Livres en VO
14 produits trouvés
Dictionnaire bilingue des sciences de la terre ; anglais/francais-francais/anglais
Michael s.n. Carpentier, Jean-pierre Michel
- Dunod
- Hors Collection
- 6 Mars 2019
- 9782100794485
Ce dictionnaire réunit, définit et fournit la traduction anglais/français de l'ensemble des termes scientifiques, techniques et généraux les plus utilisés dans les divers domaines des sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers : géologie minière et pétrolière, climatologie, océanographie, géophysique, géomorphologie, hydrogéologie, pédologie, hydrogéologie, sciences de l'environnement... Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement révisée et augmentée, comprend plus de 15 000 termes anglais et plus de 9 000 termes français. En début d'ouvrage, des conseils sont destinés aux lecteurs désirant traduire un article ou rédiger un rapport en anglais.
Discours croisés sur l'architecture
Rémi Digonnet, Aude Laferrière
- P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales
- 8 Mars 2024
- 9782807616158
Sans discours, quelle serait la portée de l'architecture ? Cet ouvrage collectif souhaite montrer comment l'architecture se nourrit d'un discours pour exister, se transformer ou se pérenniser. Le discours et l'architecture, deux constructions régies par des règles propres, se font naturellement écho. De quels motifs architecturaux le discours se fait-il le représentant ? Quelles sont les stratégies discursives propres aux manifestes pour l'avènement d'une architecture ou d'un urbanisme ? La part métaphorique largement présente dans ces discours relève-t-elle de l'imaginaire d'un architecte ou du bien-fondé d'une architecture ? La tentative d'identifier les mots, premiers outils de l'architecte, leur évolution et leur arrangement dans une mise en discours seront autant d'occasions de saisir des urbanités écrites, décrites, voire proscrites, et de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques discursives d'une vision urbanistique ou architecturale qui composent un « archilecte ».
Luxury as you have never seen it before
Pierre-françois Jorsin
- Editions Maxima
- 16 Mai 2014
- 9782818804810
Those privileged enough to have crossed the threshold of a luxury boutique, hotel or car dealership will generally have had an unforgettable experience, in which their dreams, the promise made by the brand, and reality merge into one. Total availability, passion for the brand or for service, special attention (drinks service, valet parking, VIP lounge), courtesy, recognition, and prestige. These are the codes of luxury that no brand with a claim to excellence can afford to ignore. Unfortunately, sometimes customers get quite the opposite: an undignified reception, unsuitable propositions, violated codes. In this case, the betrayed customer may react in various ways - desertion, boycott and a desire to smear the brand's name - all of which can have devastating effects. To guard against this, the major luxury brands make regular use of mystery shoppers, whose mission is to observe and report on customer service. They are the key informants on the realities of the luxury sales industry. What you are about to discover in the following pages are a few of these mystery shopper accounts. Those, at least, which the corporate clients had not protected by a confidentiality clause...
Welcome to Paris, in 1633, where dragons menace the realm.Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful and most feared man in France, is on his guard. He knows France is under threat, and that a secret society known as the Black Claw is conspiring against him from the heart of the greatest courts in Europe. They will strike from the shadows, and when they do the blow will be both terrible and deadly. To counter the threat, Richelieu has put his most trusted men into play: the Cardinal's Blades, led by Captain la Fargue. Six men and a woman, all of exceptional abilities and all ready to risk their lives on his command. They have saved France before, and the Cardinal is relying on them to do it again.So when la Fargue hears from a beautiful, infamous, deadly Italian spy claiming to have valuable information, he has to listen ... and when La Donna demands Cardinal Richelieu's protection before she will talk, la Fargue is even prepared to consider it. Because La Donna can name their enemy. It's a man as elusive as he is manipulative, as subtle as Richelieu himself, an exceptionally dangerous adversary: the Alchemist in the shadows ...
Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient
Pierre-alain Clavien, James f. Trotter
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Novembre 2011
- 9781444398427
This book builds on the success of previous editions, once again providing hepatologists the most current clinical guide on how to best treat the liver transplant recipient. With an international mix of experienced contributors, this new edition highlights initial indication and selection of the potential recipient, management of the donor organ, post-operative complications in the patient through to acute recovery, long-term follow-up, and continued health. This provides the user a complete guide to the correct clinical management of both the recipient and the donor organ through all stages of transplantation.
Geopolitics and Energy Transition, Volume 1
Jean-Pierre Favennec
- Wiley-ISTE
- 27 Août 2024
- 9781394317097
The energy sector is undergoing unprecedented change. Twenty years ago, the main concern was having enough oil and gas, whereas today, political leaders are faced with the need to reduce the CO2 emissions produced by still-dominant fossil fuels, without being able to totally rely on renewable energies, which are intermittent and whose share in energy production remains low.
Geopolitics and Energy Transition 1 presents the technical aspects of energy and its main characteristics, and outlines the challenges of the energy transition, the conditions for the development of renewable energies and the geopolitical stakes of this transition. It also describes the various energy markets and the consequences of liberalization policies, not forgetting to analyze the structures of the different sectors, while pointing out the fundamental problems of supply security and ways of strengthening it. -
Exercices de grammaire espagnole (2e édition)
Pierre Grisard
- Armand Colin
- Cursus
- 20 Avril 2011
- 9782200254209
Pierre Grisard est maître de conférences honoraire à l'université de Bourgogne.
1- Le syntagme nominal (I)
2- Le syntagme nominal (II) : les substituts (ou pronoms)
3- Le syntagme verbal
4- Les phrases complexes
5- Le système prépositionnel
6- Corrigés des exercices -
La sexualité, les jeunes et leur parents
Pierre Panel
- Desclée de Brouwer
- 13 Janvier 2011
- 9782220024318
Pourquoi vouloir encore et toujours parler d'éducation sexuelle ? Nos enfants ne sont-ils pas suffisamment abreuvés, informés, surinformés par les médias et n'ont-ils pas acquis une grande liberté de parole sur ce sujet ? En près de dix années, nous sommes passés brutalement d'un sentiment d'insouciance à une angoisse de mort ; de la grande illusion qu'on pouvait faire l'amour comme on veut avec qui on veut à un désenchantement crispé qui tente de nous replier sur nous-mêmes. Quels sont les devoirs des adultes quand l'interdit n'a plus de sens ?
La loi bancaire : questions particulières ; de bankenwet : bijzondere vraagstukken
Jean-pierre Buyle
- Éditions Larcier
- 16 Mars 2017
- 9782804487331
En 2014, la nouvelle loi bancaire du 25 avril 2014 était l'enfant né de la crise financière. Elle était imprégnée très largement par le droit européen.
Quelques mois plus tard, il était temps de faire le point sur cette réglementation à la lumière de la transposition de ces textes dans la vie des entreprises concernées et des premières réflexions des auteurs et des praticiens.
Six thèmes ont été retenus : la supervision, la gouvernance, la rémunération, la structure des activités bancaires, la résolution et les fonds propres.
Pour chacun de ces sujets, nombre des meilleurs spécialistes en la matière ont accepté de répondre, dans le cadre d'un colloque organisé par la Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles et le Vlaams Pleitgenootschap, dont le présent ouvrage contient les actes.
In 2014 ontstond de nieuwe bankenwet van 25 april 2014. Deze wetgeving is ontstaan uit de financiële crisis en doordrenkt van Europese wetgeving.
Enkele maanden later is de tijd gekomen om stil te staan bij deze wetgeving in het licht van de implementatie van deze teksten in het bedrijfsleven van de betrokken ondernemingen en bij de eerste reflecties van de auteurs en de practici. Er worden zes thema's weerhouden: het toezicht, het bestuur, het inkomen, de structuur van bancaire activiteiten, de afwikkelingsplannen en het eigen vermogen. In het kader van een studienamiddag, georganiseerd door la Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles en het Vlaams Pleitgenootschap, antwoorden verschillende specialisten ter zake op vraagstellingen voor ieder van deze onderwerpen. Dit boek is de weergave hiervan. -
The Next Public Administration
B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 23 Octobre 2017
- 9781473993921
Written by two of the leading scholars in the field, this book explores public administration in the past, present and future, critically reviewing the modernization of public management reform. It reasserts public administration as an integral component of democratic governance and fostering a state-citizen relationship.
Wide-ranging in scope, The Next Public Administration:
Extends basic public administration to consider issues associated with management, governance and democracy
Covers core public administration concepts and their evolution through time
Draws on an international spread of examples, bringing theoretical discussions to life
Includes lists of further reading
Essential reading for students of public management and public administration. -
Handbook of Public Policy
B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 20 Juillet 2006
- 9781446206782
'The new handbook by Peters and Pierre provides an invaluable addition to the literature. It offers new scholars and practitioners a means to navigate many of the complex theoretical and practical issues in contemporary policy analysis' - Mark Considine, University of Melbourne
The public policies of governments affect the lives and livelihoods of citizens every day in every country around the world. This handbook provides a comprehensive review and guide to the study, theory and practice of public policy today.
Section One, Making Policy, introduces the policy making process - the means by which public policies are formulated, adopted and implemented - and serves to review the many competing conceptualizations within the field.
Section Two, Substantive Policy Areas, focuses on a number of substantive policy areas to consider both diversity and commonalties across different sectoral policy areas.
Section Three, Evaluating Public Policy, addresses issues of policy analysis more directly and assesses successes and failures in public policy in an attempt to answer the question 'what is good policy?'.
The concluding chapter considers the different disciplinary contributions to the research and study of public policy both retrospectively and prospectively.
Drawing contributions from leading academics and policy analysts from around the world, the handbook illustrates the changing role of governments vis-à-vis the public and private sector and the different policy actors (national and international, governmental and non-governmental) involved in the policy making process.
It will be an essential companion for all advanced undergraduates, graduates, academics and practitioners across public policy and public administration, public management, government and political science. -
The good, the true and the beautiful ; a neuronal approach
Jean-pierre Changeux
- Odile Jacob
- 14 Novembre 2008
- 9782738147486
"I wrote this book out of my experiences during thirty years of teaching at the Collège de France. In it I look both at culture and art - music and painting - as well as life in society, ethics, and the meaning of death; languages and writing, as well as the neural and molecular bases of memory and learning. This book is a fresco that brings together a great amount of varied data, discussions, and hypotheses. It anchors the substance of contemporary science in the history of a range of disciplines: neurology, ethology, the biology of evolution, the biology of development, the study of consciousness, as well as experimental psychology and genomics. Finally, this book attempts to show that it is up to us to relentlessly inspire the minds of humans to invent a future that will enable humanity to attain a life of more solidarity, a happier life for and with each one of us." J.-P. C. Jean-Pierre Changeux is honorary professor at the Collège de France and at the Institut Pasteur, a member of the French Academy of Sciences. In addition to L'Homme neuronal [Neuronal Man] he is the author of Raison et Plaisir and L'Homme de vérité. He is also co-author, with Alain Connes, of Matière à penser [Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics] and, with Paul Ricoeur, of La Nature et la Règle [What Makes Us Think?]. All thought-provoking works.
Strategor : All you need to know about strategy, from start-ups to multinationals
Joao Albino-Pimentel, Rodolphe Durand, Pierre Dussauge, Laurence Lehmann-ortega
- Dunod
- Livres en Or
- 18 Septembre 2024
- 9782100876860
A comprehensive source on firm strategy, including business strategy,corporate strategy, and strategic managementBuilding on 35 years of experience and nine French editions, STRATEGOR is more than a toolbox. It systematically links theory, research, and strategypractice, providing a comprehensive view of all aspects of firm strategy.STRATEGOR describes and analyzes the theories underpinning strategicthinking. Understanding these theories is essential for effectively andcreatively formulating and implementing successful strategies.To better connect theory and practice, the book includes real-life examplesand cases from various industries worldwide. STRATEGOR also addressescurrent changes in the business landscape, such as digital transformation,AI, globalization and deglobalization, sustainability and CSR.STRATEGOR'S + :CURRENT CONTENT: it incorporates major technological and societal changes that impact companies and their strategies.PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS: it includes 50 real-life case studies and hundreds of examples that illustrate the concepts discussed.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: it provides detailed analyses of the case studies, available on is the perfect strategy textbook for undergraduate, master and MBA students, participants