22 produits trouvés
Née dans une famille d’illustres pilotes des Highlands, Morag MacIntyre a toujours su qu’elle passerait, elle aussi, sa vie dans les nuages.
Pourtant, après un accident traumatisant, elle ne parvient plus à monter dans un cockpit. Mais lorsque son grand-père malade lui demande de gérer MacIntyre Air, le service de transport insulaire dont dépendent de nombreux habitants, elle accepte de revenir sur sa terre natale le temps de sa guérison.
Morag prend alors les commandes du vieil avion à hélice familial pour assurer les livraisons, jusqu’au jour où une terrible tempête l’oblige à atterrir sur une île isolée avec pour seul habitant un ornithologue bourru.
Née en 1972 à Prestwick, Jenny Colgan est une romancière écossaise. Diplômée de l’université d’Édimbourg, elle a travaillé plusieurs années dans la santé et a été également dessinatrice de comics. Depuis 2000, elle connaît un succès fulgurant avec ses séries qui séduisent des millions de lecteurs à travers le monde, notamment La Petite Boulangerie du bout du monde, Le Cupcake Café et Au bord de l’eau. Elle vit en Écosse avec son mari et leurs trois enfants. -
La nouvelle série de Jenny Colgan !Sur l'île sauvage de Mure, au nord de l'Écosse, Flora dispose d'un été pour chasser les fantômes du passé et donner un nouveau sens à sa vie. Assistante juridique dans un cabinet d'avocats à Londres, Flora McKenzie était loin d'imaginer qu'il lui faudrait, pour son travail, retourner à Mure, l'île sur laquelle elle a grandi. Une île qu'elle a quittée avec perte et fracas après le décès brutal de sa mère, quelques années plus tôt.
Quand elle arrive à Mure pour s'installer dans la ferme familiale, la jeune femme sent très vite qu'elle n'est pas la bienvenue. Les non-dits et les rancoeurs du passé empoisonnent ses relations avec son père, ses frères, mais aussi avec la plupart des habitants du village. Jusqu'au jour où Flora tombe par hasard sur le vieux cahier de recettes de sa mère. En se plongeant dans ce carnet, elle se découvre une nouvelle passion pour la cuisine qui pourrait bien l'aider à se réconcilier avec sa famille et son île natale. Emportée par son élan gourmand, Flora décide de rénover une boutique sur le port dans l'espoir d'y ouvrir un restaurant éphémère...
Le Style Jenny Colgan signe ici un nouveau feel good book dont elle a le secret ! Une prose simple et délicate, qui met en avant, avec justesse, les sentiments des personnages, leurs doutes, leurs craintes et leurs joies. Des chapitres qui s'enchaînent sans temps mort grâce aux différentes péripéties qui rythment le récit, sans oublier des dialogues enlevés, tour à tour drôles et émouvants. -
Cupcake café Tome 2 : le Cupcake café sous la neige
Jenny Colgan
- Editions Prisma
- 11 Octobre 2018
- 9782810425556
De Londres à Manhattan, partez passer des fêtes gourmandes et enneigées à Londres grâce au dernier tome du Cupcake Café !
Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Izzy a toujours raffolé des fêtes de Noël, quand Londres scintille de guirlandes colorées et que flotte dans l'air un doux parfum de gingembre et de cannelle...
Mais cette année, le Cupcake Café ne lui laisse guère le temps de flâner dans les rues enneigées de la capitale anglaise. A l'approche des fêtes, les commandes se multiplient !
Accaparée par ses gâteaux, Izzy tombe des nues quand son petit ami Austin lui apprend qu'il a décroché un poste à New York. Bien décidée à faire contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur, la jeune femme s'investit pleinement dans son travail et tente d'ignorer les milliers de kilomètres qui la séparent de l'homme qu'elle aime.
Pourtant, au fil des semaines, l'absence d'Austin pèse de plus en plus sur la pâtissière qui craint de voir son univers douillet et gourmand se fissurer. Izzy doit-elle renoncer au Cupcake Café et sauter dans un avion ? Ou au contraire rester à Londres et tenter d'oublier Austin ?
Une chose est sûre : armée de sa bonne humeur et de sa poche à douille, Izzy est prête à tout pour que la magie de Noël opère encore cette année ! -
Découvrez enfin le dernier tome des aventures gourmandes de Polly, l'héroïne emblématique de La Petite Boulangerie du bout du monde, la série aux centaines de milliers de lectrices !
Polly Waterford ne voit pas le temps passer... Sa petite boulangerie l'occupe du matin au soir, au désespoir d'Huckle, son compagnon, qui rêve de profiter d'une simple grasse matinée avec elle. À l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, Huckle rêve aussi d'un Noël en amoureux, bien au chaud dans leur grand phare, avec leur petit macareux Neil.
Mais quand Kerensa débarque à Mount Polbearne pour dévoiler à sa meilleure amie un terrible secret sur son passé, Polly voit soudain son avenir s'assombrir. D'autant que la révélation de Kerensa menace la belle histoire qu'elle a construite avec Huckle.
Jusqu'à présent, Polly a toujours réussi à surmonter les épreuves en cuisinant. Pourtant, cette fois-ci, préparer de bons petits pains risque de ne pas suffire à la sortir d'affaire.
Polly est-elle prête à affronter son passé ? Réussira-t-elle à remettre sa vie sur de bons rails pour passer un joyeux Noël auprès de ceux qu'elle aime ?
Le Style Une prose simple et délicate, qui met en avant, avec justesse, les sentiments des personnages, leurs doutes, leurs craintes et leurs joies. Des chapitres qui s'enchaînent sans temps mort grâce aux différentes péripéties qui rythment le récit, sans oublier des dialogues enlevés, tour à tour drôles et émouvants. -
Toute résistance serait futile
Jenny Colgan
- Hauteville
- Hauteville Romans
- 17 Novembre 2017
- 9782820525277
« De la science-fiction avec des personnages féminins dignes de ce nom ! » MadmoiZelle « Je n'aurais jamais pensé que je pourrais apprécier un livre sur les maths, les amphibiens et la fin du monde. C'est original, drôle et romantique. Et vous n'avez même pas besoin d'être calés en fractales. » Sophie Kinsella, auteure de L'Accro du shopping Connie, mathématicienne, arrive à Cambridge, pensant qu'on lui a confié un poste de professeur. Elle se rend compte que des confrères sont là, à qui on a fait la même promesse. Les services secrets les ont en fait réunis pour décrypter un code mystérieux et les voilà « assignés à résidence ». Parmi eux se trouve un inconnu au comportement étrange... et c'est peu dire pour leur petit milieu. Luke semble en savoir beaucoup plus qu'eux sur ce code et même sur la vie, l'univers et le reste.
Un roman sur l'amour l'amitié et l'éradication de l'espèce humaine pour les fans de Dr Who et The Big Bang Theory. -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
In a quaint seaside resort, a charming bakery holds the key to another world . . .
With recipes for you to try yourself at home
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Polly Waterford is recovering from a toxic relationship. Unable to afford their flat, she has to move miles away from everyone, to a sleepy little seaside resort in Cornwall, where she lives alone above an abandoned shop.
And so Polly takes out her frustrations on her favourite hobby: making bread. But what was previously a weekend diversion suddenly becomes far more important as she pours her emotions into kneading and pounding the dough, and each loaf becomes better and better. With nuts and seeds, olives and chorizo, with local honey (courtesy of local bee keeper, Huckle), and with reserves of determination and creativity Polly never knew she had, she bakes and bakes and bakes . . . And people start to hear about it.
Sometimes, bread really is life . . . And Polly is about to reclaim hers.
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
In the Scottish Highlands, a tiny bookshop perches on the edge of a loch . . .
Curl up and escape with Jenny Colgan
'A total joy' Sophie Kinsella
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Zoe is a single mother, sinking beneath the waves trying to cope by herself in London. Hari, her gorgeous little boy is perfect in every way - except for the fact that he just doesn't speak, at all. When her landlord raises the rent on her flat, Zoe doesn't know where to turn.
Then Hari's aunt suggests Zoe could move to Scotland to help run a bookshop. Going from the lonely city to a small village in the Highlands could be the change Zoe and Hari desperately need.
Faced with an unwelcoming boss, a moody, distant bookseller named Ramsay Urquart, and a band of unruly children, Zoe wonders if she's made the right decision. But Hari has found his very first real friend, and no one could resist the beauty of the loch glinting in the summer sun. If only Ramsay would just be a little more approachable...
Dreams start here . . .
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Just like Malory Towers for grown-ups' Sophie Kinsella
Jenny Colgan's return to the Little School by the Sea - perfect for anyone who ever dreamed of going to boarding school!
Lessons is the third novel in Jenny Colgan's beloved Maggie Adair series.
As the summer holidays start, scandal hits Downey House. The attraction between Maggie Adair, the fiery, committed English teacher at Downey House and David McDonald, a teacher at the local boys' school, has escalated - and now both are facing an uncertain future.
The girls of Downey House - mercurial Fliss, glamorous Alice and shy, dependable Simone - are facing long summers at home. But the new term is not far away - and it will bring new pupils and lots of fresh new challenges . . .
'Funny, page-turning and addictive... just like Malory Towers for grown-ups' - Sophie Kinsella
'A brilliant boarding school book, stuffed full of unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures and angst...' - Lisa Jewell -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
On a tiny island of the coast of Scotland, a nugget of opportunity awaits . . .
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Flora is definitely, absolutely sure that escaping from the quiet Scottish island where she grew up to the noise and hustle of the big city was the right choice. What was there for her on Mure? It's a place where everyone has known her all her life, and no one will let her forget the past. In the city, she can be anonymous, ambitious and indulge herself in her hopeless crush on her gorgeous boss, Joel.
When a new client demands Flora's presence back on Mure, she's suddenly swept back into life with her brothers (all strapping, loud and seemingly incapable of basic housework) and her father. As Flora indulges her new-found love of cooking and breathes life into the dusty little pink-fronted shop on the harbour, she's also going to have to come to terms with past mistakes - and work out exactly where her future lies...
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
In a Cornish coastal village, a tiny bakery serves the best hot chocolate you can possibly imagine
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'A cracker - the must-read this festive season' Sun
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
It's Christmas Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting.
Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season always inspires her to bake and knead something extra special for the village residents. In fact, the only thing she loves more than her bakery is curling up with her gorgeous boyfriend, Huckle. She's determined that this Christmas is going to be their best one yet, but life doesn't always work out as planned...
When Polly's best friend Kerensa turns up with a secret that threatens the life Polly and Huckle have built together, the future begins to look uncertain. And then a face from Polly's past reappears and things become even more complicated. Polly can usually find solace in baking but she has a feeling that's not going to be enough this time.
Can she get things back on track so that everyone has a merry Christmas?
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
Tucked away behind the cobbled alleys and the grand promenades, a tiny chocolate shop awaits . . .
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
As dawn breaks over the Pont Neuf, and the cobbled alleyways of Paris come to life, Anna Trent is already awake and at work; mixing and stirring the finest, smoothest, richest chocolate; made entirely by hand, it is sold to the grandes dames of Paris.
It's a huge shift from the chocolate factory she worked in at home in the north of England. But when an accident changed everything, Anna was thrown back in touch with her French teacher, Claire, who offered her the chance of a lifetime - to work in Paris with her former sweetheart, Thierry, a master chocolatier.
With old wounds about to be uncovered and healed, Anna is set to discover more about real chocolate - and herself - than she ever dreamed.
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
Snuggle up and escape to the beautiful island of Mure this winter. Jenny Colgan's new Christmas novel, CHRISTMAS AT THE ISLAND HOTEL, is out now.
Christmas on the remote Scottish island of Mure is bleak, stark - and incredibly beautiful.
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'A cracker - the must-read this festive season' Sun
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
It's a time for hunkering down, getting cosy in front of whisky barrel wood fires, and enjoying a dram with the people you love - unless, of course, you're accidentally pregnant to your ex-boss, and don't know how to tell him. In what should be the season of peace and goodwill on earth, will Joel think Flora is a bearer of glad tidings?
Meanwhile Saif, the doctor and refugee from war-torn Syria is trying to enjoy his first western Christmas with his sons - but without his missing wife. Can the little family possibly find comfort and joy?
Travel to the beautiful northern edge of the world and join the welcoming community of Mure for an unforgettable Christmas.
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
Run away to a beautiful Scottish beach . . .
'A total joy' Sophie Kinsella
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content - unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend.
While Flora is in turmoil about her relationship. her best friend Lorna is pining after the local doctor. Saif came to the island as a refugee, having lost all of his family. But he's about to get some shocking news which will change everything for him.
As cold winter nights shift to long summer days, can Flora find her happy-ever-after with Joel?
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Her books are so compelling that you can feel the cool breeze on your face, smell the salty air'
'Her descriptions of scenery (and food!) are beautiful'
'I wish her places were real'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan'
Sunday Express
Come and celebrate . . .
With real mouth-watering recipes for you to try at home
Issy Randall, proud owner of the Cupcake Cafe, is in love and couldn't be happier. Her new business is thriving and she is surrounded by close friends, even if her cupcake colleagues Pearl and Caroline aren't quite as upbeat about the upcoming season of snow and merriment.
But when her boyfriend Austin is scouted for a possible move to New York, Issy is forced to face up to the prospect of a long-distance romance. And when the Christmas rush at the cafe - with its increased demand for her delectable creations - begins to take its toll, Issy has to decide what she holds most dear.
This December, Issy will have to rely on all her reserves of courage, good nature and cinnamon, to make sure everyone has a merry Christmas, one way or another . . .
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
A feisty, flirty, feel-good tale of one woman's quest to cure her disastrous love life.
'A total joy' Sophie Kinsella
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Now, you would obviously never, ever look up your exes on Facebook. Nooo. And even if you did, you most certainly wouldn't run off trying to track them down, risking your job, family and happiness in the process. Posy Fairweather, on the other hand . . .
Posy is delighted when Matt proposes - on top of a mountain, in a gale, in full-on romantic mode. But a few days later disaster strikes: he backs out of the engagement. Crushed and humiliated, Posy starts thinking. Why has her love life always ended in total disaster? Determined to discover how she got to this point, Posy resolves to get online and track down her exes. Can she learn from past mistakes? And what if she has let Mr Right slip through her fingers on the way?
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
Come and meet Issy Randall, proud owner of The Cupcake Café . . .
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Issy Randall can bake. No, more than that - Issy can create stunning, mouth-wateringly divine cakes. After a childhood spent in her beloved Grampa Joe's bakery, she has undoubtedly inherited his talent.
When she's made redundant from her safe but dull City job, Issy decides to seize the moment. Armed with recipes from Grampa, and with her best friends and local bank manager fighting her corner, The Cupcake Café opens its doors. But Issy has absolutely no idea what she's let herself in for. It will take all her courage - and confectionery - to avert disaster . . .
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan'
Sunday Express
In a tiny little sweetshop, something very special is waiting under the Christmas tree . . .
With mouthwatering seasonal recipes for you to try at home
Snuggle up and escape with Jenny Colgan
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'A cracker - the must-read this festive season' Sun
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Rosie Hopkins, newly engaged, is looking forward to an exciting year in the little sweetshop she owns and runs. But when fate strikes Rosie and her boyfriend, Stephen, a terrible blow, threatening everything they hold dear, it's going to take all their strength and the support of their families and their Lipton friends to hold them together.
After all, don't they say it takes a village to raise a child?
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
How does an It Girl survive when she loses everything . . .?
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
Sophie Chesterton is a girl about town - she knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes. But deep down she suspects that her superficial friends and lifestyle don't amount to very much. Her father is desperate for her to make her own way in the world, and when after one shocking evening her life is turned upside down, she suddenly has no choice.
Scraping a living as a 'glamour' photographer's assistant, living in a hovel on the Old Kent Road with four smelly boys, eating baked beans from the can, Sophie is desperate to get her life back. But does a girl really need diamonds to be happy?
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
Carmen a le moral dans les chaussettes. Pour éviter la faillite, la magnifique librairie où elle travaille est devenue le lieu de tournage d’un film de Noël complètement ringard et l’amour de sa vie vient de s’envoler à des milliers de kilomètres pour aller étudier un arbre dans la forêt amazonienne. L’esprit de Noël n’est décidément pas au rendez-vous…
Mais lorsque le vieux propriétaire de la librairie avoue qu’il pense s’associer à un homme d’affaires un peu louche pour réaliser son rêve de voyage en Antarctique, la jeune femme met tout en œuvre pour sauver la librairie.
Avec l’aide des commerçants du quartier et de sa famille, Carmen pourrait bien réaliser son plus grand tour de magie !
Jenny Colgan nous offre une nouvelle comédie pleine de charme et de douceur et nous plonge dans une ambiance de Noël magique au coeur des rues pittoresques d’Édimbourg.
Née en 1972 à Prestwick, Jenny Colgan est une romancière écossaise. Depuis 2000, elle connaît un succès fulgurant avec ses séries qui séduisent des millions de lecteurs à travers le monde, notamment La Petite Boulangerie du bout du monde, Le Cupcake Café et Au bord de l’eau. Elle vit en Écosse avec son mari et leurs trois enfants. -
'A sheer delight from start to finish' Sophie Kinsella
Can you hear the jangle of pocket money, the rustle of striped paper bags . . ?
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
Rosie Hopkins thinks leaving her busy London life, and her boyfriend Gerard, to sort out her elderly Aunt Lilian's sweetshop in a small country village is going to be dull. Boy, is she wrong.
Lilian Hopkins has spent her life running Lipton's sweetshop, through wartime and family feuds. As she struggles with the idea that it might finally be time to settle up, she also wrestles with the secret history hidden behind the jars of beautifully coloured sweets.
Welcome to Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams - a novel - with recipes.
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic -
Discover this summer's most irregular love story . . .
Connie's smart. She's funny. But when it comes to love, she's only human.
As a brilliant mathematician with bright red hair - Connie's used to being considered a little unusual. But when she's recruited for a top-secret code-breaking project, nothing can prepare her for working with someone quite as peculiar as Luke.
From the Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan comes a charmingly quirky tale of love, friendship . . . and the possible obliteration of mankind.
'Quirky, funny and romantic' Sophie Kinsella
'A riotous cocktail of geeks' Matt Haig, author of The Humans
'It's not so often that I fall so completely in love with a book . . intelligent, funny, moving and beautiful' Rowan Coleman, author of The Memory Book
'Joyous, suspenseful, poignant, funny, heart-breaking, and above all else, a pleasure to read' Claire North, author of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
Jenny Colgan is the author of numerous bestselling novels, including Christmas at the Cupcake Café, Little Beach Street Bakery and Welcome to Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams. As Jenny T. Colgan she has also written the Doctor Who tie-in novel Dark Horizons and several Doctor Who short stories. -
'Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan' Sunday Express
The streets of London are the perfect place to discover your dreams . . .
'A total joy' Sophie Kinsella
'An evocative, sweet treat' Jojo Moyes
'Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting' Marian Keyes
'Irresistible' Jill Mansell
'Just lovely' Katie Fforde
'Naturally funny, warm-hearted' Lisa Jewell
'A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book' Mike Gayle
They may be twin sisters, but Lizzie and Penny Berry are complete opposites - Penny is blonde, thin and outrageous; Lizzie is quiet, thoughtful and, well, definitely not thin. But they both share a desperate desire to DO something with their lives.
When, out of the blue, they learn they have a grandmother living in Chelsea, who asks them to flat-sit her King's Road pad while she is in hospital, the girls' ambitions finally seem to be falling into place. But, as they soon discover, it's not easy to become an It Girl, and west end boys aren't at all like Hugh Grant . . .
Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan
'Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside'
'Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished'
'There's something so engaging about her characters and plots'
'Her books are like a big, warm blanket'
'Her stories are just so fabulous'
'She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life'
'The woman is just magic