C. Mary
42 produits trouvés
P.-S. : joyeux Noël
Cécile Chomin, Fanny Gayral, Amélie c. Astier, Fanny André, Angéline Michel, Mary Matthews, Georgia Caldera
- J'ai Lu
- Littérature féminine
- 4 Novembre 2020
- 9782290250945
Sept auteures, six nouvelles, un thème : Noël.
Filez vous mettre au chaud sous la couette ou au coin du feu, armez-vous de chaussettes en pilou et d'un thé aux épices fumant et, enfin, embarquez pour un voyage hivernal et littéraire, qui vous emmènera du Londres enneigé jusqu'à l'incontournable chalet montagnard...
Toute situation n'est-elle pas propice aux quiproquos et aux réjouissances en tout genre ? Et si Noël était justement l'occasion de s'évader pour se retrouver, d'envoyer valser pour mieux renouer, de se disputer pour se réconcilier ?
À travers nos six héroïnes, fortes et fragiles à la fois, douces et acerbes si on les pique, plongez au coeur de l'hiver pour découvrir ce qui les attend. Un romantique baiser sous le gui sera-t-il au rendez-vous ? Mystère... et boules de Noël !
Ce volume contient :
Sapins blancs et mouton noir, Fanny Gayral
Le Cercle des Pères Noël Disparus, Georgia Caldera
Du pain d'épices et des photos de famille, Fanny André
Qui veut remplacer le père Noël ?, Angéline Michel
Le réveillon des Émotifs Anonymes, Amélie C. Astier & Mary Matthews
De l'autre côté du miroir : mission, talons, flocons, Cécile Chomin -
Vite de l'air, vite du vert !
Sophie Jomain, Fanny Gayral, Lise Syven, Amélie c. Astier, Angélique Michel, Ena Fitzbel, Mary Matthews
- J'ai Lu
- Littérature féminine
- 16 Juin 2021
- 9782290258712
Sept femmes quittent leur ville et leur travail pour vivre une expérience tout autre : l'immersion en pleine nature. Coup de folie ou projet réfléchi ? Une chose est sûre : le destin a mis sur leur chemin cette maison de campagne à rénover, cette cabane au fond des bois, cette retraite chamanique ou ce village plein de charme. Si se ressourcer et se mettre au vert est l'objectif premier de certaines, c'est une épreuve peu réjouissante pour d'autres. Pourtant, malgré les contraintes physiques et les barrières psychologiques, chacune découvre un mode de vie plus simple et un bonheur à portée de main.
Sophie Jomain, Amélie C. Astier & Mary Matthews, Angéline Michel, Lise Syven, Ena Fitzbel et Fanny Gayral sont les sept auteures qui participent à cette anthologie. De la comédie romantique au feel good, chacune, dans son style, évoque le retour aux sources avec humour et romantisme. -
Lorsqu'on est footballeur professionnel, ce n'est pas évident de protéger sa vie privée, et encore moins d'assumer son homosexualité au grand jour.
Ça, Wade Perkins l'a bien compris. Capitaine de l'équipe de Manchester, il se fait passer pour un coureur de jupons depuis des années, et ça lui a bien servi - c'est un excellent joueur, et il a la cote auprès des supporters. L'impossibilité de vivre une vraie histoire d'amour ? Il fait avec. En tout cas, c'était ce qu'il croyait, avant l'arrivée dans son équipe de Nikki, une nouvelle recrue. Entre lui et Wade, c'est l'attraction immédiate, mais quel genre de relation les deux hommes pourront-ils nouer sans que cela ne détruise leur carrière et leur vie... ? -
Contrairement à ses habitudes de solitaire, Travis embarque dans son camion un auto-stoppeur, Mack. Mack est aussi différent de Travis qu'on peut l'être : solaire, beau comme un dieu, ouvertement homosexuel, terriblement désirable et attachant. Troublé malgré lui, Travis, qui ne veut que du sexe sans attaches, s'efforce de garder Mack à distance et de le traiter avec froideur. Car s'il passe sa vie sur la route, seul au volant de son camion, c'est qu'il cache un secret qui lui interdit le véritable amour. Mais la tension monte dans la cabine. Et la route est longue...
Après le succès de Hors Jeu, retrouvez Wade et Nikki dans un nouveau match en France, à l'occasion de l'Euro 2016 !
Cela fait deux ans que les footballeurs Wade Perkins et Nikki Jones ont fait leur coming out. Alors qu'ils sont au sommet de leur gloire en Angleterre, l'Euro 2016 débute en France. Wade est sélectionné, mais pas Nikki. Après un premier match de poule non concluant, l'excitation de participer à la compétition se dissipe pour le capitaine de l'équipe, et l'absence de son partenaire commence à trop lui peser. Nikki décide de se rendre plus tôt que prévu en France pour le soutenir. Plus que jamais ils devront s'appuyer l'un sur l'autre pour faire face au côté sombre de leur profession, et à la pression induite par une telle compétition. À l'échelle européenne, le public est exigeant et la différence ne plaît pas à tout le monde... -
A Guide to Systems Research
Mary C. Edson, Pamela Buckle Henning, Shankar Sankaran
- Springer
- 15 Décembre 2016
- 9789811002632
This guide is designed for systems researchers - emerging and seasoned - searching for holistic approaches of inquiry into complexity, which the Systems Sciences provide. The authors share insight into the foundations of research that are not only systematic in terms of rigor, but systemic in perspective, analysis, design, development, implementation, reporting, and evaluation. This guide also explores researcher competencies necessary to conduct sound systems research. Researchers using this guide will gain understanding of what distinguishes systems research from other types of research and why it is important in research today.
The Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics
Mary C. Rawlinson, Shannon Lundeen
- Springer
- 15 Juillet 2006
- 9781402044779
Few diseases have made more difference to our understanding of illness, the relation of the patient to the physician and other health care professionals, and the social context of disease than breast cancer. Breast cancer activism has provided a model of public policy advocacy for women, as well as for sufferers from other diseases, and even in causes unrelated to health. In many ways it has become emblematic of issues in women's health.
This volume offers a discursive analysis of breast cancer. From multiple perspectives-historical, philosophical, psychological, socio-political-these essays explore the competing narratives that have made breast cancer a contested site. It addresses debates about the autonomy of the patient in relation to the authority of the physician, as well as the importance of patient narratives in understanding disease. It analyzes the relation between the community and medical practice, particularly with regard to the effect of breast cancer activists and feminists on the medical understanding and treatment of breast cancer. And, it questions the intersection of medical science with political institutions and agencies of public policy in determining priorities of research and strategies of treatment. -
This book presents innovative strategies for sustainable, socially responsible enterprise management from leading thinkers in the fields of corporate citizenship, nonprofit management, social entrepreneurship, impact investing, community-based economic development and urban design. The book's integration of research and practitioner perspectives with focused best practice examples offers an in-depth, balanced analysis, providing new insights into the social issues that are most relevant to organizational stakeholders. This integrated focus on sustainable social innovation differentiates the book from academic research monographs on stakeholder theory and practitioner guides to managing traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.Managing for Social Impact features 15 contributed chapters written by thought leaders, industry analysts, and managers of global and local organizations who are engaged with innovative models of sustainable social impact. The editors also provide a substantive introductory chapter describing a new strategic framework for enhancing the Return on Social Innovation (ROSI) through four pillars of social change: Open Circles, Focused Purpose Sharing, Mutuality of Success, and a Persistent Change Perspective.
Impactful Times
James R. Asay, Lalit C. Chhabildas, R. Jeffery Lawrence, Mary Ann Sweeney
- Springer
- 2 Mai 2017
- 9783319333472
This book presents a history of shock compression science, including development of experimental, material modeling, and hydrodynamics code technologies over the past six decades at Sandia National Laboratories. The book is organized into a discussion of major accomplishments by decade with over 900 references, followed by a unique collection of 45 personal recollections detailing the trials, tribulations, and successes of building a world-class organization in the field. It explains some of the challenges researchers faced and the gratification they experienced when a discovery was made. Several visionary researchers made pioneering advances that integrated these three technologies into a cohesive capability to solve complex scientific and engineering problems. What approaches worked, which ones did not, and the applications of the research are described. Notable applications include the turret explosion aboard the USS Iowa and the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact on Jupiter.The personal anecdotes and recollections make for a fascinating account of building a world-renowned capability from meager beginnings. This book will be inspiring to the expert, the non expert, and the early-career scientist. Undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering who are contemplating different fields of study should find it especially compelling.
Analytics and Data Science
Ashish Gupta, Amit V. Deokar, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Mary C. Jones
- Springer
- 5 Octobre 2017
- 9783319580975
This book explores emerging research and pedagogy in analytics and data science that have become core to many businesses as they work to derive value from data. The chapters examine the role of analytics and data science to create, spread, develop and utilize analytics applications for practice. Selected chapters provide a good balance between discussing research advances and pedagogical tools in key topic areas in analytics and data science in a systematic manner. This book also focuses on several business applications of these emerging technologies in decision making, i.e., business analytics. The chapters in Analytics and Data Science: Advances in Research and Pedagogy are written by leading academics and practitioners that participated at the Business Analytics Congress 2015. Applications of analytics and data science technologies in various domains are still evolving. For instance, the explosive growth in big data and social media analytics requiresexamination of the impact of these technologies and applications on business and society. As organizations in various sectors formulate their IT strategies and investments, it is imperative to understand how various analytics and data science approaches contribute to the improvements in organizational information processing and decision making. Recent advances in computational capacities coupled by improvements in areas such as data warehousing, big data, analytics, semantics, predictive and descriptive analytics, visualization, and real-time analytics have particularly strong implications on the growth of analytics and data science.
Forensic Assessment of Violence Risk
Mary Alice Conroy, Daniel C. Murrie
- Wiley
- 13 Février 2008
- 9780470179734
Forensic Assessment of Violence Risk: A Guide for Risk Assessment and Risk Management provides both a summary of research to date and an integrated model for mental health professionals conducting risk assessments, one of the most high-stakes evaluations forensic mental health professionals perform.
Effective Groundwater Model Calibration
Mary C. Hill, Claire R. Tiedeman
- Wiley-Interscience
- 25 Août 2006
- 9780470041079
Methods and guidelines for developing and using mathematical models Turn to Effective Groundwater Model Calibration for a set of methods and guidelines that can help produce more accurate and transparent mathematical models. The models can represent groundwater flow and transport and other natural and engineered systems. Use this book and its extensive exercises to learn methods to fully exploit the data on hand, maximize the model's potential, and troubleshoot any problems that arise. Use the methods to perform: Sensitivity analysis to evaluate the information content of data Data assessment to identify (a) existing measurements that dominate model development and predictions and (b) potential measurements likely to improve the reliability of predictions Calibration to develop models that are consistent with the data in an optimal manner Uncertainty evaluation to quantify and communicate errors in simulated results that are often used to make important societal decisions Most of the methods are based on linear and nonlinear regression theory. Fourteen guidelines show the reader how to use the methods advantageously in practical situations. Exercises focus on a groundwater flow system and management problem, enabling readers to apply all the methods presented in the text. The exercises can be completed using the material provided in the book, or as hands-on computer exercises using instructions and files available on the text's accompanying Web site. Throughout the book, the authors stress the need for valid statistical concepts and easily understood presentation methods required to achieve well-tested, transparent models. Most of the examples and all of the exercises focus on simulating groundwater systems; other examples come from surface-water hydrology and geophysics. The methods and guidelines in the text are broadly applicable and can be used by students, researchers, and engineers to simulate many kinds systems.
The fifth in a series of reviews, centered on a single major topic (vol. 1 Bone Formation, vol. 2 Bone Resorption, vol. 3 Engineering of Functional Skeletal Tissues, vol. 4 Osteoarthritis) written by acknowledged authorities in the field, and aimed at researchers, clinicians and others involved in the bone field.
Bone and Development
Felix Bronner, Mary C. Farach-Carson, Helmtrud I. Roach
- Springer
- 10 Mars 2010
- 9781848828223
Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Bone Development.- Tissue Interactions in Long Bone Development.- The Epiphyseal Growth Plate.- Hedgehog Signaling in Growth Plate and Bone Development.- Role of microRNA in Skeleton Development.- FGF/FGFR Signaling in Skeletal Dysplasias.- The Role of Hypoxia-Induced Factors.- BMP Signaling in Skeletogenesis.- Wnt Signaling in Bone Development.- Development of the Craniofacial Complex.- Dentin and Bone: Similar Collagenous Mineralized Tissues.- Evolution of Bone Proteins.- Osteogenesis Imperfecta.- Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Developmental Implications of a Novel Metamorphogene.- Bone-Mineral Homeostasis and Associated Pathologies.- Interrelationship Between Bone and Other Tissues: Brain-Bone Axis and Bone-Adipo Axis.- Mechanobiology of Bone Development and Computational Simulations.
Career Counseling
Norman C. Gysbers, Mary J. Heppner, Joseph A. Johnston
- American Counseling Association
- 4 Novembre 2014
- 9781119026440
"This book establishes a new standard. The focus on `holism, diversity, and strengths' sets a fresh direction for the field that will inspire today's counselors. Distinct from other texts both in terms of style and ease of use, Career Counseling provides a practical model that connects theory, practice, and resources in hopeful and affirming ways, while offering readers new skills and insights." -Rich Feller, PhD
University Distinguished Teaching Scholar, Colorado State University Past President, National Career Development Association "Gysbers, Heppner, and Johnston have continued their excellent contributions to the field with this 4th edition. Their approach is highly practical for counselors in helping diverse clients prepare for and manage the changing workplace and economy. I enthusiastically recommend this book as a must-have resource for counseling professionals and as a textbook for graduate counseling programs." -Kenneth F. Hughey, PhD Kansas State University "We invite all students, professionals, and researchers to read this volume to enrich their practice, research, and the values by which they should be inspired to persist in being active agents of change in the world." -Laura Nota, PhD, and the Larios Vocational Psychology Team University of Padova, Italy The latest edition of this bestseller will help both counselors-in-training and experienced clinicians update and expand their existing knowledge and skills in career counseling with clients of all ages and circumstances. Significant attention is placed on expanding the career options and empowering the life choices of women; men; racial and ethnic minorities; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender clients; clients from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds; and individuals with disabilities. Additional topics discussed include traditional and postmodern career theories and approaches, forming a productive alliance with the client, effective use of assessment inventories and instruments, helping clients respond to changes in the workplace and family life, working with resistant clients, developing client action plans, and bringing closure to the counseling process. A new chapter titled "Using Social Media in Career Counseling" rounds out this exceptional book.
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Neural and Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in Host Defense and Autoimmunity
C. Jane Welsh, Mary Meagher, Esther Sternberg
- Springer
- 5 Avril 2007
- 9780387483344
This book provides a lucid summary of behavioral, neural and endocrine regulation of immune responses and of the effects of immune system activity on neural and endocrine functions and behavior. The underlying premise is that the brain and immune system represent a single, integrated system of defense. The discussion includes such topics and stress induced modulation of innate resistance and adaptive immunity in influenza viral infections.
Interpreting the Early Modern World
Mary C. Beaudry, James Symonds
- Springer
- 20 Octobre 2010
- 9780387707594
Interpretive archaeology - meaning the interpretation (social science as opposed to hard science) of archaeology and archaeological artifacts - has predominantly been the realm of prehistoric archaeologists. Many historical archaeologists are participating in this disciplinary shift from processualism to post-processualism and interpretation, but to date few have called their work interpretive archaeology.
This volume is based on a session at the Society for Historical Archaeology meeting in 2005. The organizers - now editors - brought together historical archaeologists from both the UK and the US working in the same areas (industrial landscape, monuments, etc.) but because of their country-based training, their work arises out of differing intellectual traditions. The chapters in each section do not stand in isolation; rather, the authors exchange ideas about what each other has written. They construct dialogues about theories and practices that inform interpretive archaeology on either side of the Atlantic, ends with commentary by two well-known names in interpretive archaeology in the UK and in the States. -
Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement
Mary C Beaudry, Travis G. Parno
- Springer
- 6 Février 2013
- 9781461462118
?This collection of essays in Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement draws inspiration from current archaeological interest in the movement of individuals, things, and ideas in the recent past. Movement is fundamentally concerned with the relationship(s) among time, object, person, and space. The volume argues that understanding movement in the past requires a shift away from traditional, fieldwork-based archaeological ontologies towards fluid, trajectory-based studies. Archaeology, by its very nature, locates objects frozen in space (literally in their three-dimensional matrices) at sites that are often stripped of people. An archaeology of movement must break away from this stasis and cut new pathways that trace the boundary-crossing contextuality inherent in object/person mobility. Essays in this volume build on these new approaches, confronting issues of movement from a variety of perspectives. They are divided into four sections, based on how the act of moving is framed. The groups into which these chapters are placed are not meant to be unyielding or definitive. The first section, "Objects in Motion," includes case studies that follow the paths of material culture and its interactions with groups of people. The second section of this volume, "People in Motion," features chapters that explore the shifting material traces of human mobility. Chapters in the third section of this book, "Movement through Spaces," illustrate the effects that particular spaces have on the people and objects who pass through them. Finally, there is an afterward that cohesively addresses the issue of studying movement in the recent past. At the heart of Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement is a concern with the hybridity of people and things, affordances of objects and spaces, contemporary heritage issues, and the effects of movement onarchaeological subjects in the recent and contemporary past.
Intraperitoneal Therapy for Ovarian Cancer
David Alberts, Lisa M. Hess, Mary C. Clouser
- Springer
- 24 Août 2010
- 9783642121302
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is increasingly being used as first-line treatment for ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the oncologist to find a definitive text that documents both the fundamental methods required to optimize therapy and the up-to-date results of phase I, II, and III clinical trials. With this in mind, the editors of Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy have assembled a team of highly experienced clinicians and researchers to cover every aspect of the subject. The topics addressed include treatment principles, patient, drug, and catheter selection, administration guidelines, the role of hyperthermia, supportive care requirements, novel drugs, and the most recent results of clinical trials. This book will be an invaluable source of information for both practicing clinical oncologists and oncologists in training.
The 21st century sees an increasing number of cultural minorities in the United States. Particularly, the rise in multi-cultural or mixed heritage families is on the rise. As with many trends, just as the amount of diversity increases, so does the level of resistance in groups that oppose this diversity.
While this problem exists through life for persons from multicultural backgrounds, the tension is particularly acute for children, whose identities and socialization experiences are still in formation. With parents from different cultural backgrounds, as well as school and community experiences giving that might question their diverse heritage, children are likely to experience distressing confusion. How can they come to terms with this conflict, and how can family and community help them to resolve it?
Combining case studies and interviews, this work particularly focuses on multi-cultural families as a yet untapped source of information about inter-culture contact. Voices of Diversity: Multiculturalism in America will be both a resource for researchers and practitioners, as well as a practical guide to families dealing with these issues every day. -
Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity
James c Kaufman, Mary Banks Gregerson, Heather T. Snyder
- Springer
- 13 Novembre 2012
- 9781461451853
Creative teaching as well as teaching creativity are cutting edge issues in psychology today as recent academic and popular media coverage has shown. This volume expands on that interest with chapter authors drawn from interdisciplinary areas. It includes examples of creatively teaching across the education system, including preschool, K-12, undergraduate, and graduate level education. The variety of subjects covered by the chapters include psychology,math, science, and reading. In addition to creative teaching which may lead to enhanced learning and achievement in students, as well enhanced creativity,another focus is teaching with the objective to enhance creativity.
Mitchell S. Mckinney, Dianne G. Bystrom, Mary C. Banwart
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 30 Décembre 2014
- 9781454196228
alieNATION presents research conducted by a national election team and leading scholars in political communication that explores a range of important topics and variables affecting voter attitudes and behavior in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. In exploring the messages, issues, and voters of the 2012 election, these studies employ multiple methods including experimental design, content analysis, rhetorical criticism, and survey research. Whereas other election research tends to investigate either the content or effects of campaign communication, the more comprehensive and systematic nature of this collection enables alieNATION to cohere thematically around considerations of voter alienation, political engagement, political efficacy, and ultimately, citizens' voting decisions.
Pulmonary Complications of Non-Pulmonary Pediatric Disorders
Anastassios C. Koumbourlis, Mary A. Nevin
- Humana Press
- 13 Février 2018
- 9783319696201
This book presents a systematic approach to the potential pulmonary complications of various systemic non-pulmonary pediatric disorders. Chapters focus on the pulmonary complications associated with: the major organ systems, types of disorders, metabolic conditions, and various modalities. Although specific diseases will be discussed, the main focus will be on describing the associated organ mechanisms and how they can negatively affect the respiratory system. Each chapter will also discuss methods of prevention, the diagnostic test(s) that may be necessary to diagnose or monitor these complications, and, if applicable, the recommended therapeutic modalities. Pulmonary Complications of Non-Pulmonary Pediatric Disorders provides pulmonologists, pediatricians, and other clinicians with a detailed, reliable explanation of seemingly unrelated signs and symptoms so they can form a more thorough differential diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment.
The Psychology of Peace Promotion
Mary Gloria C. Njoku, Leonard A. Jason, R. Burke Johnson
- Springer
- 4 Juillet 2019
- 9783030149437
This volume Psychology of Peace Promotion builds on previous volumes of peace psychology, extending its contributions by drawing from peace research and practices from five continents - Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. The book discusses emerging disciplinary and inter-disciplinary theories and actions. Each chapter begins with a theoretical framework for understanding peace, followed by a critical review of peace promotion in a specific setting, and concludes with an illustration of psychological principles or theories in either a narrative format or an empirical investigation. This volume develops, as well as guides, its readers on the epistemology of promoting and sustaining peace in varied settings around the world.
This book presents relevant, cutting-edge peace promotion strategies to anyone interested in promoting peace more effectively, including peace practitioners, scholars, teachers, and researchers, as well as the general reader. It presents a number of innovative approaches, illustrating their applications to specific social problems, settings and populations. In addition, this volume has much in store for both academic and practice-based scientists in thefield of peace psychology, mental health professionals, administrators, educators, and graduate students from various disciplines. The goal is the promotion and sustenance of peace, using theoretically sound, yet innovative and creative approaches. As expressed by the United Nations Secretary, "peace does not occur by happenstance." Promoting and sustaining peace requires reflective, thoughtful, and targeted efforts. This book inspires its readers to develop a better understanding of peace and the means of promoting peace in a sustainable way.