16 produits trouvés
The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry
Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu
- Birkhäuser
- 3 Juillet 2007
- 9780817644192
One of the world's foremost geometers, Alan Weinstein has made deep contributions to symplectic and differential geometry, Lie theory, mechanics, and related fields. Written in his honor, the invited papers in this volume reflect the active and vibrant research in these areas and are a tribute to Weinstein's ongoing influence.
The well-recognized contributors to this text cover a broad range of topics: Induction and reduction for systems with symmetry, symplectic geometry and topology, geometric quantization, the Weinstein Conjecture, Poisson algebra and geometry, Dirac structures, deformations for Lie group actions, Kähler geometry of moduli spaces, theory and applications of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics and dynamics, symplectic and Poisson groupoids, and quantum representations. -
The Robust Maximum Principle
Vladimir G. Boltyanski, Alexander S. Poznyak
- Birkhäuser
- 6 Novembre 2011
- 9780817681524
Both refining and extending previous publications by the authors, the material in this monograph has been class-tested in mathematical institutions throughout the world. Covering some of the key areas of optimal control theory (OCT)-a rapidly expanding field that has developed to analyze the optimal behavior of a constrained process over time-the authors use new methods to set out a version of OCT's more refined `maximum principle' designed to solve the problem of constructing optimal control strategies for uncertain systems where some parameters are unknown. Known as a `min-max' problem, this type of difficulty occurs frequently when dealing with finite uncertain sets.The text begins with a standalone section that reviews classical optimal control theory. Moving on to examine the tent method in detail, the book then presents its core material, which is a more robust maximum principle for both deterministic and stochastic systems. The results obtained have applications in production planning, reinsurance-dividend management, multi-model sliding mode control, and multi-model differential games. Using powerful new tools in optimal control theory, this book explores material that will be of great interest to post-graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics and engineering, particularly in the area of systems and control.
Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics
Alberto S. Cattaneo, Anthony Giaquinto, Ping Xu
- Birkhäuser
- 25 Novembre 2010
- 9780817647353
This book is centered around higher algebraic structures stemming from the work of Murray Gerstenhaber and Jim Stasheff that are now ubiquitous in various areas of mathematics- such as algebra, algebraic topology, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics- and in theoretical physics such as quantum field theory and string theory. These higher algebraic structures provide a common language essential in the study of deformation quantization, theory of algebroids and groupoids, symplectic field theory, and much more. The ideas of higher homotopies and algebraic deformation have a growing number of theoretical applications and have played a prominent role in recent mathematical advances. For example, algebraic versions of higher homotopies have led eventually to the proof of the formality conjecture and the deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds. As observed in deformations and deformation philosophy, a basic observation is that higher homotopy structures behave much better than strict structures. Each contribution in this volume expands on the ideas of Gerstenhaber and Stasheff. Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics is intended for post-graduate students, mathematical and theoretical physicists, and mathematicians interested in higher structures.
Invasive Plants: Ecological and Agricultural Aspects
S. Inderjit
- Birkhäuser
- 16 Janvier 2006
- 9783764373801
Invasive plants have an impact on global biodiversity and ecosystem function, and their management is a complex task.
The aim of this book is to discuss fundamental questions of invasion ecology, such as why particular communities become more invasible than others, what the mechanisms of exclusion of native species by invaders are, and whether invasion can be predicted. In addition, agricultural practices influencing invasion, the environmental and economic costs of invasion as well as possible management strategies are discussed. Readers will get a unique perspective on invasion ecology through employing general principles of ecology to plant invasions. -
Regulatory T Cells in Inflammation
Leonie S. Taams, Arne N. Akbar, Marca H.M. Wauben
- Birkhäuser
- 30 Mars 2006
- 9783764373016
Regulatory T-cells are essential components of the immune system, and several different subsets of regulatory T-cells have been described. Considerable regulatory function has been attributed to the CD4+CD25+ T-cell subset. These cells act by suppressing adaptive and possibly innate immune responses thereby maintaining or restoring the balance between immunity and tolerance. The suppressive effects of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells are cell-contact dependent.
Recent developments and viewpoints in the field of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells as well as the potential use of regulatory T-cells in immunotherapy of inflammatory diseases are discussed in this volume. By linking data from experimental models with recent findings from the clinic, this book will be of interest to immunologists and other biomedical researchers as well as clinicians interested in the regulation and manipulation of the immune response during inflammatory disease. -
Functional Identities
Mikhail A. Chebotar, Wallace S. Martindale, Matej Bresar
- Birkhäuser
- 8 Août 2007
- 9783764377960
A functional identity (FI) can be informally described as an identical relation involving(arbitrary)elementsinaringtogetherwith("unknown")functions;more precisely,elementsaremultipliedbyvaluesoffunctions.ThegoalofthegeneralFI theory is to determine the form of these functions, or, when this is not possible, to determine the structure of the ring admitting the FI in question. This theory has turnedouttobeapowerfultoolfor solvingavarietyofproblemsindi?erentareas. It is not always easy to recognize that the problem in question can be interpreted through some FI; often this is the most intriguing part of the process. But once one succeeds in discovering an FI that ?ts into the general theory, this abstract theory then as a rule yields the desired conclusions at a high level of generality. Among classical algebraic concepts, the one of a polynomial identity (PI) seems to be, at least on the surface, the closest one to the concept of an FI. In fact, a PI is formally just a very special example of an FI (where functions are polynomials).However,the theoryof PI'shasquite di?erent goalsthan the theory of FI's. One could say, especially from the point of view of applications, that the twotheoriesarecomplementaryto eachother.Under somenaturalrestrictions,PI theorydealswithringsthatareclosetoalgebrasoflowdimensions,whileFItheory gives de?nitive answers in algebras of su?ciently large or in?nite dimensions.
Advances in Dynamic Games
Leon A. Petrosjan, Alain Haurie, Shigeo Muto, T. E. S. Raghavan
- Birkhäuser
- 3 Avril 2007
- 9780817645014
This book, an outgrowth of the 10th International Symposium on Dynamic Games, presents current developments of the theory of dynamic games and its applications. The text uses dynamic game models to approach and solve problems pertaining to pursuit-evasion, marketing, finance, climate and environmental economics, resource exploitation, as well as auditing and tax evasions. It includes chapters on cooperative games, which are increasingly drawing dynamic approaches to their classical solutions.
The Unity of Mathematics
Pavel Etingof, Vladimir S. Retakh, I. M. Singer
- Birkhäuser
- 31 Mai 2007
- 9780817644673
A tribute to the vision and legacy of Israel Moiseevich Gelfand, the invited papers in this volume reflect the unity of mathematics as a whole, with particular emphasis on the many connections among the fields of geometry, physics, and representation theory. Written by leading mathematicians, the text is broadly divided into two sections: the first is devoted to developments at the intersection of geometry and physics, and the second to representation theory and algebraic geometry. Topics include conformal field theory, K-theory, noncommutative geometry, gauge theory, representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and various aspects of the Langlands program.
Graduate students and researchers will benefit from and find inspiration in this broad and unique work, which brings together fundamental results in a number of disciplines and highlights the rewards of an interdisciplinary approach to mathematics and physics.
Contributors: M. Atiyah; A. Braverman; H. Brezis; T. Coates; A. Connes; S. Debacker; V. Drinfeld; L.D. Faddeev; M. Finkelberg; D. Gaitsgory; I.M. Gelfand; A. Givental; D. Kazhdan; M. Kontsevich; B. Kostant; C-H. Liu; K. Liu; G. Lusztig; D. McDuff; M. Movshev; N.A. Nekrasov; A. Okounkov; N. Reshetikhin; A. Schwarz; Y. Soibelman; C. Vafa; A.M. Vershik; N. Wallach; and S-T. Yau. -
C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory
Bogdan Bojarski, Alexander S. Mishchenko, Evgenij V. Troitsky, Bogdan Weber
- Birkhäuser
- 9 Novembre 2006
- 9783764376871
This book consists of reviewed original research papers and expository articles in index theory (especially on singular manifolds), topology of manifolds, operator and equivariant K-theory, Hopf cyclic cohomology, geometry of foliations, residue theory, Fredholm pairs and others, and applications in mathematical physics. The wide spectrum of subjects reflects the diverse directions of research for which the starting point was the Atiyah-Singer index theorem.
In Vivo Models of Inflammation
Christopher S. Stevenson, Lisa A. Marshall, Douglas W. Morgan
- Birkhäuser
- 10 Novembre 2006
- 9783764375201
In Vivo Models of Inflammation provides the biomedical researcher with a description of the state of the art animal model systems used to emulate diseases with components of inflammation. This second edition acts as a complement to the first edition by describing and updating the standard models that are most utilized for specific disease areas. In addition, new models are included exploring emerging areas of inflammation research.
New approaches to the development of future models in selected therapeutic areas have been highlighted. The focus on novel technologies that are vital for innovative in vivo research has also been expanded to include chapters on the use of transgenic and gene transfer technologies, nanotechnology, and stem cells.
The aim of this book is to provide current best practices for obtaining the maximum information from in vivo experimentation, while preserving the dignity and comfort of the animal. -
Nonsmooth Optimization and Its Applications
Boris S. Mordukhovich, Seyedehsomayeh Hosseini, Andre Uschmajew
- Birkhäuser
- 29 Mars 2019
- 9783030113704
Since nonsmooth optimization problems arise in a diverse range of real-world applications, the potential impact of efficient methods for solving such problems is undeniable. Even solving difficult smooth problems sometimes requires the use of nonsmooth optimization methods, in order to either reduce the problem's scale or simplify its structure. Accordingly, the field of nonsmooth optimization is an important area of mathematical programming that is based on by now classical concepts of variational analysis and generalized derivatives, and has developed a rich and sophisticated set of mathematical tools at the intersection of theory and practice.This volume of ISNM is an outcome of the workshop "Nonsmooth Optimization and its Applications," which was held from May 15 to 19, 2017 at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn. The six research articles gathered here focus on recent results that highlight different aspects of nonsmooth and variational analysis, optimization methods, their convergence theory and applications.
Handbook of Model Predictive Control
Sasa V. Rakovic, William S. Levine
- Birkhäuser
- 1 Septembre 2018
- 9783319774893
Recent developments in model-predictive control promise remarkable opportunities for designing multi-input, multi-output control systems and improving the control of single-input, single-output systems. This volume provides a definitive survey of the latest model-predictive control methods available to engineers and scientists today.
The initial set of chapters present various methods for managing uncertainty in systems, including stochastic model-predictive control. With the advent of affordable and fast computation, control engineers now need to think about using "computationally intensive controls," so the second part of this book addresses the solution of optimization problems in "real" time for model-predictive control. The theory and applications of control theory often influence each other, so the last section of Handbook of Model Predictive Control rounds out the book with representative applications to automobiles, healthcare, robotics, and finance.
The chapters in this volume will be useful to working engineers, scientists, and mathematicians, as well as students and faculty interested in the progression of control theory. Future developments in MPC will no doubt build from concepts demonstrated in this book and anyone with an interest in MPC will find fruitful information and suggestions for additional reading.
The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Condition
Carlos A. De Moura, Carlos S. Kubrusly
- Birkhäuser
- 28 Octobre 2012
- 9780817683948
This volume comprises a carefully selected collection of articles emerging from and pertinent to the 2010 CFL-80 conference in Rio de Janeiro, celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. A major result in the field of numerical analysis, the CFL condition has influenced the research of many important mathematicians over the past eight decades, and this work is meant to take stock of its most important and current applications.The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Condition: 80 Years After its Discovery will be of interest to practicing mathematicians, engineers, physicists, and graduate students who work with numerical methods.
The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context
Jurgen Renn, Roberto Lalli, Alexander S. Blum
- Birkhäuser
- 12 Novembre 2020
- 9783030507541
This contributed volume explores the renaissance of general relativity after World War II, when it transformed from a marginal theory into a cornerstone of modern physics. Chapters explore key historical processes related to the theory of general relativity, in addition to presenting a thorough treatment of the relevant science behind these episodes. A broad historiographical framework is introduced first, thus providing the broad context in which the given computational approaches and case studies occurred. Written by an international and interdisciplinary group of expert authors, these chapters will bring readers to a more complete understanding of Einstein's theory. Specific topics include:Social and citation networksThe Fock-Infeld disputeWheeler's turn to gravitation theoryThe position of general relativity in theories of fundamental interactionsThe pursuit of a quantum theory of gravityThe emergence of dark matter in relation to cosmological modelsInstitutional frameworks for gravitational wave search in EuropeThe Renaissance of General Relativity in Context is ideal for historians, philosophers, and sociologists of science. Students and researchers in physics will also be interested in the topics explored.
Monogenic Functions in Spaces with Commutative Multiplication and Applications
Sergiy A. Plaksa, Vitalii S. Shpakivskyi
- Birkhäuser
- 18 Juillet 2023
- 9783031322549
This monograph develops a theory of continuous and differentiable functions, called monogenic functions, in the sense of Gateaux functions taking values in some vector spaces with commutative multiplication. The study of these monogenic functions in various commutative algebras leads to a discovery of new ways of solving boundary value problems in mathematical physics.
The book consists of six parts: Part I presents some preliminary notions and introduces various concepts of differentiable mappings of vector spaces. Part II - V is devoted to the study of monogenic functions in various spaces with commutative multiplication, namely, three dimensional commutative algebras with two-dimensional radical, finite-dimensional commutative associative algebras, infinite-dimensional vector spaces associated with the three-dimensional Laplace equation and infinite-dimensional vector spaces associated with axial-symmetric potential fields. Part VI presents some boundary value problems for axial-symmetric potential fields and develops effective analytic methods of solving these boundary value problems with various applications in mathematical physics.
Graduate students and researchers alike benefit from this book. -
Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis
Stephen D. Casey, M. Maurice Dodson, Paulo J. S. G. Ferreira, Ahmed Zayed
- Birkhäuser
- 4 Janvier 2024
- 9783031411304
During his long and distinguished career, J. Rowland Higgins (1935-2020) made a substantial impact on many mathematical fields through his work on sampling theory, his deep knowledge of its history, and his service to the community. This volume is a tribute to his work and legacy, featuring chapters written by distinguished mathematicians that explore cutting-edge research in sampling, approximation, signal analysis, and other related areas. An introductory chapter provides a biography of Higgins that explores his rich and unique life, along with a bibliography of his papers; a brief history of the SampTA meetings - of which he was a Founding Member - is also included. The remaining articles are grouped into four sections - classical sampling, theoretical extensions, frame theory, and applications of sampling theory - and explore Higgins' contributions to these areas, as well as some of the latest developments.