Entreprise, économie & droit
Comparative handbook: robotic technologies law
- Éditions Larcier
- 28 Juin 2016
- 9782804491772
Studies of the overall impact of robotics on the economy have shown that investments in its various sectors – industrial, professional and service robotics – are increasing globally and the markets associated with them are valued in billions. Robotization improves the competitiveness of enterprises, while collaborative robotics reinvents methods of production.
Beyond the economic outlook, service robotics, backed by the development of artificial intelligence, raises challenging ethical and social issues.
The legal analysis of robotics is no mean feat because it covers a very diverse technical reality. Companies whose businesses are focused on robotic technologies and applications can be confronted with a complex legal situation resulting from the plurality of the applicable rules which have not necessarily been conceived or adopted bearing in mind their specific constraints.
This situation should not hamper their development. It only implies taking cues from the economic legal norms which promote such developments and conducting an analysis of the legal risks which they face, given the applicable rules of liability.
This comparative study – carried out by members of the Lexing® Network – proposes an overview, having regard to the legislation of 17 different countries, of the legal issues raised by robotics and the way the law in force responds, in a more or less satisfactory manner. Discover the authors & contributors in details under the tab 'Extraits'. -
On 7 December 2000, the newly created non-profit organization DNS. be adopted the Terms and conditions for domain name registrations under the ".be" domain. These terms and conditions revolutionized the registration of ".be" domain names. The ".be" domain evolved from a small, closed domain, where domain names were reserved for organizations and undertakings showing that the requested domain name corresponded to their name or trademark, to a modern, open domain that applies the "First come, first served" rule as one of its key principles. This choice to liberalize the ".be" domain paid off extremely well. As expected, the liberalization also brought with it some cases of cyber squatting. The experience in the generic Top Level Domains or gTLD's, like the ".com" or ".net" domains, showed that more freedom is used by some (a small minority) to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. DNS.be was well aware of this risk and with the liberalization, it introduced in its terms and conditions a Dispute Resolution Policy. Pursuant to this policy, the registrant of a ".be" domain name agrees that his domain name will be transferred to a third party (the complainant) if that party asserts and proves that: CEPANI, the Belgian Centre for Mediation and Arbitration, is proud that it has been, from the very beginning, the accredited Dispute Resolution Entity for the ".be" domain name disputes. Aided by a working group of experts, CEPANI set up the Rules that govern the proceedings to solve domain name disputes. From January 2001 until September 2012, more than 283 cases have been introduced with CEPANI. Because the online world is changing rapidly, also the terms and conditions of DNS.be and the Rules of CEPANI are amended regularly. After more than 10 years of dispute resolution regarding ".be" domain names, CEPANI thought that the time has come to reflect about what has been and about what has yet to come. CEPANI asked a few eminent authors to share their experience and their ideas, and is proud to publish their contributions in this book. Cet ouvrage est bilingue (Français/Neerlandais).
The 29% Solution : Review and Analysis of Misner and Donovan's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 29 Septembre 2014
- 9782511016510
The must-read summary of Ivan Misner and Michelle Donovan's book: "The 29% Solution: 52 Weekly Networking Success Strategies".
This complete summary of the ideas from Ivan Misner and Michelle Donovan's book "The 29% Solution" shows how only about 29% of businesses know how to network effectively. In their book, the authors explain that by networking well, you can serve your existing clients better and gain new customers more rapidly. This summary provides 52 different networking strategies that you can apply each week of the year to master the art of networking and generate new revenue streams for your business.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "The 29% Solution" and follow this 52 week plan to master your networking skills and reap the rewards.
How Google Works : Review and Analysis of Schmidt, Rosenberd and Eagle's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 1 Juillet 2015
- 9782511035863
The must-read summary of Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle's book: "How Google Works: The Rules for Success in the Internet Century".
This complete summary of the ideas from Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle's book "How Google Works" demonstrates how the power has shifted in companies due to the "Internet Century". Individuals known as `smart creatives' can now have a massive impact by knowing how to use modern tools to get fast results. Google has attracted these `smart creatives' to get ahead, providing them with the perfect creative environment.
Attracting `smart creatives' depends on:
1. Culture
2. Strategy
3. Talent pool
4. Decisions
5. Communication
6. Innovation
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Attract `smart creatives'
o Use modern tools to get fast results
To learn more, read "How Google Works" and find out how Google excels thanks to its individual `smart creatives'! -
The Mckinsey Mind : Review and Analysis of Rasiel and Friga's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 12 Novembre 2014
- 9782511021774
The must-read summary of Ethan Rasiel and Paul Friga's book: "The McKinsey Mind: Understanding and Implementing the Problem-Solving Tools and Management Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consulting Firm".
This complete summary of the ideas from "The McKinsey Mind" explores the reasons behind the tremendous success of the eponymous strategic consulting firm, and presents the structured problem-solving process each McKinsey consultant uses in order to develop (and often help implement) solutions to their client's strategic problems. In this useful summary, you will learn how to use the McKinsey problem-solving methodology, so as to improve your decision-making success rate, structure your thinking about business problems, and win more people over to your way of thinking.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand the key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "The McKinsey Mind" and discover how to solve problems efficiently! -
Customer Culture : Review and Analysis of Basch's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806239471
The must-read summary of Michael Basch's book: "Customer Culture: How FedEx and Other Great Companies Put the Customer First Every Day".
This summary of the ideas from Michael Basch's book "Customer Culture" shows how building a business that focuses exclusively on what the customer wants requires the right systems to be put in place so that the company consistently acts to achieve that goal. In his book, the author explains that the behavior of employees is an extension of the company's prevailing culture and beliefs, and this needs to be tackled first in order to serve customers well. By reading this summary, you will understand what makes up customer culture and the six elements needed to make sure you deliver an outstanding customer experience.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key principles
o Improve the customer focus of your company
To learn more, read "Customer Culture" and find out what you need to start doing today to make your customers the main focus of your business.
Value Nets : Review and Analysis of Bovet and Martha's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 29 Septembre 2014
- 9782511016985
The must-read summary of Davie Bovet and Joseph Martha's book: "Value Nets: Breaking the Supply Chain to Unlock Hidden Profits".
This complete summary of the ideas from Davie Bovet and Joseph Martha's book "Value Nets" shows how the concept of "value nets" bring supply chain management and performance into the digital business era. In their book, the authors explain how a value net marries a concise customer interface with a powerful and responsive order fulfillment engine to deliver exceptional levels of supply performance. This summary will teach you how to implement this system into your own business in order to optimise processes and enhance profitability.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Value Nets" and discover why you should re-shape your supply operations in order to gain better results.
This work, the third volume in its series, is devoted entirely to the procedural issues that may arise during the course of an arbitration procedure.
With this trilingual publication, CEPANI wishes to highlight the importance of the proper conduct of arbitral proceedings. Furthermore, the Centre also seeks to enhance the attractiveness of arbitration, in Belgium as well as internationally, by contributing to a better knowledge of arbitral proceedings and their rules.
The selected arbitral awards come with comments from expert practitioners and academics in English, Dutch or French, including a summary in the two other languages. The work also includes an index of key words for easy reference. ---------------------------------------
Cet ouvrage, intégralement consacré aux questions de procédure susceptibles d’être rencontrées tout au long de la procédure arbitrale, constitue le troisième volume de la série.
Cette publication trilingue, s’inscrit dans la volonté du CEPANI de mettre en évidence l’importance de la bonne conduite d’une procédure arbitrale. Le Centre a également l’ambition de renforcer l’attractivité de l’arbitrage, tant en Belgique qu’au niveau international, en diffusant une meilleure connaissance de la procédure arbitrale et de son règlement.
Une équipe de praticiens expérimentés et d’universitaires spécialisés commentent les décisions sélectionnées en anglais, néerlandais ou français. Un résumé est joint dans les deux autres langues. La consultation de cet ouvrage est facilitée par un index de mots clés. ---------------------------------------
Dit werk, het derde deel van een reeks, is integraal gewijd aan procedurekwesties die kunnen opduiken tijdens een arbitrageprocedure.
CEPANI wil met deze drietalige publicatie de aandacht vestigen op het belang van een goed gevoerde arbitrageprocedure. Daarnaast koestert het Centrum ook de ambitie om de aantrekkelijkheid van arbitrage te vergroten, zowel in België als internationaal, door in te zetten op een grotere bekendheid van de arbitrale procedure en van het desbetreffende reglement.
De geselecteerde arbitrale uitspraken zijn voorzien van commentaren door ervaren vakmensen en gespecialiseerde academici in het Engels, Frans of Nederlands, inclusief een samenvatting in de twee andere talen. Een index van sleutelwoorden vergemakkelijkt de raadpleging van het werk. -
This volume contains the papers presented at the annual Concurrences Journal conference held on 21 February 2014 at the French Ministry for the Economy. After the traditional « State of the Union », presented by Vice President Joaquín Almunia in the context of the « after » economic crisis, the papers adress four main issues:
• Detection of anticompetitive practices: Should existing tools be revised or new tools introduced? Leniency, market surveys, financial reward…
• Patents: Can antitrust authorities contribute to fixing the dysfunctional patent system?
• European Competition Network 10 years after & EC Regulation 1/2003: Can cooperation be extended to merger control and advocacy?
• Restructuring firms in the context of crisis: What role for merger policy? The volume ends by a contribution of Minister Benoi^t Hamon on the French class action. This work was published in the collection under the scientific direction of Professor Laurence Idot. -
The Breakthrough Imperative : Review and Analysis of Gottfredson and Schaubert's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 28 Octobre 2014
- 9782511020012
The must-read summary of Mark Gottfredson and Steve Schaubert's book: "The Breakthrough Imperative: How the Best Managers Get Outstanding Results".
This complete summary of the ideas from Mark Gottfredson and Steve Schaubert's book "The Breakthrough Imperative" shows how every CEO today is under intense pressure from shareholders and outside analysts to generate performance breakthroughs. If visible progress towards a breakthrough isn't seen within a year or two, then it becomes highly likely the new CEO will be ousted for someone else. In their book, the authors explain that managers need to make a fast start and can do so by relying on two keys to success: understanding the fundamental laws of business, and following a systematic path to performance improvement. This summary is a must-read for new leaders who want to make sure they make the right start.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "The Breakthrough Imperative" and find out how you can make a fast start and get on the path to breakthrough success.
Simply Better : Review and Analysis of Barwise and Meehan's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 28 Octobre 2014
- 9782511019825
The must-read summary of Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan's book: "Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most".
This complete summary of the ideas from Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan's book "Simply Better" highlights how the benefits of differentiation have been overstated. Instead of wanting something unique or even a cutting edge product, most customers simply want a quality product at a fair price which does what it promises consistently well. In their book, the authors encourage you not to obsess over trivial points of difference, gimmicks, branding or outside-the-box thinking and instead do the basics well. This summary offers six rules that you can follow to ensure that you perfect the basics and exceed your customers' expectations to deliver long-term success.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Simply Better" and discover the key to delivering excellence by perfecting the basics.
Leading the Revolution : Review and Analysis of Hamel's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 12 Novembre 2014
- 9782511021125
The must-read summary of Gary Hamel's book: "Leading the Revolution".
This complete summary of the ideas from Gary Hamel's book "Leading the Revolution" shows how, in today's economy, sustainable competitive advantage is derived from just one source - the ability to develop innovative and radical new business concepts. In his book, Gary Hamel explains how successful companies reinvent themselves, attracting new customers as well as retaining the old ones. According to the author, flexibility should be at the heart of every organisation, and you should always have a portfolio of ideas. This summary provides the reader with a blueprint for how to integrate this strategic vision.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Leading the Revolution" and be inspired by this practical and strategic guide on becoming the best organisation you can be.
10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success : Review and Analysis of Bermont's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806222473
The must-read summary of Todd Bermont's book: "10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success: Everything You Need to Get the Job You Want in 24 Hours - or Less!".
This complete summary of the ideas from Todd Bermont's book "10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success" identifies the 10 secrets to securing your dream job. Nowadays, employers spend an average of 15-seconds reading a resume and then decide if they want to employ a candidate within the first 90-seconds of an interview. This means it is essential to stand out from the crowd and make a strong impression. Preparing carefully, fine-tuning your presentation skills and ensuring you have the right mental attitude are all key elements to job hunting success. From advice on CV writing to activities to prepare you for interviews, this summary will give you the tools you need to turn the job hunt from a scary process into a fun game with just a few easy steps.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Develop your business knowledge
To learn more, read "10 Insider Secrets To Job Hunting Success" and get your dream job! -
The Phoenix Effect : Review and Analysis of Pate and Platt's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 29 Septembre 2014
- 9782511016756
The must-read summary of Carter Pate and Harlan Platt's book: "The Phoenix Effect: 9 Revitalizing Strategies No Business Can Do Without".
This complete summary of the ideas from Carter Pate and Harlan Platt's book "The Phoenix Effect" answers one of the biggest questions in the business environment: why do so many successful companies fail? In their book, the authors present their research and conclude that these failures are the result of managers that refuse to accept that they are losing and fail to take action. This summary provides a detailed insight into the reasons behind business failures, meaning you can keep an eye on your own strategies and know when it's time to act.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "The Phoenix Effect" and discover how you can ensure that failures in your company are spotted in time and turned around.
The New Rules of Marketing & PR : Review and Analysis of Meerman Scott's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 12 Novembre 2014
- 9782511021798
The must-read summary of David M. Scott's book: "The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing & Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly".
This complete summary of the ideas from David M. Scott's book "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" describes how, at one time, the only realistic way you could reach potential customers was to use expensive advertising or try to get media publishers to pick up on material placed by your PR firm. Today, the internet has completely changed the rules of marketing and PR forever. In his book, the author predicts that the real marketing and PR challenges in the years ahead will be to stay at the cutting edge of the various internet-based ways of communicating with customers. This summary will teach you how to succeed in the future by harnessing the power of the internet in order to reach more customers than ever before.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" and find out how you can keep up with the changes brought by the internet and use them to your advantage.
Direct Public Offerings : Review and Analysis of Field's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806239693
The must-read summary of Drew Field's book: "Direct Public Offerings: The New Method for Taking Your Company Public".
This complete summary of the ideas from Drew Field's book "Direct Public Offerings" explains how DPOs have now become a viable way for companies to sell stock directly to the public, without the expenses required for traditional IPO processes. In his book, Drew Field shows how Direct Public Offerings deliver significant advantages and opportunities for both investors and companies. By reading the information provided by the author, you will understand what DPOs can do for you and your business, and start making them an integral part of your business plan.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Direct Public Offerings" and find out the benefits of DPOs and why you should never run a business without them.
Management Challenges for the 21st Century : Review and Analysis of Drucker's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 29 Septembre 2014
- 9782511016084
The must-read summary of Peter F. Drucker's book: "Management Challenges for the 21st Century: The Central Management Issues of Tomorrow".
This complete summary of the ideas from Peter F. Drucker's book "Management Challenges for the 21st Century" shows how, in the last few years, the world has undergone massive social, economic and demographic change. Nowadays, executives must learn to react differently - the policies, procedures and intellectual approaches of the past will not necessarily be viable. In his book, the author explains that the future of society as a whole rests squarely on the ability of managers to react successfully to the challenges they currently face. This summary details what some of these challenges are likely to be and will teach you how to plan accordingly.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Management Challenges for the 21st Century" and gain an insight into what the future holds.
Inbound Marketing : Review and Analysis of Halligan and Shah's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806233400
The must-read summary of Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah's book: "Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs".
This complete summary of the ideas from Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah's book "Inbound Marketing" shows that customers today are getting far better at ignoring outbound marketing aimed at them. They have spam folders, recording devices to fast-forward through adverts and caller ID on their phones. This summary demonstrates that far better results can be achieved by inbound marketing, where your customers find you, or you are recommended to customers by a trusted source. Therefore, social media, blogs and search engines have become all-powerful tools. The great news for companies is that this doesn't require the vast investment of the ad campaigns of the past. You need to establish your message with care, but getting it out there needn't be extortionate. It also explains how to convert people from visitors, to prospects, leads, opportunities and then customers through specific messages at specific times. Inbound marketing is also a way of analysing your customers; by using social media such as Twitter, you can ask people directly how they would improve your product.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Increase your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Inbound Marketing" and discover a method that can be cheaper, more effective, and help you create a better product without costly market research. -
Pour Your Heart Into It : Review and Analysis of Schultz and Yang's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 29 Septembre 2014
- 9782511016282
The must-read summary of Howard Schultz and Dori Yang's book: "Pour Your Heart into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time".
This complete summary of the ideas from Howard Schultz and Dori Yang's book "Pour Your Heart Into It" shows the inside story of the rise of Starbucks.This summary explains how the vision first came to Howard Schultz and how from that sole idea, he created his first store in Seattle with the aim of introducing real fine coffee to Americans. Starbucks progressively became a very successful international company with stores opening everywhere worldwide. According to Schultz, this success is due to a set of core values he based his company on that don't just focus on profits and growth. This summary points to the principles illustrated in "Pour Your Heart Into It" and that have made the company enduring constitute precious guidelines for business people seeking to bring their company to the top. This success story is a motivational and inspiring tale, and a must-read for fascinated "Starbucksaholics".
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand the key concepts
o Increase your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Pour Your Heart Into It" and discover the key to taking your company to the top. -
Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom : Review and Analysis of Van Tharp, Barton and Sjuggerud's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 28 Octobre 2014
- 9782511019788
The must-read summary of Van Tharp, D. Barton and Steve Sjuggerud's book: "Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom".
This complete summary of the ideas from Van Tharp, D. Barton and Steve Sjuggerud's book "Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom" shows that it is possible to become financially free. All you have to do is begin the journey and systematically put sound investment strategies in place. In their book, the authors provide a four-step process that will lead you to becoming financially free. This summary describes this process in detail and gives you the tools to begin your journey to financial freedom.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom" and discover the four-step process that you can use and adapt to finally achieve financial freedom.
Now, Build a Great Business : Review and Analysis of Thompson and Tracy's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 12 Novembre 2014
- 9782511022207
The must-read summary of Mark Thompson and Brian Tracy's book: "Now, Build a Great Business!: 7 Ways to Maximize Your Profit in Any Market".
This complete summary of the ideas from Mark Thompson and Brian Tracy's book "Now, Build a Great Business!" shows that now is the perfect time to start building a great business that will rise to the top of its industry. Why? Because companies that are forged during times of upheaval, intense competition and economic turbulence always come out the other side stronger than the others. In their book, the authors describe seven things that you have to do to create a great business and seven vital questions that you must be able to answer. This summary explains each of the features of a great business, providing you with an excellent conceptual framework that you can follow to achieve success.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Now, Build a Great Business!" and follow the seven principles to create a great, long-lasting business.
Leaders Eat Last : Review and Analysis of Sinek's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 1 Juillet 2015
- 9782511035955
The must-read summary of Simon Sinek's book: "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't".
This complete summary of the ideas from Simon Sinek's book "Leaders Eat Last" states that true leadership is all about putting the lower employees first. Real leaders take care of team members and focus on their well-being. According to Sinek, leaders can create a Circle of Safety around their team to make sure that they protect their team members when addressing problems and challenges at work. This Circle of Safety includes seven factors, such as powerful forces, direction and leadership. By integrating this model into their company, leaders can ensure that their employees are happy and cared for, which in turn will lead to higher levels of productivity.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Create a Circle of Safety for your team
o Enhance your leadership skills
To learn more, read "Leaders Eat Last" and find out how you can become a better leader! -
Global Paradox : Review and Analysis of Naisbitt's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806243348
The must-read summary of John Naisbitt's book: "Global Paradox: The Bigger the World Economy, the More Powerful Its Smallest Players".
This complete summary of the ideas from John Naisbitt's book "Global Paradox" answers a fundamental question: what is the global paradox? In his book, the author explains that as the world economy expands, the smallest elements (right down to the individual) will become ever more significant. The global paradox is a framework for developing an insight into the world as it is today and how it is moving towards tomorrow. This summary includes John Naisbitt's analysis of the consequences that this global paradox will bring, as well as its contradictions and implications.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Global Paradox" and discover how the economy is changing and what this means for you.
The 86% Solution : Review and Analysis of Mahajan and Banga's Book
- Business Book Summaries
- 12 Novembre 2014
- 9782511021538
The must-read summary of Vijay Mahajan and Kamini Banga's book: "The 86% Solution: How to Succeed in the Biggest Market Opportunity of the 21st Century".
This complete summary of the ideas from Vijay Mahajan and Kamini Banga's book "The 86% Solution" shows that most global businesses have traditionally focused on selling to the developed world which contains the wealthiest 14% of the world's population. However, the biggest marketing opportunity of the twenty-first century will be to sell to the other 86% of the population who live in developing nations. In their book, the authors explain that you need to be aware of the nine specific characteristics of emerging markets and learn the nine specific strategies. Each of these characteristics represents an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage for whichever companies come up with the most appropriate solutions. This summary reveals that the question is not whether you should be in this market, but whether you can afford not to be.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "The 86% Solution" and find out how you can be a part of the commercial opportunities of the future.