Romain Thomas
Handbook of Food Science and Technology 3
Pierre Schuck, Romain Jeantet, Thomas Croguennec, Gerard Brule
- Wiley-ISTE
- 14 Juin 2016
- 9781119296218
This third volume in the Handbook of Food Science and Technology Set explains the processing of raw materials into traditional food (bread, wine, cheese, etc.). The agri-food industry has evolved in order to meet new market expectations of its products; with the use of separation and assembly technologies, food technologists and engineers now increasingly understand and control the preparation of a large diversity of ingredients using additional properties to move from the raw materials into new food products. Taking into account the fundamental basis and technological specificities of the main food sectors, throughout the three parts of this book, the authors investigate the biological and biochemical conversions and physicochemical treatment of food from animal sources, plant sources and food ingredients.
Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1
Pierre Schuck, Romain Jeantet, Thomas Croguennec, GÉ, Rard BrulÉ,
- Wiley-ISTE
- 5 Janvier 2016
- 9781119268666
This book serves as a general introduction to food science and technology, based on the academic courses presented by the authors as well as their personal research experiences. The authors' main focus is on the biological and physical-chemical stabilization of food, and the quality assessment control methods and normative aspects of the subsequent processes. Presented across three parts, the authors offer a detailed account of the scientific basis and technological knowledge needed to understand agro-food transformation. From biological analyses and process engineering, through to the development of food products and biochemical and microbiological changes, the different parts cover all aspects of the control of food quality.
Handbook of Food Science and Technology 2
Pierre Schuck, Romain Jeantet, Thomas Croguennec, Gerard Brule
- Wiley-ISTE
- 3 Mars 2016
- 9781119285236
This book is a source of basic and advanced knowledge in food science for students or professionals in the food science sector, but it is also accessible for people interested in the different aspects concerning raw material stabilisation and transformation in food products. It is an updated and translated version of the book "Science des aliments" published in 2006 by Lavoisier. "Science des aliments" is a general and introductory food science and technology handbook, based on the authors' Masters and PhD courses and research experiences. The book is concise, pedagogical and informative and contains numerous illustrations (approximately 500 original figures and tables). In three volumes), it summarizes the main knowledge required for working in food industries as scientists, technical managers or qualified operators. It will also be helpful for the formation of students in food science and biotechnologies (bachelor's and master's degree).
Une histoire russe ; conversations avec Lioudmila ou l'itinéraire d'une famille russe dans le siècle soviétique
Romain Thomas, Lioudmila Dole
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 5 Janvier 2021
- 9782140168352
Le présent ouvrage est le fruit de la rencontre entre une femme russe, Lioudmila Dole, et un historien français passionné par l'histoire et la culture russes, Romain Thomas. De cette rencontre est née une amitié qui a débouché sur l'écriture conjointe de cet ouvrage. Une histoire russe est un récit de vie, celui d'une femme ordinaire née en avril 1938, durant la Terreur stalinienne, et qui a mené une brillante carrière en URSS sans jamais déroger à son éthique et aux valeurs humanistes transmises par sa famille. Au cours d'une vie riche et mouvementée, Lioudmila a progressivement ouvert les yeux sur les incohérences et les mensonges d'un système politique, le communisme soviétique, auquel elle a longtemps cru. A travers ce témoignage poignant, c'est une plongée dans le quotidien d'une famille ordinaire qui est ici proposée.