17 produits trouvés
Grevisse : Le français correct : Guide pratique des difficultés
Maurice Grevisse, Christel Le Bellec, Frédérique Saez, Martin Taillade
- De Boeck Supérieur
- Grevisse langue française
- 25 Septembre 2024
- 9782807356863
La bonne réponse rapidement à toutes les questions en français, grâce à :
une présentation alphabétique
de nombreux exemples
les difficultés courantes expliquées
des rappels grammaticaux
Une référence pour déjouer tous les pièges du français! -
Le triomphe de l'injustice ; richesse, évasion fiscale et démocratie
Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman
- Seuil
- Les Livres du nouveau monde
- 13 Février 2020
- 9782021412130
Pour la première fois depuis plus d'un siècle, les milliardaires américains paient moins d'impôts, en proportion de leurs revenus, que chacun des autres groupes sociaux.
Écrit par deux économistes qui ont révolutionné l'étude des inégalités, ce livre présente une analyse au scalpel de cette grande transformation.
Mêlant récit historique et analyse économique, Emmanuel Saez et Gabriel Zucman analysent les choix (et non-choix) qui ont conduit au triomphe de cette injustice fiscale, de l'exonération progressive des revenus du capital au développement d'une nouvelle industrie de l'évasion fiscale, en passant par l'engrenage de la concurrence fiscale internationale. Avec clarté et concision, ils expliquent comment l'Amérique, qui a été à la pointe du combat pour la justice fiscale pendant la moitié du xxe siècle, a tourné le dos à sa propre tradition.
Si l'on veut éviter que l'Europe ne s'enfonce dans la dérive inégalitaire et oligarchique qui a amené Donald Trump au pouvoir, il y a urgence à tirer les leçons de cette histoire. Car même si ce phénomène a été extrême de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, le déclin de la progressivité fiscale dans un contexte de montée des inégalités n'est en rien spécifique aux États-Unis, et appelle des solutions globales.
Le Triomphe de l'injustice propose une refondation de l'impôt à la fois visionnaire et pragmatique, à même d'apporter des solutions concrètes aux défis inégalitaires contemporains et de réconcilier la mondialisation et la justice économique.
Emmanuel Saez est professeur d'économie à l'université de Californie à Berkeley, et lauréat en 2009 de la médaille John Bates Clark, la plus haute distinction américaine en économie.
Gabriel Zucman est professeur d'économie à l'université de Californie à Berkeley. Il est l'auteur de La Richesse cachée des nations. Enquête sur les paradis fiscaux, traduit dans dix-sept langues.
J'enseigne le FLE-FLS ; 1er et 2nd degrés
Frédérique Saez, Hélène Dugros, Isabelle Cévenes
- Dunod
- La Boîte à Outils du professeur
- 18 Octobre 2023
- 9782100860432
L'enseignement du FLE/FLS s'adresse à des apprenants non francophones en France ou à l'étranger. L'Éducation nationale définit le FLS comme la langue qui, en France, permet à l'élève d'accéder à une qualification, c'est la langue de la scolarité. Il assure le passage du FLE au français langue maternelle.
Après un certain nombre de tests, l'inspection académique décide de l'affectation de l'élève selon son âge et son niveau. Les élèves vont dans des classes d'accueil ou sont directement intégrés dans des classes ordinaires.
Les enseignants sont souvent démunis face aux besoins spécifiques de ces élèves car ils ne bénéficient que rarement d'accompagnement ou formation pour pouvoir offrir une pédagogie adaptée et ciblée.
L'ouvrage propose donc une méthode et des pistes pédagogiques pour accompagner l'enseignant et permettre à ces élèves aux besoins particuliers de progresser en maîtrise de la langue de scolarisation afin de réussir leur scolarité.
Découvrez les outils indispensables pour enseigner le FLE-FLS dans le 1er et 2nd degrés, basés sur l'expérience terrain des autrices.
Chaque outil est présenté de façon visuelle sur 2 ou 4 pages : schéma de synthèse, résumé de l'outil, objectifs et contexte d'utilisation, méthodologie à suivre, avantages et précautions à prendre.
De nombreux exemples d'application renforcent la pédagogie concrète du livre. -
Quand John Mac Dolan, il y a bien longtemps, est arrivé à Shortfalls, petite ville aux confins du Yukon, nul ne lui a demandé qui il était ni d'où il venait. Il faisait partie de ces nombreux aventuriers qui ont fait la réputation de cette région du Canada depuis la Ruée vers l'or et pour lesquels les habitants ne montrent aucune curiosité. Ce n'était pourtant pas la fortune qu'il était venu chercher. Quant à savoir ce qu'il y a trouvé, peut-être Camille Dorchamp, hôtesse de l'air parisienne, le découvrira-t-elle en recevant une étrange lettre du shérif de Shortfalls qui va l'entraîner dans une aventure imprévue ?
Né en Algérie dans une famille d'immigrés espagnols Jean-Manuel Saëz est venu en France lors de l'indépendance du pays. Après une carrière d'avocat au barreau de Lyon, il partage désormais sa vie entre la Bretagne et la Côte d'Azur. Il a publié Un enfant de la brousse, récit autobiographique sur son enfance dans une Algérie en guerre. Baie Saint-Paul est son premier roman. -
Controller Tuning with Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
Gilberto Reynoso Meza, Xavier Blasco Ferragud, Javier Sanchis Saez, Juan Manuel Herrero Dura
- Springer
- 4 Novembre 2016
- 9783319413013
This book is devoted to Multiobjective Optimization Design (MOOD) procedures for controller tuning applications, by means of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (EMO). It presents developments in tools, procedures and guidelines to facilitate this process, covering the three fundamental steps in the procedure: problem definition, optimization and decision-making. The book is divided into four parts. The first part, Fundamentals, focuses on the necessary theoretical background and provides specific tools for practitioners. The second part, Basics, examines a range of basic examples regarding the MOOD procedure for controller tuning, while the third part, Benchmarking, demonstrates how the MOOD procedure can be employed in several control engineering problems. The fourth part, Applications, is dedicated to implementing the MOOD procedure for controller tuning in real processes.
Same Sex Couples - Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation
Macarena Saez
- Springer
- 6 Mai 2015
- 9789401797740
This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law.Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.
Hybrid Predictive Control for Dynamic Transport Problems
Alfredo Nunez, Doris Saez, Cristian E. Cortes
- Springer
- 3 Octobre 2012
- 9781447143512
Hybrid Predictive Control for Dynamic Transport Problems develops methods for the design of predictive control strategies for nonlinear-dynamic hybrid discrete-/continuous-variable systems. The methodology is designed for real-time applications, particularly the study of dynamic transport systems. Operational and service policies are considered, as well as cost reduction. The control structure is based on a sound definition of the key variables and their evolution. A flexible objective function able to capture the predictive behaviour of the system variables is described. Coupled with efficient algorithms, mainly drawn from area of computational intelligence, this is shown to optimize performance indices for real-time applications. The framework of the proposed predictive control methodology is generic and, being able to solve nonlinear mixed integer optimization problems dynamically, is readily extendable to other industrial processes.The main topics of this book are:· hybrid predictive control (HPC) design based on evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO);· HPC based on EMO for dial-a-ride systems; and· HPC based on EMO for operational decisions in public transport systems.Hybrid Predictive Control for Dynamic Transport Problems is a comprehensive analysis of HPC and its application to dynamic transport systems. Introductory material on evolutionary algorithms is presented in summary in an appendix. The text will be of interest to control and transport engineers working on the operational optimization of transport systems and to academic researchers working with hybrid systems. The potential applications of the generic methods presented here to other process fields will make the book of interest to a wider group of researchers, scientists and graduate students working in other control-related disciplines.
Strategic Approach in Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Nolberto Munier, Eloy Hontoria, Fernando Jimenez-Saez
- Springer
- 29 Janvier 2019
- 9783030027261
This book examines multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) and presents the Sequential Interactive Modelling for Urban Systems (SIMUS) as a method to be used for strategic decision making. It emphasizes the necessity to take into account aspects related to real world scenarios and incorporating possible real life aspects for modelling. The book also highlights the use of sensitivity analysis and presents a method for using criteria marginal values instead of weights, which permits the drawing of curves that depicts the variations of the objective function due to variations of these marginal values. In this way it also gives quantitative values of the objective function allowing stakeholders to perform a comprehensive risk analysis for a solution when it is affected by exogenous variables.
Strategic Approach in Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Practical Guide for Complex Scenarios is divided into three parts. Part 1 is devoted to exploring the history and development of the discipline and the way it is currently used. It highlights drawbacks and problems that scholars have identified in different MCDM methods and techniques. Part 2 addresses best practices to assure quality MCDM process. Part 3 introduces the concept of Linear Programming and the proposed SIMUS method as techniques to deal with MCDM. It also includes case studies in order to help document and illustrate difficult concepts, especially related to demands from a scenario and also in their modelling. The decision making process can be a complex task, especially with multi-criteria problems. With large amounts of information, it can be an extremely difficult to make a rational decision, due to the number of intervening variables, their interrelationships, potential solutions that might exist, diverse objectives envisioned for a project, etc. The SIMUS method has been designed to offer a strategy to help organize, classify, and evaluate thisinformation effectively. -
The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature
R. Dalleo, E. Machado Saez, Elena Machado Saez
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 11 Juin 2007
- 9780230605169
Please note this is a 'Palgrave to Order' title (PTO). Stock of this book requires shipment from an overseas supplier. It will be delivered to you within 12 weeks. In this first study of Latino/a literature to systematically examine the post-Sixties generation of writers, The Latino/a Canon challenges the ways that Latino/a literary studies imagines the relationship between art, politics, and the market.
Technological Innovation
Gregorio Martin De Castro, Pedro Lopez Saez, Miriam Delgado Verde, Jose Emilio Navas Lopez
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 13 Mai 2010
- 9780230281462
Focusing on innovation management, the authors explore the role of knowledge stocks or intellectual capital blocks such as human, social, technological, organizational and regional capitals, on technological innovation process typologies and firm performance, absorptive capabilities and organizational learning.
Computational Intelligence and Optimization Methods for Control Engineering
Panos M. Pardalos, Maude Josee Blondin, Javier Sanchis Saez
- Springer
- 20 Septembre 2019
- 9783030254469
This volume presents some recent and principal developments related to computational intelligence and optimization methods in control. Theoretical aspects and practical applications of control engineering are covered by 14 self-contained contributions. Additional gems include the discussion of future directions and research perspectives designed to add to the reader's understanding of both the challenges faced in control engineering and the insights into the developing of new techniques. With the knowledge obtained, readers are encouraged to determine the appropriate control method for specific applications.
Iberian Interfaces
Antonio Saez Delgado, Santiago Perez Isasi
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 Janvier 2022
- 9783030917524
This book explores a key historical moment for literary and cultural relations between Spain and Portugal. Focusing on the period between 1870 and 1930, it analyses the contacts between Portuguese and Spanish writers and artists of this period, showing that, at least among the cultural elites, there were intense and fruitful dialogues across political and linguistic borders. The book presents the Iberian Peninsula as a complex and multilingual cultural polysystem in which diverse literary cultures coexist and are mutually dependent upon each other. It offers a panoramic view of Iberian literary and cultural history, encompassing not just Portuguese and Spanish literary productions, but also Catalan, Galician and Basque works. Combining a clear theoretical foundation with deep historical knowledge and references to specific texts and works, the book offers a thorough introduction to Iberian literature in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Mexico's Fuel Trafficking Phenomenon
Samuel Leon Saez
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 1 Novembre 2021
- 9783030862640
Fuel trafficking has consolidated in recent years as a paramount illegal enterprise and a priority for Mexico´s diverse criminal actors. This black market has been growing at an overwhelming pace in Mexico since 2011: it is estimated that between 2013-2018, more than 100 million barrels containing different fuels were stolen from the country´s refineries, terminals and pipelines. This academic book focuses on finding explanations as to how this came to be. By examining the Mexican fuel black market, one of the largest and most sophisticated criminal enterprises of its kind worldwide, this timely investigation shines a light on this recently relevant criminal market, which has been detected across the world, including in North and South America, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. This book will prove of relevance for readers interested in energy and security, illicit markets, criminality, modern-day Mexico and the challenges posed by the country´s security crisis. At a wider level, this work contributes with insights on the diversification and sophistication of criminality and black markets in Mexico, Latin America and the world.
Towards THz Chipless High-Q Cooperative Radar Targets for Identification, Sensing, and Ranging
Alejandro Jimenez-Saez
- Springer
- 21 Septembre 2022
- 9783031049767
This work systematically investigates the use of high-quality (high-Q) resonators as coding particles of chipless cooperative radar targets to overcome clutter. Due to their high-Q, the backscattered signature can outlast clutter and permit reliable readouts in dynamic environments as well as its integration in other types of cooperative radar targets for joint identification, sensing, and ranging capabilities.This is first demonstrated with temperature and pressure sensors in the microwave frequency range, which include the characterization of a novel temperature sensor for machine tool monitoring up to 400 °C, as well as inside the machine. Afterwards, the thesis proposes and demonstrates the use of metallic as well as dielectric Electromagnetic BandGap (EBG) structures to enable the realization and to enhance the capabilities at mm-Wave and THz frequencies compared to microwave frequencies with compact monolithic multi-resonator cooperative radar targets. Furthermore, thiswork studies the integration of resonators as coding particles inside larger retroreflective configurations such as Luneburg lenses to achieve long-range and high accuracy for localization and, at the same time, frequency coding robust against clutter for identification. Finally, the successful readout of these cooperative radar targets is demonstrated in cluttered dynamic environments, as well as with readers based on Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radars.
Literaturas entrelazadas
Antonio Saez Delgado
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 21 Janvier 2021
- 9783631839591
Literaturas entrelazadas. Portugal y España, del modernismo y la vanguardia al tiempo de las dictaduras estudia las estrechas relaciones entre las literaturas portuguesa y española desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados del XX. La perspectiva utilizada se ilumina en el concepto de la Entangled History, adaptada al ámbito de la literatura comparada por medio del análisis de los espacios de relación entre ambas literaturas. Así, estas páginas conceden un lugar privilegiado a las dependencias, interferencias y transferencias entre las letras de ambos países, condicionadas en su historia entrelazada por las relaciones de poder y las tensiones que originan los heterogéneos vínculos entre ideología y literatura.
Simone de beauvoir. lectures actuelles et regards sur l'avenir simone de beauvoir. today's reading
Corbi Saez M I.
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 26 Juin 2015
- 9783035194289
Ce volume collectif regroupe des articles appartenant à divers domaines de recherches (Philosophie, Études féministes et de Genre, Études littéraires, Études biographiques, Réception, Études politiques et juridiques). Les lecteurs y trouveront des analyses qui proposent des approches nouvelles sur Simone de Beauvoir et mettent en relief jusqu'à quel point la pensée, l'oeuvre et la vie de l'auteure continuent d'être un référent pour nos sociétés actuelles et pour l'avenir. Cet ouvrage vient sans aucun doute à enrichir les études beauvoiriennes. This collective volume gathers articles belonging to different fields of knowledge (Philosophy, Feminist studies, Gender studies, Literary studies, Biography studies, Reception studies, Law and Political studies). Readers will find in it research papers which propose new approaches on Simone de Beauvoir, and which lay stress on how the author's thinking, work and life go on being a referent for our societies and for the future. This volume comes undoubtedly to enrich beauvoirian studies.
"Journal ouvert à ciel intime" est un concentré d'émotions sincères et intenses couchées sur le papier au fil des années. À travers ses pages, vous découvrirez les sentiments contradictoires que l'auteure a éprouvés en grandissant dans notre société, sous le prisme de son hypersensibilité. De l'amour à la tristesse, de la colère à la dépression, de la joie à l'amitié, cette oeuvre représente l'authentique évolution d'une adolescente en quête du bonheur.
Dès son jeune âge, Maryon Saez a été diagnostiquée HPE et TDAH, ce qui lui a donné une perspective unique sur le monde. À travers l'écriture, elle cherche à immortaliser les émotions intenses qui ont jalonné son parcours jusqu'à présent.