Le russe pour les nuls
Andrew Kaufman
- Pour les nuls
- Guide de conversation pour les nuls
- 8 Décembre 2011
- 9782754038454
Le russe, c'est dans la poche !
Vous envisagez de voyager en Russie ? Vous avez besoin de connaître les rudiments de la langue pour tourisme ou pour affaire ? Vous aimeriez pouvoir déchiffrer les caractères cyrilliques sans peine pour vous repérer sur place ? Alors ce guide de conversation est fait pour vous.
Vous trouverez dans ce livre les bases grammaticales, le vocabulaire adapté à tout type de situations, les expressions clés et la transcription phonétique simplifiée du russe pour pouvoir vous exprimer et vous faire comprendre en un clin d'oeil. -
Il y a plus de deux cents superhéros à Toronto. Aucun n'a d'identité secrète et peu d'entre eux portent un costume. Ils sont parmi nous. Ils se nomment Super-Influenceuse, Super-Amphibien, Super-Infosolde... Plusieurs sont des amis de Tom, sauf que Tom, lui, n'est pas super. Pire, il est invisible aux yeux de sa douce, Super-Perfectionniste, depuis que le très jaloux Super-Hypno lui a jeté un sort. Sa mission: réussir à se faire voir par celle qu'il aime et qui prend l'avion pour refaire sa vie, loin de lui.
Tous mes amis sont des superhéros est accompagné d'illustrations de Pishier, alias Super-Dessinateur. À la fois imprévisible et irrésistible, cette variation moderne en rire majeur sur l'amour au XXIe siècle est l'objet d'un culte fervent depuis sa publication au début du millénaire. -
Rehabilitative Surgery
Andrew I. Elkwood, Matthew Kaufman, Lisa F. Schneider
- Springer
- 24 Avril 2017
- 9783319414065
This book represents the first interdisciplinary text on the emerging field of rehabilitative surgery, in which state of the art procedures from multiple surgical specialties are combined. It proposes a completely new framework for understanding, coordinating, and providing treatment for paralyzed or severely neurologically impaired patients and explains the potentially critical impact of surgery in creating a new baseline of functional status, thereby improving the patient's daily life. Every major aspect of reconstructive surgical treatment is considered, including anesthesia, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, general surgery, vascular surgery, and otolaryngology. The most up-to-date and evidence-based surgeries are clearly described and evaluated, with coverage of treatment of pressure sores, placement of feeding tubes, and upper extremity interventions to improve function and hygiene. Cutting-edge protocols are presented for the surgical treatment of severe nerve injuries, spinal cord injuries, and stroke or cerebrovascular accidents, and a first description and evaluation of phrenic nerve repair to assist weaning of paralyzed patients from ventilators is provided. Both surgical and nonsurgical readers will find this book to be an ideal guide and reference.
Russian For Dummies
Serafima Gettys, Nina Wieda, Andrew D. Kaufman
- For Dummies
- 31 Juillet 2006
- 9780470048559
Russian is spoken by nearly 450 million people, and demand for Russian-speakers is growing. This introductory course includes an audio CD with practice dialogues-just the ticket for readers who need basic Russian for business, school, or travel. Serafima Gettys, PhD (Newark, CA), is Coordinator of the Foreign Language Program at Lewis University.
Andrew Kaufman, PhD (Charlottesville, VA), is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. -
Russian For Dummies
Serafima Gettys, Andrew Kaufman, Nina Wieda
- For Dummies
- 23 Mai 2011
- 9781118052884
Russian is spoken by nearly 450 million people, and demand for Russian-speakers is growing. This introductory course includes an audio CD with practice dialogues-just the ticket for readers who need basic Russian for business, school, or travel. Serafima Gettys, PhD (Newark, CA), is Coordinator of the Foreign Language Program at Lewis University.
Andrew Kaufman, PhD (Charlottesville, VA), is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. -
Reise-Sprachführer Russisch für Dummies
Serafima Gettys, Nina Wieda, Andrew D. Kaufman
- Wiley-VCH
- 13 Juillet 2021
- 9783527834396
"Reise-Sprachführer Russisch für Dummies" bietet einen schnellen Überblick über die wichtigsten Wrter und Redewendungen für den Alltag. Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation: So haben Sie schnell die passenden Sätze parat, wenn Sie sich jemandem vorstellen, im Restaurant bestellen oder nach einer Wegbeschreibung fragen. Dazu bekommen Sie eine kurze Einführung in die Grammatik und Aussprache des Russischen.
"Russisch für Dummies" bietet einen leichten Einstieg in die russische Sprache. Los geht's mit einer Einführung in die Besonderheiten, in die Betonung und Grammatik. Dann wird es auch schon praktisch: Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation, durch die Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf Russisch vorstellen, etwas beschreiben, telefonieren oder ein Hotelzimmer reservieren. Dabei lernen Sie die wichtigsten Sätze, Umschreibungen und Begriffe, die Sie im Alltag bentigen, und erhalten nebenbei viele Informationen zu Alltag und Kultur in Russland. Am Ende jedes Kapitels gibt es eine kleine Übung, mit der Sie Ihre erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse prüfen knnen. Im Anhang des Buches finden Sie Verb-Tabellen und ein kleines Russisch-Deutsch-/Deutsch-Russisch-Wrterbuch. Auf der beiliegenden MP3-CD und als Download gibt es die Sprachübungen aus dem Buch zum Anhren und Nachsprechen.
Privyet! Explore the Russian language with this fantastic beginner's guide With over 260 million speakers around the world, Russian remains one of the most popular and marketable languages you can learn. And for those who have no idea where to begin, Russian For Dummies is the perfect first step! In this easy-to-understand resource for Russian language beginners, you'll discover basic grammar and common expressions you might use while shopping, dining out, traveling, or conducting business. You'll also find simplified and generalized conjugation rules and a streamlined approach to grammar based on how you actually understand the language, rather than technical rules and details. This book offers: Supplemental online resources so you can hear how native Russian speakers use the words you're trying to learn Guidance on identifying Cyrillic letters from the alphabet used by Russian speakers and writers Tons of useful exercise and practice opportunities you can take advantage of to sharpen your skills Perfect for any newcomer to the Russian language trying to pick up their first few phrases, Russian For Dummies is a fantastic first foray into conversational Russian that will have you ordering meals, going shopping, and navigating other day-to-day situations with ease. ?????! (That means good luck!)
Privyet! Explore the Russian language with this fantastic beginner's guide With over 260 million speakers around the world, Russian remains one of the most popular and marketable languages you can learn. And for those who have no idea where to begin, Russian For Dummies is the perfect first step! In this easy-to-understand resource for Russian language beginners, you'll discover basic grammar and common expressions you might use while shopping, dining out, traveling, or conducting business. You'll also find simplified and generalized conjugation rules and a streamlined approach to grammar based on how you actually understand the language, rather than technical rules and details. This book offers: Supplemental online resources so you can hear how native Russian speakers use the words you're trying to learn Guidance on identifying Cyrillic letters from the alphabet used by Russian speakers and writers Tons of useful exercise and practice opportunities you can take advantage of to sharpen your skills Perfect for any newcomer to the Russian language trying to pick up their first few phrases, Russian For Dummies is a fantastic first foray into conversational Russian that will have you ordering meals, going shopping, and navigating other day-to-day situations with ease. ?????! (That means good luck!)