Thinking Education Through Alain Badiou
Kent Den Heyer
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 13 Juillet 2011
- 9781444351996
Thinking Education Through Alain Badiou represents the first collection to explore the educational implications of French philosopher Alain Badiou's challenge to contemporary philosophical orthodoxy put forth in his 1993 work, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil. Represents the first collection of work in education to grapple with what Alain Badiou might mean for the enterprise of schooling Takes up Badiou's challenge to contemporary and conventional Anglo-American doxa Includes original essays by experts in several different educational fields
"I am delighted to offer my highest praise to Dean Cocking and Jeroen van den Hoven's brilliant new book, Evil Online. The confrontation between good and evil occupies a central place in the challenges facing our human nature, and this creative investigation into the spread of evil by means of all-powerful new technologies raises fundamental questions about our morality and values. Cocking and Van den Hoven's account of the moral fog of evil forces us to face both the demons within each of us as well as the demons all around us. In the end, we are all enriched by their perceptive analyses."
-Phil Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Stanford University Principal Investigator, Stanford Prison Experiment "The internet offers new and deeply concerning opportunities for immorality, much of it shocking and extreme. This volume explains with great insight and clarity the corrupting nature of the internet and the moral confusion it has produced. It will play a vital role in the growing debate about how to balance the benefits of the internet against the risks it poses to all of us. Evil Online is an excellent book."
-Roger Crisp, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford We now live in an era defined by the ubiquity of the internet. From our everyday engagement with social media to trolls on forums and the emergence of the dark web, the internet is a space characterized by unreality, isolation, anonymity, objectification, and rampant self-obsession-the perfect breeding ground for new, unprecedented manifestations of evil. Evil Online is the first comprehensive analysis of evil and moral character in relation to our increasingly online lives. Chapters consider traditional ideas around the phenomenon of evil in moral philosophy and explore how the dawn of the internet has presented unprecedented challenges to older theoretical approaches. Cocking and Van den Hoven propose that a growing sense of moral confusion-moral fog-pushes otherwise ordinary, normal people toward evildoing, and that values basic to moral life such as autonomy, intimacy, trust, and privacy are put at risk by online platforms and new technologies. This new theory of evildoing offers fresh insight into the moral character of the individual, and opens the way for a burgeoning new area of social thought. A comprehensive analysis of an emerging and disturbing social phenomenon, Evil Online examines the morally troubling aspects of the internet in our society. Written not only for academics in the fields of philosophy, psychology, information science, and social science, Evil Online is accessible and compelling reading for anyone interested in understanding the emergence of evil in our digitally-dominated world. -
Frank Den Hond, Peter Groenewegen, Nico Van Straalen
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470995440
Despite a history of several decades of pesticide regulation, continuous innovation, and considerable practical experience with using pesticides in agriculture, the environmental impact of pesticide use continues to be of serious concern.
Architectural Management
Stephen Emmitt, Matthijs Prins, Ad Den Otter
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 13 Avril 2009
- 9781444312188
Architectural Management represents the state of the art of research and practice in the field and includes contributions from leading international figures. The book looks back at over a decade of research into architectural management, considers the present challenges and opportunities, and looks to the future. You'll find a review of earlier work and developments as well as a focus on new research areas. The book is divided into six sections representing topical themes, each section contains two research-based chapters and one practical case study. Case studies are from six European countries - Belgium, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, and the UK.
Grüne Gentechnik im Widerstreit
Alfred Puhler, Wolfgang Van Den Daele, Herbert Sukopp
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 25 Novembre 2008
- 9783527624591
Gentechnisch veränderte herbizidresistente Pflanzen erffnen neue Optionen der chemischen Unkrautbekämpfung, sie erweitern den Anwendungsbereich von nichtselektiven Herbiziden, die bisher nicht eingesetzt werden konnten, weil sie auch die Kulturpflanzen angreifen. Herbizidresistenz ist eines der ersten Projekte zur Anwendung der Gentechnik in der Pflanzenzüchtung. Die Perspektiven dieser Technik haben in der Öffentlichkeit kontroverse Diskussionen ausgelst, vor allem über die mglichen Risiken der Anwendung und Freisetzung transgener Pflanzen.
In einem neuartigen diskursiven Verfahren zur Technikfolgenabschätzung für den Anbau von Kulturpflanzen mit gentechnisch erzeugter Herbizidresistenz wurden die Themen der ffentlichen Kritik aufgenommen und im Dialog zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern diskutiert. In diesem Buch sind die Ergebnisse der Fachgutachten und der Diskussion der politischen und rechtlichen Folgen zusammengefaßt. -
Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors
Andrew Lockey, Alan Charters, Kate Denning, Kevin Mackie
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 25 Septembre 2024
- 9781394292080
New edition of the popular guide to the practical aspects of teaching and fundamental learning principles in clinical practice Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors contains theoretical input on all the modalities of teaching and assessment required for life support training through the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council UK blended learning approach. This guide does not attempt to provide a blueprint for teaching-rather, it gives advice about the basics, which can be adapted to your personality and creativity. This Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest in the evolution of education methods applicable to provider courses. The text is relevant to a 21st century audience and graphics have been introduced to make the materials more readable, applicable, and accessible. Written by a team of highly experienced educators, Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors: Takes an evidence-based approach to how our brains manage and process information in order for learning to occurProvides a structured approach to teaching the different modalities used on the courses: lectures, skill stations, scenarios, workshops, debriefing as a learning conversationExplores neurodiversity, psychological safety, cognitive load, non-technical skills, and inclusive teaching Discusses blended learning, the wider role of the instructor and the variety of approaches to assessment Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors is a concise, practical guide for anyone interested in teaching healthcare professionals in any context. Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), Manchester, UK. ALSG's medical education & training programs improve outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the health care pathway, anywhere in the world. As a charity, ALSG invests all profits in educational resources and partners with the most effective and respected organizations worldwide to develop exceptionally high-quality programs. ALSG education quality is verified, accredited, and internationally recognised as `best in class'. Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) is the UK's leading authority on resuscitation practice and has a strong international reputation. RCUK develops the UK's evidence-based resuscitation guidelines, provides training and education for healthcare professionals and the public, and supports research to improve resuscitation techniques and outcomes. RCUK champions public awareness about the importance of CPR and defibrillator use and campaigns for policies and legislation that promote quality improvement initiatives to enhance resuscitation efforts and survival rates. RCUK is dedicated to ensuring that everyone in the country has the skills they need to save a life.