Christian Lalanne
8 produits trouvés
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Fatigue Damage
Christian Lalanne
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Avril 2014
- 9781118931202
Fatigue damage in a system with one degree of freedom is one of the two criteria applied when comparing the severity of vibratory environments. The same criterion is also used for a specification representing the effects produced by the set of vibrations imposed in a real environment. In this volume, which is devoted to the calculation of fatigue damage, Christian Lalanne explores the hypotheses adopted to describe the behavior of material affected by fatigue and the laws of fatigue accumulation. The author also considers the methods for counting response peaks, which are used to establish the histogram when it is not possible to use the probability density of the peaks obtained with a Gaussian signal. The expressions for mean damage and its standard deviation are established and other hypotheses are tested.
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Mechanical Shock
Christian Lalanne
- Wiley-ISTE
- 17 Avril 2014
- 9781118931141
This volume considers the shock response spectrum, its various definitions, properties and the assumptions involved in its calculation. In developing the practical application of these concepts, the forms of shock most often used with test facilities are presented together with their characteristics and indications of how to establish test configurations comparable with those in the real, measured environment. This is followed by a demonstration of how to meet these specifications using standard laboratory equipment - shock machines, electrodynamic exciters driven by a time signal or a response spectrum - with a discussion on the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Sinusoidal Vibration
Christian Lalanne
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Avril 2014
- 9781118931097
Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and one authoritative reference work! This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products. Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems. The relative and absolute response of a mechanical system with a single degree of freedom is considered for an arbitrary excitation, and its transfer function is defined in various forms. The characteristics of sinusoidal vibration are examined in the context both of the real world and of laboratory tests, and for both transient and steady state response of the one-degree-of-freedom system. Viscous damping and then non-linear damping are considered. The various types of swept sine perturbations and their properties are described and, for the one-degree-of-freedom system, the consequence of an inappropriate choice of sweep rate are considered. From the latter, rules governing the choice of suitable sweep rates are then developed.
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Specification Development
Christian Lalanne
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Avril 2014
- 9781118931233
Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and one authoritative reference work! This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products. Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems. This volume focuses on specification development in accordance with the principle of tailoring. Extreme response and the fatigue damage spectra are defined for each type of stress (sinusoidal vibration, swept sine, shock, random vibration, etc.). The process for establishing a specification from the life cycle profile of equipment which will be subject to these types of stresses is then detailed. The analysis takes into account the uncertainty factor, designed to cover uncertainties related to the real-world environment and mechanical strength, and the test factor, which takes account of the number of tests performed to demonstrate the resistance of the equipment.
Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Random Vibration
Christian Lalanne
- Wiley-ISTE
- 16 Avril 2014
- 9781118931172
The vast majority of vibrations encountered in the real environment are random in nature. Such vibrations are intrinsically complicated and this volume describes the process that enables us to simplify the required analysis, along with the analysis of the signal in the frequency domain.
The power spectrum density is also defined, together with the requisite precautions to be taken in its calculations as well as the processes (windowing, overlapping) necessary to obtain improved results.
An additional complementary method - the analysis of statistical properties of the time signal - is also described. This enables the distribution law of the maxima of a random Gaussian signal to be determined and simplifies the calculation of fatigue damage by avoiding direct peak counting. -
Les pensées du renard est une compilation des observations de Christian Lalanne, qui nous livre ses appréhensions et déductions sur son environnement. Ce livre offre un regard perspicace sur la nature humaine et la société. Dans un style incisif, l'auteur nous pousse à réfléchir et remettre en question nos certitudes, nous invitant ainsi à nous plonger en nous-mêmes et à explorer en profondeur notre perception du monde.
À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Christian Lalanne a toujours été doté d'un sens de l'humour indéniable. Cette facette de sa personnalité l'a motivé à diffuser ses réflexions et pensées auprès d'un vaste public à travers l'écriture. -
"Les pensées du renard N°2" rassemble les observations de Christian Lalanne sur son environnement. Cette compilation de réflexions humoristiques offre un regard incisif sur la nature humaine et la société. À travers un style percutant, l'auteur nous pousse à remettre en question nos certitudes et à explorer notre perception du monde en profondeur. Il nous invite ainsi à un questionnement introspectif sur nos actions et nos paroles.
Christian Lalanne a toujours été doté d'un sens de l'humour indéniable. Cette facette de sa personnalité l'a motivé à diffuser ses réflexions et pensées auprès d'un vaste public à travers l'écriture. -
Mieux se comprendre en famille grâce au cercle de parole
Jacques Lalanne, Joëlle Roberfroid, Christian Bokiau
- Éditions Jouvence
- Pratiques
- 9 Février 2022
- 9782889700400
Vous souhaitez renforcer les liens de votre famille et dénouer certains conflits ?
Le Cercle de famille est un merveilleux outil pour rétablir une communication harmonieuse avec vos proches. Les auteurs partageront avec vous leur méthode et leurs savoir-faire pour pouvoir l’instaurer aisément.
Vous apprendrez à échanger sur vos émotions, vos pensées, vos comportements mais aussi à écouter ce que chaque membre de la famille vit, ressent, perçoit...
Cela éveillera des réactions, des sensations incroyables d’empathie, de complicité et d’amour !
Et quand une famille se réunit en Cercle, parents et enfants grandissent ensemble, en développant leur intelligence émotionnelle et relationnelle.
L’essayer, c’est l’adopter !