Antonio D Alfonso
Quelles sont les raisons qui poussent un homme à compter le battement des phrases prononçant son corps ? Il devrait être en train de labourer les champs de terre. Il aurait pu, il aurait dû gagner sa vie à danser dans un cabaret. Là, au moins, il aurait servi à dévier l'épuisement des travailleurs. Mais non, le revoilà qui creuse les fibres du papier en espérant y entendre, comme un ethnologue, l'écho d'une existence antérieure. Mais l'homme est hors propos. L'uomo fuoriscopo. The irrelevant man. À ce qu'il semble, il était une fois un homme insignifiant qui a produit une longue page dont le titre est Un ami, un nuage. Les événements exposés de ces récits brossés personnifient traits, flèches, pointes, railleries. Que ne fera-t-on pas pour se détacher des dalles des manoirs de la poésie ?
Séquences. No. 288, Janvier-Février 2014
Elie Castiel, Luc Chapet, Carlo Mandolini, Maxime Labrecque, Francois D. Prud''Homme, Patricia Robin, Antonio Alfonso
- La revue Séquences Inc.
- Séquences
- 18 Février 2014
- 9782924354049
Séquences inaugure, à l'orée de sa 60e année, une édition désormais tout en couleurs. Élégante et digne façon de célébrer l'oeuvre de Federico Fellini, dont la vie et les films sont analysés et commentés dans un riche dossier de dix-huit pages. Un hommage à Michel Brault, disparu en septembre 2013, trouve aussi une place dans ce numéro. Plusieurs entrevues essaiment la section « Gros plan », dont celle avec Atom Egoyan pour son plus récent film Devil's Knot, un drame labyrinthique puissant présenté lors du dernier FNC. Puis, la jeune réalisatrice Rebecca Zlotowski nous parle de son deuxième opus Grand Central, tandis que Tahar Rahim, tête d'affiche du film avec Léa Seydoux, expose sa vision des personnages qu'il a incarné depuis sa révélation dans Un prophète (J. Audiard) en 2009.
Climate Finance as an Instrument to Promote the Green Growth in Developing Countries
Antonio A. Romano, Giuseppe Scandurra, Alfonso Carfora, Monica Ronghi
- Springer
- 7 Septembre 2017
- 9783319607115
This book analyses the effectiveness of climate finance as political instrument to reduce the effect of anthropogenic activities on climate change and promote the green growth in developing countries.The book highlights that close attention should also be paid to the analysis of political contexts in a broad sense. Particularly focusing on the international negotiations process that enables the direction of funds toward specific needs and priorities and the issue of access to electricity. For example, the difficulties that developing countries face when trying to improve their green economic development without access to carbon remains a matter of the utmost importance and urgency for many developing countries that lack significant aid from developed countries. This book will be of interest to a wide body of academics and practitioners in climate change and energy policies. Moreover, this project is a valid instrument for students in energy policies and climate programs.
Reset Control Systems addresses the analysis for reset control treating both its basic form, and some useful variations of the reset action and reset condition. The issues regarding reset control - concepts and motivation; analysis tools; and the application of design methodologies to real-world examples - are given thorough coverage.
The text opens with a historical perspective which moves from the seminal work of the Clegg integrator and Horowitz FORE to more recent approaches based on impulsive/hybrid control systems and explains the motivation for reset compensation. Preliminary material is also included. The focus then turns to stability analysis for systems using techniques which account for various time- and frequency-domain criteria. The final section of the book is centered on control systems design and application. The PI+CI compensator is detailed as are a proposed frequency domain approach using quantitative feedback theory and ideas for design improvement. Design examples are given. -
Domain-Specific Languages in Practice
Antonio Bucchiarone, Antonio Cicchetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Alfonso Pierantonio
- Springer
- 24 Juin 2021
- 9783030737580
This book covers several topics related to domain-specific language (DSL) engineering in general and how they can be handled by means of the JetBrains Meta Programming System (MPS), an open source language workbench developed by JetBrains over the last 15 years.
The book begins with an overview of the domain of language workbenches, which provides perspectives and motivations underpinning the creation of MPS. Moreover, technical details of the language underneath MPS together with the definition of the tool's main features are discussed. The remaining ten chapters are then organized in three parts, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the topic. Part I "MPS in Industrial Applications" deals with the challenges and inadequacies of general-purpose languages used in companies, as opposed to the reasons why DSLs are essential, together with their benefits and efficiency, and summarizes lessons learnt by using MPS. Part II about "MPS in Research Projects" covers the benefits of text-based languages, the design and development of gamification applications, and research fields with generally low expertise in language engineering. Eventually, Part III focuses on "Teaching and Learning with MPS" by discussing the organization of both commercial and academic courses on MPS.
MPS is used to implement languages for real-world use. Its distinguishing feature is projectional editing, which supports practically unlimited language extension and composition possibilities as well as a flexible mix of a wide range of textual, tabular, mathematical and graphical notations. The number and diversity of the presented use-cases demonstrate the strength and malleability of the DSLs defined using MPS. The selected contributions represent the current state of the art and practice in using JetBrains MPS to implement languages for real-world applications. -
Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability
Antonio J. Guevara Plaza, Alfonso Cerezo Medina, Enrique Navarro Jurado
- Springer
- 24 Juin 2024
- 9783031526077
This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.