Fernand Joly
7 produits trouvés
Glossaire de géomorphologie
Fernand Joly
- Armand Colin (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Collection U
- 23 Janvier 2019
- 9782706237904
Ce livre est un recueil de termes et de concepts de la géomorphologie, les plus couramment usités en cartographie géomorphologique. Il vise à fournir, à des utilisateurs venus d'horizons différents, une base de données sémiologiques, qui puisse servir de référence commune pour l'emploi d'un vocabulaire scientifique et technique abondant et varié.
Il contient une liste de taxons codés - généralement accompagnés d'une courte définition - et classés selon un ordre thématique, rappelant les principaux objectifs analytiques ou systémiques de la géomorphologie. À chaque taxon, est adjoint un cartouche, qui propose une représentation cartographique conventionnelle de l'objet défini. L'ensemble de ces cartouches constitue un projet cohérent de légendes pour la rédaction de cartes géomorphologiques à diverses échelles.
Il s'adresse, tout d'abord, aux universitaires, enseignants et étudiants des sciences de la Terre, géologues, pédologues, géographes, physiciens... Mais il s'adresse aussi à tous ceux, chercheurs cartographes, agronomes, forestiers, archéologues, ingénieurs du génie rural ou du génie civil, aménageurs et décideurs qui ont, à un moment ou à un autre, besoin de communiquer en matière de géodynamique de surface ou d'environnement. -
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 2 ? the second of three volumes ? focuses on water, its absence or indeed its extreme scarcity, as well as on the ways in which salts come to be formed in areas such as these. Aridity of the climate does not exclude rainfall, after which deserts flourish; wet mists, dew, exceptional events separated by years of total drought. Water flows into temporary and disorganized networks but, occasionally, large rivers cross the deserts, giving rise to vibrant civilizations: the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Niger, to name a few. Temporary or permanent lakes collect water in basins without outlet to the ocean, referred to as endorrheic basins, such as Lake Chad. This results in salt accumulation and evaporitic formations. A large variety of salts crystallize, in addition to halite, among which is potash. Halite ? common salt ? is an essential resource and its trade leads to the creation of salt caravans, used to exchange it with gold, even on a 1-1 weight basis, generating subsequent wealth. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
La cartographie
Paul Angoulvent, Fernand Joly
- Presses universitaires de France (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Que sais-je ?
- 14 Mars 2019
- 9782705911799
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Géographie du Maroc
Albert Ayache, Jean Fardel, Fernand Joly
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Delagrave)
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782402514552
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 1 ? the first of three volumes ? describes their location and geographic variety. There are both hot and cold deserts, those at high altitude or those at sea level, differing in climate but sharing the scarcity of water, extreme temperatures and often violent winds. According to paleoclimate evidence, however, deserts have not always been as arid as they are today. Deserts were a source of inspiration for many spiritual leaders, among them, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad; as well as conquerors, from Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan. Some avoided these deserts, or crossed them as fast as they could. Others adapted to them and developed vibrant civilizations and cities. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 3 ? the third and final volume ? focuses on wind, frequently present in all deserts, either hot or cold. Wind plays a major role in aridity and landscapes bear numerous forms due to its action, erosion, transportation and surface formations, some discreet and others spectacular, such as vast expanses of towering yardangs. Aeolian dynamics lead to dune formation, simple or associated with sand ridges or ergs, as in the Sahara. Mankind has attempted, to varying degrees of success, to cope with sand accumulation; ignoring aeolian dynamics has led many development projects to failure. This is developed by Yann Callot, a Professor at Lyon University who studied aeolian dynamics in the Sahara. Traditional societies have adapted to live in deserts, establishing vibrant civilizations with original ways of living, managing water resources and creating routes for trade, especially for salt. In a changing environment, useful lessons can be drawn from the genius of mankind?s adaptation to such diverse and fragile environments. This is explained by Marc Côte, who was a Professor at Constantine (Algeria) and Aix-en-Provence Universities. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
Cap-aux-Diamants. No. 151, Automne 2022
Fernand Harvey, Alain Roy, Louis-Georges Harvey, Flavie Vaudry-L., Christian Blais, Rejean Carbonneau, Diane Joly, Syl
- Les Éditions Cap-aux-Diamants inc.
- 15 Décembre 2022
- 9782924353585
L'édition automnale de Cap-aux-Diamants propose un dossier sur les sociétés d'histoire et de généalogie québécoises. Présentes sur le territoire depuis le XIXe siècle, leur apport dans la transmission de la culture, de notre histoire a été peu documenté. Pourtant, elles regroupent des milliers de membres et contribuent à mettre en valeur notre mémoire collective. Ce numéro présente donc une vue d'ensemble des sociétés d'histoire locale et régionale de 1825 à 2022 (Fernard Harvey), puis un portrait de la Fédération Histoire Québec depuis sa fondation en 1965 (Alain Roy). Trois études de cas suivent, l'une sur les sociétés anglophones des Cantons-de-l'Est (Louis-George Harvey), l'une sur la Numistic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal qui s'attarde aux pratiques érudites du XIXe siècle (Flavie Vaudry-L.) et l'autre sur la Société des Dix. Deux autres articles s'intéressent aux ateliers d'histoire à Montréal (Réjean Charbonneau) et aux stratégies de sauvegarde du patrimoine (Diane Joly).