Sciences humaines & sociales
The complete story of how the German Enigma codes were broken. Perfect for fans of THE IMITATION GAME, the new film on Alan Turing's Enigma code, starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
Breaking the German Enigma codes was not only about brilliant mathematicians and professors at Bletchley Park. There is another aspect of the story which it is only now possible to tell. It takes in the exploits of spies, naval officers and ordinary British seamen who risked, and in some cases lost, their lives snatching the vital Enigma codebooks from under the noses of Nazi officials and from sinking German ships and submarines.
This book tells the whole Enigma story: its original invention and use by German forces and how it was the Poles who first cracked - and passed on to the British - the key to the German airforce Enigma. The more complicated German Navy Enigma appeared to them to be unbreakable. -
En première partie, un grand dossier thématique consacré à la nouvelle puissance émergente qu'est l'Union européenne après l'entrée en vigueur du Traité de Lisbonne : Et maintenant l'Europe ? - Entretien croisé sur l'identité européenne entre deux intellectuels de renom, Marcel Gauchet et Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, et un diplomate expert des questions européennes, le secrétaire général du Quai d'Orsay, Pierre Sellal - Le nouvel avenir européen, par Jean-Michel Casa, Directeur d'Europe au Quai d'Orsay - France-Allemagne : les actions décisives qui ont fait avancer l'Europe depuis deux ans (climat, régulation financière), par Bernard de Montferrand, ambassadeur de France à Berlin - Union européenne et Etats-Unis, une relation spéciale ? par Muriel Domenach, directrice-adjointe des Affaires stratégiques et de sécurité, au Quai d'Orsay - L'Europe vue de New Delhi, par Jérôme Bonnafont, ambassadeur en Inde En seconde partie, une série originale de réflexions et de « vécus » Analyses & Témoignages - François Zimmeray, ambassadeur chargé des Droits de l'Homme - Pour une diplomatie engagée - Général Emmanuel Beth - La coopération de défense et de sécurité - Jean Mendelson, directeur des archives- Du bon usage des archives diplomatiques - Eric Fournier, ambassadeur en Georgie - Un ambassadeur au coeur de la crise géorgienne - Pascal Texeira, Directeur de la Stratégie de la DGSE - Renseignement et diplomatie - Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, Directeur de CulturesFrance - Les nouvelles politiques culturelles américaine, britannique, allemande...
Europe 2030 ; les territoires prennent la parole
- Autrement
- Essais et documents
- 31 Janvier 2018
- 9782746746695
"Comment voyez-vous l'Europe en 2030 ?" C'est à cette ambitieuse question lancée par le Conseil des Communes et Régions d'Europe (CCRE) que conseillers, maires, dirigeants locaux et régionaux des quatre coins de l'Europe répondent dans cet ouvrage. Chacun, tour à tour, à l'échelle de son territoire, partage sa vision de l'Europe de demain et propose les mesures qu'il considère à même de relancer le projet européen. Qui mieux que ces représentants à l'avant-garde des défis sociétaux, environnementaux ou économiques pour porter la voix des citoyens européens ?
"How do you see Europe in 2030?" This book gathers responses to this ambitious question, raised by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), from Councillors, Mayors, local and regional leaders from all over Europe. Each one, in turn, at the scale of their territory, shares a vision for the Europe of tomorrow and puts forward measures to relaunch the European project. Who better than these representatives at the forefront of societal, environmental and economic challenges to carry the voice of European citizens? -
Cannabis and Philosophy ; What Were We Just Talking About?
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Janvier 2011
- 9781444341393
The debate on the status and legality of cannabis continues to gain momentum. Here, personal anecdotes combined with academic and scientific reports combine to sharpen some of the fascinating philosophical issues associated with cannabis use. A frank, professionally informed and playful discussion of cannabis usage in relation to philosophical inquiry Considers the meaning of a `high', the morality of smoking marijuana for pleasure, the slippery slope to more dangerous drugs, and the human drive to alter our consciousness Not only incorporates contributions from philosophers, psychologists, sociologists or legal, pharmacological, and medical experts, but also non-academics associated with the cultivation, distribution, and sale of cannabis Brings together an international team of writers from the United States, Canada, UK, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, and New Zealand
College Sex and Philosophy ; Philosophers with Benefits
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Janvier 2011
- 9781444341447
Written with insight and humor, College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone investigates a broad array of philosophical issues relating to student sex. Examines the ethical issues of dating, cheating, courtship, homosexual experimentation, and drug and alcohol use Considers student-teacher relationships, sexual experimentation, the meaning of sex in a college setting and includes two essays based on influential research projects on `friends with benefits' Many of the authors teach classes that explore the philosophy of love and sex, and most are scholars from the Society of the Philosophy of Sex and Love
DATING PHILOSOPHY FOR EVERYONE Speed dating, online dating, group blind dating, dating consultants... A booming dating industry is catering to an ever-increasing number of single adults in the twenty-first century, with the market for a mate now pulling in more than a billion dollars a year in the United States. So, how do we successfully attempt to navigate the dating minefield? Progressing from the first flirtatious moment of eye contact to the selection of a "mate," Dating - Philosophy for Everyone includes a number of playful yet relevant essays for anyone who has dated, is dating, or intends to date again. It offers fascinating philosophical explorations of topics such as: The taboos of dating and how to play the dating game Should science teach men how to attract women? The problem of having too much choice The vicissitudes of dating and mating are explored from a number of perspectives, all of which will help demystify coupling in the twenty-first century for those young daters just entering the fray, and those veterans returning to the game.
Serial Killers and Philosophy ; Being and Killing
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 3 Décembre 2010
- 9781444341409
Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone investigates our profound intrigue with mass-murderers. Exploring existential, ethical and political questions through an examination of real and fictional serial killers, philosophy comes alive via an exploration of grisly death. Presents new philosophical theories about serial killing, and relates new research in cognitive science to the minds of serial killers Includes a philosophical look at real serial killers such as Ian Brady, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Zodiac killer, as well as fictional serial killers such as Dexter and Hannibal Lecter Offers a new phenomenological examination of the writings of the Zodiac Killer Contains an account of the disappearance of one of Ted Bundy's victims submitted by the organization Families and Friends of Missing Persons and Violent Crime Victims Integrates the insights of philosophers, academics, crime writers and police officers
Le Collège de France ; five centuries of research
- Gallimard
- Hors série Connaissance
- 25 Juin 2015
- 9782072620966
As a haven for open discussion and investigation, the Collège de France has a special place in the academic world, both in France and abroad. Always in step with the evolution of knowledge, the institution has nonetheless remained true to the spirit of freedom and independence that has characterized it since it was founded in 1530. Over the years, its professors have brought this monument of knowledge into being ; today, three of them have tackled the task of recounting its past and recording its present.
Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Corvol and John Scheid provide a behind-the-scenes view of a unique institution that continues to combine tradition and modernity. -
Italian yearbook of human rights 2016
- P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales
- 23 Septembre 2016
- 9782807601475
The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2016 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level.
The 2016 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2015 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights.
"Italy and Human Rights in 2015: Universal Ethics, Good Governance and Political Realism" is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. Starting with the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights law plunged onto the world stage with very specific principles and rules, which represent so many points that are essential not only for the legality but also for the sustainability of the political agenda. The universal code of human rights, widely ratified by Italy, presses for a continuous commitment to perfecting the legal order, which has immediate significance for the good governance agenda.
The Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2016 represents an updated orientation tool with regards the main initiatives to be undertaken on the legislative, infrastructural and policy-making fronts in order to strengthen the Italian system for promoting and protecting human rights. -
Italian yearbook of human rights 2015
- P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales
- 13 Novembre 2015
- 9783035297997
The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2015 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2014 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. «Italy and Human Rights in 2014: the Challenge of National/International Constitutional Synergism» is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. The complex network of monitoring actions carried out by the supranational bodies, and the relative reporting requirements Italy must meet, can only be viewed in the context of reciprocal exchange and strengthening between the provisions enshrined in the national Constitution and international human rights law. The Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2015 represents an updated orientation tool intended to support the commitment taken by the Italian Government in the framework of the second Universal Periodic Review (October 2014) before the UN Human Rights Council.
Antitrust between EU Law and national law/Antitrust fra diritto nazionalee diritto dell'unione Europea
- Bruylant
- 9 Septembre 2019
- 9782802764915
This work contains the papers of the thirteenth Conference on "Antitrust between EU Law and national law", held in Treviso on May 24 and 25, 2018 under the patronage of the European Lawyers Union - Union des Avocats Européens (UAE), the Associazione Italiana per la Tutela della Concorrenza - the Italian section of the Ligue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC)-, the Associazione Italiana Giuristi di Impresa (AIGI), the European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA), and the Associazione Antitrust Italiana (AAI).
Some of the papers have been extensively reviewed and updated by the authors prior to publication.
The contributions contained in this volume are the result of an in-depth analysis and study of the most salient issues arising from the application of antitrust rules, carried out by experienced and high-ranking professionals, in-house lawyers, academics and EU/national and international institutional representatives who attended the Conference.
They deal with extremely topical issues, lying at the heart of current antitrust debate. Some of the most contemporary topics include those related to private antitrust enforcement after the implementation of Directive 2014/104/EU, and to the interplay between antitrust and intellectual property rights.
Ample consideration is also given to recent developments in the field of new technologies and the related antitrust issues, as well as to the relations between consumer protection and antitrust. * * *
Questo volume contiene gli atti del XIII Convegno sul tema "Antitrust fra Diritto Nazionale e Diritto dell'Unione Europea", tenutosi a Treviso il 24 e 25 maggio 2018 con il patrocinio dell'Unione degli Avvocati Europei (UAE), dell'Associazione Italiana per la Tutela della Concorrenza - sezione italiana della Ligue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC) -, dell'Associazione Italiana dei Giuristi di Impresa (AIGI), della European Company Lawyers Association (AEJE-ECLA) e dell'Associazione Antitrust Italiana (AAI). Alcuni contributi sono stati sostanzialmente rivisti ed aggiornati dagli autori prima della pubblicazione. Gli articoli contenuti nel presente volume sono il frutto del prezioso lavoro di studio e approfondimento delle più interessanti tematiche correlate all'applicazione del diritto antitrust, svolto da qualificati esponenti del mondo professionale, imprenditoriale, accademico ed istituzionale, intervenuti al Convegno. I contributi pubblicati affrontano temi di estrema rilevanza, che rappr sentano il cuore delle problematiche antitrust oggi maggiormente dibattute, tra le quali spiccano, per attualità, quelle connesse al private enforcement ed al risarcimento dei danni in seguito dell'attuazione della Direttiva 2014/104/UE, nonché alle interazioni tra diritto antitrust e diritti di proprietà intellettuale. Ampio spazio è inoltre dedicato alle tematiche concernenti le nuove tecnologie e la loro rilevanza dal punto di vista antitrust, nonché ai rapporti tra tutela del consumatore e diritto antitrust. -
Une revue trimestrielle de haute qualité consacrée aux relations internationales et à la mondialisation, créée à l'initiative du ministre des Affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner. Mondes offrira à ses lecteurs l'analyse, les témoignages, les réflexions de la diplomatie française jusque là réservés aux seuls professionnels. Les sujets traités aborderont l'ensemble des grandes problématiques actuelles, qu'elles soient géopolitiques (conflits, crises...) ou sociétales comme celles liées au climat, à la démographie, à l'économie ou aux religions. Des cartes pourront illustrer certains articles. Les auteurs sont principalement des diplomates et les experts français du Quai d'Orsay, certains étant très connus du grand public - Daniel Rondeau ou Olivier Weber, tous deux écrivains et ambassadeurs, par exemple - et des personnalités du monde politique, culturel ou de l'entreprise.
Bâtir la Paix : Alain Juppé, Serge Michailof, Gérard Araud, Charles Girard, Sami Makki, Luc Lévy.