
Il est des livres qui ne vieillissent pas, et c'est le cas de L'Énigme Charest, qui est d'abord paru en 1998. Ce n'est pas une biographie, mais le récit de la venue au monde d'une bête politique de premier plan. André Pratte propose ici une étude fascinante des années de formation de Jean Charest, il nous entraîne au coeur des jeux de coulisses qui ont amené le jeune avocat de Sherbrooke à incarner tour à tour, et simultanément, les plus grands espoirs des libéraux québécois et des conservateurs canadiens.