Ying Chen
12 produits trouvés
De l'autre côté du fleuve, en regard de notre ville, un tremblement de terre a eu lieu il y a quelque temps, mais la ville d'en face se porte à merveille, s'accroît de jour en jour, les derniers morceaux de terre cultivable viennent d'être achetés, les nouveaux immeubles seront bientôt en place. La paix y règne. Les jardins bâtis sur les cadavres et nourris de sang fleurissent bien. La prospérité se prolonge sans fin. Aucun signe d'écroulement. Le paradis existe. Le progrès est possible.Ying Chen, née à Shanghai, vit à Vancouver. Elle écrit directement en français. Elle avait été remarquée avec L'Ingratitude (Actes Sud, 1995). Elle jouit d'un grand prestige au Canada, où de nombreuses thèses ont été consacrées à son oeuvre. Elle est traduite dans plusieurs langues. La rive est loin est son septième livre publié au Seuil.
Avec cette manière si personnelle d'évoquer des destins en faisant dialoguer les vivants et les morts, Ying Chen raconte ici merveilleusement la vie d'une illustre femme de science par la voix de sa fille, devenue à dix-huit ans son assistante sur les champs de bataille et, par la suite, dans son laboratoire. Comment ne pas penser à Marie Curie et à sa fille Irène dans cette remémoration d'outre-tombe qui fait revivre la destinée de ces deux scientifiques ainsi que d'autres membres tout aussi illustres de cette famille, leurs aléas dans l'histoire et aussi leurs combats.
Au bord d'une rivière éternelle, trois revenants se rencontrent. Réincarnés en animaux mal-aimés - rat, mouche, serpent -, ils ont l'impression de se trouver en meilleure situation que jadis, lorsqu'ils vivaient sous forme humaine. Comme cette vie d'avant les hante toujours, ils entreprennent de raconter leur version des faits, exprimant leurs hontes, leurs remords et parfois leur amertume. Surtout, ils relatent leurs souvenirs d'un maître commun, toujours omniprésent, envers qui ils éprouvent maintenant des émotions complexes et dont ils remettent en question l'enseignement.
De nombreuses oeuvres littéraires ont voulu cerner, ces dernières années, la difficulté de la situation de l'immigrant, qui doit embrasser une nouvelle culture sans jamais parvenir à oublier tout à fait celle dont il est issu. Ce livre pose une question encore bien plus profonde et complexe. Comment un immigrant peut-il rendre compte de ce choix auprès de ses enfants ? Si l'adulte a choisi son nouveau pays, l'enfant, lui, n'a rien choisi. Qu'est-ce qui peut alors racheter l'immense douleur de se retrouver sans racines ?
Sous forme d'une longue lettre adressée à son fils, la romancière Ying Chen signe ici un livre bouleversant d'intelligence et de sensibilité. Comment lui parler de son héritage chinois quand elle a elle-même choisi le Canada pour pays et la langue française comme lieu de déploiement de son imaginaire ? Comment lui parler de Lao-Tseu, s'il ne lui est accessible qu'à travers une traduction dans une langue occidentale ? Comment lui parler des livres quand les images règnent sur le monde dans lequel il vit ? -
Real Estate Management in China
Ying Chen, Shukui Tan, Wenjie Cai
- Springer
- 31 Août 2022
- 9789811947353
This book reflects the great changes in terms of real estate sales, purchases, finance and policies from planned economy to market economy in China. Real estate system has always been a great concern to the public for its irreplaceable role in people's lives and various daily affairs, as well as in the development of the whole economy, especially in China's context. The unique perspective of this book lies in the significant role that the Chinese government plays in real estate system. This book aims to help readers to understand China's real estate system comprehensively.
Design and Fabrication of Self-Powered Micro-Harvesters
C. T. Pan, Y. M. Hwang, Liwei Lin, Ying-Chung Chen
- Wiley-IEEE Press
- 9 Avril 2014
- 9781118487822
Presents the latest methods for designing and fabricating self-powered micro-generators and energy harvester systems Design and Fabrication of Self-Powered Micro-Harvesters introduces the latest trends of self-powered generators and energy harvester systems, including the design, analysis and fabrication of micro power systems. Presented in four distinct parts, the authors explore the design and fabrication of: vibration-induced electromagnetic micro-generators; rotary electromagnetic micro-generators; flexible piezo-micro-generator with various widths; and PVDF electrospunpiezo-energy with interdigital electrode. Focusing on the latest developments of self-powered microgenerators such as micro rotary with LTCC and filament winding method, flexible substrate, and piezo fiber-typed microgenerator with sound organization, the fabrication processes involved in MEMS and nanotechnology are introduced chapter by chapter. In addition, analytical solutions are developed for each generator to help the reader to understand the fundamentals of physical phenomena. Fully illustrated throughout and of a high technical specification, it is written in an accessible style to provide an essential reference for industry and academic researchers. Comprehensive treatment of the newer harvesting devices including vibration-induced and rotary electromagnetic microgenerators, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanoscale/microscale fiber, and piezo-micro-generators Presents innovative technologies including LTCC (low temperature co-fire ceramic) processes, and PCB (printed circuit board) processes Offers interdisciplinary interest in MEMS/NEMS technologies, green energy applications, bio-related sensors, actuators and generators Presented in a readable style describing the fundamentals, applications and explanations of micro-harvesters, with full illustration
Nanostructured Materials for Next-Generation Energy Storage and Conversion
Jingbo Louise Liu, Sajid Bashir, Ying-Pin Chen
- Springer
- 31 Mai 2017
- 9783662535141
Volume 1 of a 4-volume series is a concise, authoritative and an eminently readable and enjoyable experience related to hydrogen production, storage and usage for portable and stationary power. Although the major focus is on hydrogen, discussion of fossil fuels and nuclear power is also presented where appropriate. This monograph is written by recognized experts in the field, and is both timely and appropriate as this decade will see application of hydrogen as an energy carrier, for example in transportation sector.
The world's reliance on fossil fuels is due to the ever growing need for energy to sustain life and on-going progress; however exploitation also brings consequences such as emission of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur dioxides into the atmosphere. The collective influence of these photochemical gases is production of acid rain and an alternation of global temperatures, leading to record high temperatures in many parts of the world. The fossil fuel is unsustainable andthus there is a critical need for alternative sustainable energy resources. One universal energy carrier is hydrogen, which is the focus of this volume.
This book is suitable for those who work in the energy field as technical experts, including engineers and scientists, as well as managers, policy and decision-makers, environmentalists and consultants. Students and practitioners such as lectures, teachers, legislators and their aids in the field of energy will find this book invaluable and a practical handbook or guide in the field of sustainable energy with emphasis on hydrogen as an energy carrier. -
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation in Economics and Finance
Shu-Heng Chen, Ying-Fang Kao, Ragupathy Venkatachalam, Ye-Rong Du
- Springer
- 20 Novembre 2018
- 9783319996240
This title brings together frontier research on complex economic systems, heterogeneous interacting agents, bounded rationality, and nonlinear dynamics in economics. The book contains the proceedings of the CEF2015 (21st Computing in Economics in Finance), held 20-22 June 2015 in Taipei, Taiwan, and addresses some of the important driving forces for various emergent properties in economies, when viewed as complex systems. The breakthroughs reported in this book are a result of an interdisciplinary approach and simulation remains the unifying theme for these papers as they deal with a wide range of topics in economics. The text is a valuable addition to the efforts in promoting the complex systems view in economic science. The computational experiments reported in the book are both transparent and replicable.Complex System Modeling and Simulation in Economics and Finance is useful for graduate courses of complex systems, with particular focuson economics and finance. At the same time it serves as a good overview for researchers who are interested in the topic.
Iptycenes Chemistry: From Synthesis to Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the development of iptycene chemistry in the past seventy years. This book covers: (1) the basic nomenclature and general properties of iptycenes and their derivatives; (2) the synthesis and functionalization reactions of triptycenes, pentiptycenes, higher iptycenes, heterotriptycenes, and homotriptycenes; (3) the methods for the preparation of iptycene-based polymers with different types; and (4) the applications of iptycenes and their derivatives in molecular machines, materials science, host-guest chemistry, self-assembly, coordination chemistry, physical organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and so on. Consequently, such a book is not only helpful to researchers working in iptycene chemistry, but can also facilitate future research in wide areas.
Energy Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing
Ying Chen, Yuan Wu, Ning Zhang, Sherman Shen
- Springer
- 30 Octobre 2022
- 9783031168222
This book provides a comprehensive review and in-depth discussion of the state-of-the-art research literature and propose energy-efficient computation offloading and resources management for mobile edge computing (MEC), covering task offloading, channel allocation, frequency scaling and resource scheduling. Since the task arrival process and channel conditions are stochastic and dynamic, the authors first propose an energy efficient dynamic computing offloading scheme to minimize energy consumption and guarantee end devices' delay performance. To further improve energy efficiency combined with tail energy, the authors present a computation offloading and frequency scaling scheme to jointly deal with the stochastic task allocation and CPU-cycle frequency scaling for minimal energy consumption while guaranteeing the system stability. They also investigate delay-aware and energy-efficient computation offloading in a dynamic MEC system with multiple edge servers, and introduce anend-to-end deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach to select the best edge server for offloading and allocate the optimal computational resource such that the expected long-term utility is maximized. Finally, the authors study the multi-task computation offloading in multi-access MEC via non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and accounting for the time-varying channel conditions. An online algorithm based on DRL is proposed to efficiently learn the near-optimal offloading solutions.
Researchers working in mobile edge computing, task offloading and resource management, as well as advanced level students in electrical and computer engineering, telecommunications, computer science or other related disciplines will find this book useful as a reference. Professionals working within these related fields will also benefit from this book.
100 Q&As on Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality
Chen Ying, Chao Qingchen
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 28 Novembre 2023
- 9781636676784
China announced the national goal of achieving carbon peaking before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. The great cause of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality requires relentless efforts of the whole society. 100 Q&As on Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality explains in simple language some core and key issues about achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the form of Q&As. This book will enhance the recognition and awareness of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality among officials at all levels, enterprise personnel, and the general public.
This book explores the dynamics of the Chinese labor market, the largest in the world. The sheer scale of rural laborers living in cities is the ultimate engine driving the fastest urbanization the world has ever seen. Today, the country faces a series of new challenges as it tries to address problems of unemployment and under-employment. These include population ageing, automation, the increasing use of AI on the factory floor and other workplaces and Chinese manufacturers' move up the value chain. The book presents an empirically rich and analytically rigorous account of how these challenges might be met. It will be of interest to labor economists, scholars of Chinese manufacturing, and researchers of the Chinese economy.