4 produits trouvés
Advanced Mobility and Transport Engineering
Slim Hammadi, Mekki Ksouri
- Wiley-ISTE
- 4 Mars 2013
- 9781118614198
Multimodal transport network customers need to be directed during their travels. A travel support tool can be offered by a Multimodal Information System (MIS), which allows them to input their needs and provides them with the appropriate responses to improve their travel conditions.
The goal of this book is to design and develop methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool which can ensure permanent multimodal information availability before and during travel, considering passengers' mobility.
The authors propose methods and tools that help transport network customers to formulate their requests when they connect to their favorite information systems through PC, laptop, cell phone, Portable Digital Assistant (PDA), etc. The MIS must automatically identify the websites concerning the customer's services. These sites can, in fact, represent transport services, cultural services, tourist services, etc. The system should then be able to collect the necessary travel information from these sites in order to construct and propose the most convenient information according to the user's requests. Contents 1. Agent-oriented Road Traffic Simulation, René Mandiau, Sylvain Piechowiak, Arnaud Doniec and Stéphane Espié.
2. An Agent-based Information System for Searching
and Creating Mobility-aiding Services, Slim Hammadi and Hayfa Zgaya.
3. Inter-vehicle Services and Communication, Sylvain Lecomte, Thierry Delot and Mikael Desertot.
4. Modeling and Control of Traffic Flow, Daniel Jolly, Boumediene Kamel and Amar Benasser.
5. Criteria and Methods for Interactive System Evaluation: Application to a Regulation Post in the Transport Domain, Houcine Ezzedine, Abdelwaheb Trabelsi, Chi Dung Tran and Christophe Kolski. -
The use and management of multimodal transport systems, including car-pooling and goods transportation, have become extremely complex, due to their large size (sometimes several thousand variables), the nature of their dynamic relationships as well as the many constraints to which they are subjected. The managers of these systems must ensure that the system works as efficiently as possible by managing the various causes of malfunction of the transport system (vehicle breakdowns, road obstructions, accidents, etc.). The detection and resolution of conflicts, which are particularly complex and must be dealt with in real time, are currently processed manually by operators. However, the experience and abilities of these operators are no longer sufficient when faced with the complexity of the problems to be solved. It is thus necessary to provide them with an interactive tool to help with the management of disturbances, enabling them to identify the different disturbances, to characterize and prioritize these disturbances, to process them by taking into account their specifics and to evaluate the impact of the decisions in real time.
Each chapter of this book can be broken down into an approach for solving a transport problem in 3 stages, i.e. modeling the problem, creating optimization algorithms and validating the solutions. The management of a transport system calls for knowledge of a variety of theories (problem modeling tools, multi-objective problem classification, optimization algorithms, etc.). The different constraints increase its complexity drastically and thus require a model that represents as far as possible all the components of a problem in order to better identify it and propose corresponding solutions. These solutions are then evaluated according to the criteria of the transport providers as well as those of the city transport authorities.
This book consists of a state of the art on innovative transport systems as well as the possibility of coordinating with the current public transport system and the authors clearly illustrate this coordination within the framework of an intelligent transport system.
Contents 1. Dynamic Car-pooling, Slim Hammadi and Nawel Zangar.
2. Simulation of Urban Transport Systems, Christian Tahon, Thérèse Bonte and Alain Gibaud.
3. Real-time Fleet Management: Typology and Methods, Frédéric Semet and Gilles Goncalves.
4. Solving the Problem of Dynamic Routes by Particle Swarm, Mostefa Redouane Khouahjia, Laetitia Jourdan and El Ghazali Talbi.
5. Optimization of Traffic at a Railway Junction: Scheduling Approaches Based on Timed Petri Nets, Thomas Bourdeaud'huy and Benoît Trouillet. About the Authors Slim Hammadi is Full Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lille in France, and Director of the LAGIS Team on Optimization of Logistic systems. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in distributed optimization, multi-agent systems, supply chain management and metaheuristics.
Mekki Ksouri is Professor and Head of the Systems Analysis, Conception and Control Laboratory at Tunis El Manar University, National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) in Tunisia. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in control systems, nonlinear systems, adaptive control and optimization. The multimodal transport network customers need to be oriented during their travels. A multimodal information system (MIS) can provide customers with a travel support tool, allowing them to express their demands and providing them with the appropriate responses in order to improve their travel conditions. This book develops methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool capable of ensuring the availability of permanent multimodal information for customers before and while traveling, considering passengers mobility. -
Gestion et optimisation des systèmes de transport multimodaux
Slim Hammadi, Mekki Ksouri
- Hermès Science
- 10 Juin 2016
- 9782746281608
L'exploitation et la gestion des systèmes de transports multimodaux sont devenues très complexes de par leurs dimensions importantes, la nature de leurs relations dynamiques et la multiplicité des contraintes auxquelles elles sont soumises. Les gestionnaires de ces systèmes ont à assurer un fonctionnement le plus régulier possible en gérant les diverses causes de dysfonctionnement du système de transport. L'expérience et les compétences des opérateurs n'étant plus suffisantes devant la complexité des problèmes à résoudre, il a fallu mettre à leur disposition un outil interactif d'aide à la gestion des perturbations. Cette technologie permet d'identifier les différentes perturbations, les caractériser, les hiérarchiser, les traiter en prenant en compte leurs spécificités et évaluer en temps réel l'impact des décisions de gestionnaire qu'ils souhaitent appliquer. Dressant un état de l'art sur les systèmes de transports innovants et détaillant les éventualités de coordinations avec le système de transport public existant, cet ouvrage a pour objectif de présenter clairement la coordination dans le cadre d'un système de transport intelligent.
Ingénierie du transport et des services de mobilité avancés
Mekki Ksouri, Slim Hammadi
- Hermès Science
- 11 Juin 2012
- 9782746281196
Le choix du mode de déplacement (voiture privée, transport en commun, vélo, marche) est souvent contraint par son accessibilité, son coût ou la qualité du service proposé. Or, à ce jour, la voiture reste le moyen de transport privilégié.
Dans le cadre de la mobilité durable, le rôle de l'information des voyageurs devient crucial. Il est nécessaire de promouvoir l'utilisation rationnelle et pertinente du meilleur mode de transport pour un déplacement donné. Cette information multimodale, qui met en avant l'offre de mobilité sur un territoire donné, fait souvent défaut ou est difficilement disponible.
Des projets ont ainsi été initiés qui, à l'instar du CISIT en Nord Pas de Calais, tentent de concrétiser des idées novatrices alliant l'intelligence aux transports.
Ingénierie du transport et des services de mobilité avancés présente un état de l'art de l'ensemble des techniques, approches et méthodes pour la spécification, la conception, l'optimisation et la mise en oeuvre des services de mobilité avancés.