Les suspendues (Al-Mu'allaqât)
- Flammarion
- 13 Avril 2010
- 9782081244184
Les Suspendues figurent parmi les chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature arabe : composés il y a plus d'un millénaire, au cours du siècle qui a précédé la prédication du prophète de l'islam, ces poèmes doivent leur nom étrange à la légende qui veut qu'ils aient été inscrits en lettres d'or sur des tissus suspendus aux murs de la Ka'ba, à La Mecque.
Ces petits joyaux nous transportent dans un monde fascinant et insolite, celui des bédouins de la péninsule Arabique. Ils se font l'écho d'un temps où les poètes étaient à la fois de vaillants combattants - il arrivait qu'une joute poétique tienne lieu de bataille entre deux tribus ! - et des oracles respectés : d'une époque où le courage et la générosité étaient les vertus du preux, avec le goût du vin et l'amour des femmes.
Lamentations sur les vestiges du campement déserté par l'aimée et réflexion sur la fuite du temps, périples à dos de chamelle, chasses à la gazelle, évocations érotiques, bravades. Beuveries : tels sont les thèmes qui hantent ces textes fulgurants, dont la splendeur poétique, mille cinq cents ans plus tard, demeure intacte. -
La « courtoisie » apparaît dans le royaume de France au XIIe siècle. Signe d'un nouveau raffinement moral, elle représente le modèle éthique, érotique et esthétique, l'art de vivre et d'aimer des aristocrates.
Cette anthologie rassemble les textes les plus connus de la littérature amoureuse du Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècle). Elle évoque les amants célèbres que furent Tristan et Yseut, Lancelot et Guenièvre..., leurs rêves, leurs phantasmes, leur idéal amoureux. Illustré par des textes appartenant à des genres variés - chansons des troubadours et des trouvères, « sottes chansons », chansons de geste, lais, romans, fabliaux... -, l'amour courtois est étudié dans toute sa diversité, de sa naissance à sa démystification.
Ce florilège permet de mieux comprendre pourquoi l'amour courtois exerce encore de nos jours une profonde influence sur nos moeurs et notre imaginaire sentimental. Qui n'a pas rêvé en effet d'un preux chevalier ou d'une gente dame ? Qui n'a pas aspiré à cet amour délicat, fidèle, tendre et sensuel, qui comble les coeurs et les corps ? -
Les métamorphoses du Graal ; anthologie
- Flammarion
- GF Flammarion Edition Bilingue
- 31 Octobre 2012
- 9782081292000
Plus encore que l'histoire tragique de Tristan et Iseut, le mythe du Graal, mystérieux récipient vers lequel s'élancent tous les chevaliers arthuriens, a inspiré les romanciers du Moyen Âge. De Chrétien de Troyes, au XIIe siècle, à l'anglais Thomas Malory, au XVe siècle, le Graal, au fil des textes, se métamorphose et se christianise : d'abord plat somptueux utilisé à la table des grands seigneurs, il devient tour à tour ciboire, relique sacrée, coupe où Jésus instaura l'Eucharistie puis où Joseph d'Arimathie recueillit le sang du Crucifié, et emblème de la chevalerie mystique...
La fascination qu'il a exercée à l'époque médiévale et l'engouement qu'il suscite aujourd'hui encore témoignent de la richesse de son symbolisme. Pour tout homme, la quête du Graal incarne un élan vers le sublime, une recherche intérieure de beauté, de sens et de grâce, le voyage de l'âme désireuse d'abreuver sa soif de spiritualité. Source inépuisable d'émerveillement, le Graal est « lumière, musique, parfum et nourriture » (Julien Gracq).
Cette anthologie, qui retrace l'histoire du mythe, rassemble les quarante textes majeurs relatifs au Graal dans la littérature médiévale, présentés dans une édition bilingue.
Illustration : Virginie Berthemet © Flammarion -
The complete story of how the German Enigma codes were broken. Perfect for fans of THE IMITATION GAME, the new film on Alan Turing's Enigma code, starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
Breaking the German Enigma codes was not only about brilliant mathematicians and professors at Bletchley Park. There is another aspect of the story which it is only now possible to tell. It takes in the exploits of spies, naval officers and ordinary British seamen who risked, and in some cases lost, their lives snatching the vital Enigma codebooks from under the noses of Nazi officials and from sinking German ships and submarines.
This book tells the whole Enigma story: its original invention and use by German forces and how it was the Poles who first cracked - and passed on to the British - the key to the German airforce Enigma. The more complicated German Navy Enigma appeared to them to be unbreakable. -
The soul of Uther Pendragon is chained in hell. The sword of power is lost in swirling chaos. The realm is under threat from barbarian hordes - led by an Undead god from the vaults of pre-history. And a new Dark Age is dawning over Roman Britain.
Then comes a man called Revelation, seeking a child born of a demon . . . Seeking the legendary Lord of the Lance . . . Seeking the sword to save the realm.
Novels by David Gemmell
The Drenai series
The King Beyond the Gate
Quest For Lost Heroes
Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf
The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
Jon Shannow series
Wolf in Shadow
The Last Guardian
Stones of Power
Ghost King
Last Sword of Power
Hawk Queen series
Ironhand's Daughter
The Hawk Eternal
Ancient Greece novels
Lion of Macedon
Dark Prince
Other novels
Knights of Dark Renown
Morningstar -
Capes-agrégation ; anglais écrit ; A Streetcar named Desire
- Armand Colin
- Anglais
- 1 Novembre 2003
- 9782200279929
The Glass Menagerie avait apporté à son auteur une gloire nationale, A Streetcar Named Desire lui donna une renommée universelle. Tennessee Williams devint alors, et pour une vingtaine d'années, le plus grand dramaturge américain vivant, peut-être le plus grand simplement. La présence de Streetcar au programme des concours doit susciter une relecture en profondeur de cette pièce et en favoriser une réévaluation. Car cette oeuvre est une merveille de précision dont aucun élément n'apparaît comme gratuit ou superflu. Elle illustre aussi parfaitement l'univers de son créateur et, dès son entrée en scène, Blanche DuBois a partout conquis l'attention et le coeur du public qui a reconnu en elle l'incarnation tragique du Vieux Sud emporté par le vent, et l'héritière contemporaine des héroïnes raciniennes. Vivien Leigh, dans le film de Kazan, contribua à la rendre inoubliable. Tennessee Williams qui, aux États-Unis, a désormais sa place parmi les classiques, reste en France un glorieux inconnu. Puisse ce livre contribuer à le faire aimer. Claude COULON est maître de conférences à l'université Paris IV-Sorbonne. Président du RADAC (Recherches sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains), membre du bureau de la Société d'histoire du théâtre, il a traduit et mis en scène des pièces du répertoire américain (dont Tennessee Williams) en France.Cet ouvrage est le fruit de la collaboration entre les éditions Armand Colin, et le Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance, établissement public d'enseignement qui dispense des formations de tous niveaux à plus de 350 000 inscrits répartis dans le monde entier. Cette contribution scientifique d'enseignants chercheurs de l'Université française s'intègre dans les préparations assurées par le CNED aux CAPES et aux agrégations d'anglais qui comprennent aussi des conseils méthodologiques et des entraînements aux épreuves des concours avec correction personnalisée. Les très riches heures du théâtre américain. De Tom à Tennessee. Les structures de Streetcar. Les personnages. Art et technique. Tragique et tragédie. De la scène à l'écran.
Europe 2030 ; les territoires prennent la parole
- Autrement
- Essais et documents
- 31 Janvier 2018
- 9782746746695
"Comment voyez-vous l'Europe en 2030 ?" C'est à cette ambitieuse question lancée par le Conseil des Communes et Régions d'Europe (CCRE) que conseillers, maires, dirigeants locaux et régionaux des quatre coins de l'Europe répondent dans cet ouvrage. Chacun, tour à tour, à l'échelle de son territoire, partage sa vision de l'Europe de demain et propose les mesures qu'il considère à même de relancer le projet européen. Qui mieux que ces représentants à l'avant-garde des défis sociétaux, environnementaux ou économiques pour porter la voix des citoyens européens ?
"How do you see Europe in 2030?" This book gathers responses to this ambitious question, raised by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), from Councillors, Mayors, local and regional leaders from all over Europe. Each one, in turn, at the scale of their territory, shares a vision for the Europe of tomorrow and puts forward measures to relaunch the European project. Who better than these representatives at the forefront of societal, environmental and economic challenges to carry the voice of European citizens? -
The most beautiful villages of France ; discover 159 charming destinations
- Flammarion
- Hors collection
- 4 Mars 2020
- 9782081520424
Discover the 159 most picturesque villages in France, selected for their authenticity, beauty, and cultural heritage by the accredited association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France.
These charming French destinations offer a truly unique travel experience, from the Provençal vineyards and cherry orchards of Venasque, to the medieval ramparts at Moncontour, to the snow-capped Alpine mountains surrounding Saint-Véran, the highest inhabited village in Europe.
This comprehensive illustrated guide reveals the hidden treasures of France, inviting readers to explore each village through:
o 159 color road maps
o Local history
o Sights and attractions
o Accommodation options
o Restaurant recommendations
o Events and activities
o Gastronomic and artisanal specialties
This new, fully updated edition-including 12 suggested walks and hikes in and around a selection of villages-provides everything you need for a memorable trip through the most beautiful villages of France. -
En première partie, un grand dossier thématique consacré à la nouvelle puissance émergente qu'est l'Union européenne après l'entrée en vigueur du Traité de Lisbonne : Et maintenant l'Europe ? - Entretien croisé sur l'identité européenne entre deux intellectuels de renom, Marcel Gauchet et Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, et un diplomate expert des questions européennes, le secrétaire général du Quai d'Orsay, Pierre Sellal - Le nouvel avenir européen, par Jean-Michel Casa, Directeur d'Europe au Quai d'Orsay - France-Allemagne : les actions décisives qui ont fait avancer l'Europe depuis deux ans (climat, régulation financière), par Bernard de Montferrand, ambassadeur de France à Berlin - Union européenne et Etats-Unis, une relation spéciale ? par Muriel Domenach, directrice-adjointe des Affaires stratégiques et de sécurité, au Quai d'Orsay - L'Europe vue de New Delhi, par Jérôme Bonnafont, ambassadeur en Inde En seconde partie, une série originale de réflexions et de « vécus » Analyses & Témoignages - François Zimmeray, ambassadeur chargé des Droits de l'Homme - Pour une diplomatie engagée - Général Emmanuel Beth - La coopération de défense et de sécurité - Jean Mendelson, directeur des archives- Du bon usage des archives diplomatiques - Eric Fournier, ambassadeur en Georgie - Un ambassadeur au coeur de la crise géorgienne - Pascal Texeira, Directeur de la Stratégie de la DGSE - Renseignement et diplomatie - Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, Directeur de CulturesFrance - Les nouvelles politiques culturelles américaine, britannique, allemande...
Comparative handbook: robotic technologies law
- Éditions Larcier
- 28 Juin 2016
- 9782804491772
Studies of the overall impact of robotics on the economy have shown that investments in its various sectors – industrial, professional and service robotics – are increasing globally and the markets associated with them are valued in billions. Robotization improves the competitiveness of enterprises, while collaborative robotics reinvents methods of production.
Beyond the economic outlook, service robotics, backed by the development of artificial intelligence, raises challenging ethical and social issues.
The legal analysis of robotics is no mean feat because it covers a very diverse technical reality. Companies whose businesses are focused on robotic technologies and applications can be confronted with a complex legal situation resulting from the plurality of the applicable rules which have not necessarily been conceived or adopted bearing in mind their specific constraints.
This situation should not hamper their development. It only implies taking cues from the economic legal norms which promote such developments and conducting an analysis of the legal risks which they face, given the applicable rules of liability.
This comparative study – carried out by members of the Lexing® Network – proposes an overview, having regard to the legislation of 17 different countries, of the legal issues raised by robotics and the way the law in force responds, in a more or less satisfactory manner. Discover the authors & contributors in details under the tab 'Extraits'. -
Journalism, Digital Media and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 3 Septembre 2024
- 9783031631535
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the fourth most important industrial stage that has occurred since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. This new revolution is characterized by combining cutting-edge production techniques with intelligent systems that integrate with organizations and people. Communication and journalism, especially digital media, face the challenge of integrating emerging technologies and practices or in-test or developing technologies into companies and communicative products, that are breaking down the boundaries between physical, digital, and biological. This collection analyzes and reflects on the impact of Industry 4.0 on journalism and digital media.
The collection is split into three parts. The first part analyzes the emergence of centralized and decentralized networks and their impact on digital media. Specifically, it delves into the role of cryptographic journalism and the impactof free and collaborative networks in the fediverse to fight against disinformation and censorship, as well as to promote data and metadata journalism. In a second part, the "innovation of innovation" is explored with the aim of continuing to create products that satisfy the needs of 4.0 audiences. This is where the challenges and opportunities offered by the metaverse, content automation technologies, the impact of the Internet of Things on journalism, labs, the application of R+D+I to journalism, and collaborative encounters between journalists to develop highly innovative proposals are explored. Finally, in the third part of the book, the emergence of new communicative and journalistic actors in the 4.0 context is reviewed. Examples include start-ups, spin-offs or other entrepreneurial initiatives, communication of knowledge transfer, new financing models, and outsourcing of tasks, new proposals for newsgames, or the impact of artificial intelligence in journalism practices. In addition, a final chapter is dedicated to exploring the new professional skills needed for journalists in this Fourth Industrial Revolution. -
Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9781119905189
The convergence of Artif?icial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the way industries, businesses, and economies function; the 34 chapters in this collection show how the full potential of these technologies is being enabled to create intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior and support decision-making with little or no human interference, thereby providing startling organizational efficiencies. Readers will discover that in Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: The book unpacks the two superpowers of innovation, AI and IoT, and explains how they connect to better communicate and exchange information about online activities; How the center and the network's edge generate predictive analytics or anomaly alerts; The meaning of AI at the edge and IoT networks. How bandwidth is reduced and privacy and security are enhanced; How AI applications increase operating efficiency, spawn new products and services, and enhance risk management; How AI and IoT create 'intelligent' devices and how new AI technology enables IoT to reach its full potential; Analyzes AIOT platforms and the handling of personal information for shared frameworks that remain sensitive to customers' privacy while effectively utilizing data. Audience
This book will appeal to all business and organization leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and economists, as well as scientists, engineers, and students working in artificial intelligence, software engineering, and information technology. -
13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies "ICISAT 2023"
- Springer
- 27 Août 2024
- 9783031605918
This book covers the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies "ICISAT'2023." One of the evocative and valuable dimensions of this conference is the way it brings together researchers, scientists, academics, and engineers in the field from different countries and enables discussions and debate of relevant issues, challenges, opportunities, and research findings.
The ICISAT'2023 conference provided a forum for research and developments in the field of information systems and advanced technologies and new trends in developing information systems organizational aspects of their development and intelligent aspects of the final product.
The aim of the ICISAT'2023 is to report progress and development of methodologies, technologies, planning and implementation, tools, and standards in information systems, technologies, and sciences.
ICISAT'2023 aims at addressing issues related to the intelligent information, data science, and decision support system, from multidisciplinary perspectives and to discuss the research, teaching, and professional practice in the field.
The book of ICISAT'2023 includes selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies "ICISAT'2023," organized during December 29-30, 2023.
In this book, researchers, professional software, and systems engineers from around the world addressed intelligent information, data science, and decision support system for the conference. The ideas and practical solutions described in the book are the outcome of dedicated research by academics and practitioners aiming to advance theory and practice in this research domain.
The list of topics is in all the areas of modern intelligent information systems and technologies such as neural networks, evolutionary computing, adaptive systems, pervasive system, ubiquitous system, E-learning and teaching, knowledge-based paradigms, learning paradigms, intelligent data analysis, intelligent decision making and support system, intelligent network security, web intelligence, deep learning, natural language processing, image processing, general machine learning, and unsupervised learning. -
Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL'24
- Springer
- 27 Août 2024
- 9783031686283
This book presents the advances in the concept, model, method, and tools for the global supply chain management. The conference took place in Marrakesh from May 2 to May 4, 2024. The 7th edition of this conference focused on Smart Sustainable and Green Logistics. The papers included in the book's proceedings cover various themes, such as:
. Metaheuristics for industry 4.0
. Multi-agent systems for solving combinatorial optimization problems
. Sustainability in supply chain management: a paradigm for global transformation
. Sustainable and agile supply chain management
. Sustainable and smart management of water resources: innovative optimization
. Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies: advancements and applications
. Artificial intelligence techniques and statistical modeling for mobility and urban logistics planning
. Smart and green process in transport and logistics
. Viability of logistics networks, structural dynamics and recovery strategy-low certainty context
. Modeling, simulation and optimization
. Planning and scheduling
. Decision support systems
. Risk management
. Project management
. Information systems integration
. Supply chain design and control
. Models and algorithms for electric mobility
Tradizioni del discorso sulla lingua nella stampa periodica italiana dal Settecento a oggi
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 20 Mars 2024
- 9783631892886
Il presente volume raccoglie sedici contributi che analizzano le costanti Studies on Periodicals and Newspapers e le variabili storiche e di genere dello speciale rapporto tra la riflessione e la discussione sulla lingua e i giornali cartacei ed elettronici pubblicati dal XVIII al XXI secolo. I temi affrontati al loro interno spaziano dalla riflessione sulla natura comunicativa (provocazione, educazione, polemica ecc.) e sulle forme testuali del commento linguistico sui giornali (rubrica stabile, articolo individuale, corrispondenza tra un giornalista e i lettori ecc.) all'indagine sugli argomenti del commento linguistico (neologismi e innovazioni in genere; rapporti con le altre lingue; uso pubblico, mediatico e istituzionale della lingua ecc.), dal tratteggio di profili di commentatori linguistici all'individuazione delle strategie del discorso sulla lingua nei giornali (stereotipi nella pubblicità e nella promozione della lingua, rappresentazione del rapporto tra lingue nazionali e lingue regionali, sfruttamento della lingua per attuare o evitare la discriminazione sociale).
This book aims to integrate multiple disciplinary such as management, economics, and geography from the perspective of resource science and also to strengthen research on resource management to promote sustainability in natural resources. It established clear definition of natural resources and in-depth exploration of main fields such as water resources, land resources, and agricultural resources. Classic methods of economics are applied to solve the problems of resource consumption, environmental pollution, and climate change in modern society. On the basis of classical economics, the disciplinary system of environmental and natural resources is further developed. It is a helpful reference for readers to further study natural resources and environmental economics.
Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts
- Springer
- 15 Mars 2024
- 9783031479908
This book summarizes the latest findings in critical infrastructure protection and related research areas. Armed conflicts and wars are now closer to Europe than at any time in the last several decades, and the protection of critical infrastructures has gained new prominence. This situation has also revealed the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and the importance of its protection.
The development of technologies, cybertechnologies, and digitalization in all aspects of our daily lives implies new security challenges in critical infrastructure protection and security science and this book addresses the four main dimensions of critical infrastructure protection:
1. Physical protection
2. Cybersecurity
3. Political security
4. Individual security
The issue of physical security has accompanied humanity since its birth. Nowadays, this issue has become even more important due to technological advances, as this is the security area that people physically experience-physical protection, including protection against explosions and ballistic attacks, but also defense of objects and guaranteeing transportation security.
Cyberspace represents the fifth domain of warfare and a central security question in our age. The base of cyberspace defense is high-quality hardware and expert support. With our lives increasingly digital, cybersecurity's core elements include safety awareness and informatics.
Political security, the third dimension, is shaped by diverse political ideologies influencing economies, societies, and other aspects of life. This book explores topics such as migration policies, defense against terrorism, national and international security, and public safety.The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.
The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.
The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.
The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.
The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide.
The fourth dimension, individual security, spans healthcare, food safety, energy supplies, and economic security. Each chapter of this book emphasizes security, focusing on Central Europe while addressing global concerns. Authored by researchers, experts, and scholars, this book is invaluable for Ph.D. students, professionals, and educators worldwide. -
This book demonstrates different stages of hydrocarbon deposit localization in a tectonically complex region-the South Caspian Mega-Basin (SCMB). Each of the stages: tectonics, sedimentation, lithology, structural analysis, and geophysical method application is described in detail and accompanied by numerous color (major) and black-white (minor) illustrations. The main benefit of this book is that the Azerbaijan hydrocarbon province has been investigated for more than 150 years, resulting in a very comprehensive archive of geological information. This book is intended not only for students of various degrees, but also for professional geologists studying principles of hydrocarbon accumulations under difficult geological environments.
This book provides a multidisciplinary synthesis of the sustainable management of natural resources. The book presents applicable knowledge of land, water, and forest resources along with in-depth investigations of multiple management pathways. This book also demonstrated the contemporary applications of geospatial technology in data mining techniques, data analysis, modeling, assessment, and visualization, and appropriate management strategies in different aspects of natural resources. The book explores the latest state-of-the-art techniques using open-source software, statistical programming, and modeling platforms, including artificial intelligence techniques in natural resource management. It is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in geography, geospatial sciences, and environmental sciences, especially those interested in land, water, and forest resources.
Lightning Transients and Protection for Renewable Energy System
- Springer
- 11 Septembre 2024
- 9789819772674
This book is dedicated to lightning transients and protection for renewable energy systems, including both wind and solar energy. In addition to the formation mechanism of lightning transients, the practical engineering application has also been addressed. This book is comprehensive and covers the methodology of electromagnetic transient modelling, electromagnetic coupling for PV system, lightning protection design, testing and evaluation. This book is particularly suitable for readers interested in lightning phenomena and renewable energy systems. It would benefit researchers, engineers and graduate students in the fields of electrical engineering, renewable energy, computational electromagnetism, etc.
This book aims to champion teaching and learning of ecosocial work in educational institutions which offer social work and related programmes. It is the first book to focus specifically on teaching and learning in ecosocial work and one of the first to incorporate student perspectives on and initiatives in ecosocial work teaching, learning and practice.
Ecosocial work is an evolving framework to learn about and practice social work from the premise that humans are part of the web of life on Earth. While this understanding should guide human activities, current planetary-scale anthropogenic socio-environmental problems such as the climate crisis, ocean acidification, biodiversity and species loss, prove the opposite. Social work and allied professions stem from the same anthropocentric world view and need to reconfigure their relationship to other-than-humans and the planetary limits of existence. This requires in-depth renewal of social work and related professions and an ecosocial/ecological paradigm change in which education is pivotal.
Written by academics, students and practitioners working in different parts of the world and offering interdisciplinary perspectives, the book provides:
Chapters and case studies on concepts, methods, and experiences of teaching and learning in ecosocial work.
Discussion of the current terrain of ecosocial work in principle and practice.
Ideas on the kinds of new thinking ecosocial work requires and on how these can be taught and practiced, promoting economic, social and environmental sustainability.
This book makes an original and internationally acclaimed contribution to ecosocial work education. As the conduit for preparing social workers to become active agents of ecosocial change, critical attention is given to the importance of education as foundational to this professional endeavour. This book provides essential reading for all social work professionals, scholars, educators, and learning institutions.
Heather Boetto, Associate Professor, Charles Stuart University, Australia.
A comprehensive book about the challenges and opportunities of teaching the ecosocial framework in social work. Various perspectives open up new possibilities for understanding the practices of teaching ecosocial work in different contexts. A strong reading recommendation for anyone interested in understanding and teaching the relationship between social work and environmental issues.
Kati Närhi, Professor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. -
Modern complex multi-domain systems require increased efficiency, reliability and availability combined with reduced cost. This book contains papers on mathematical modeling and simulation of processes in various areas: in ecology and the environment, production and energy, information technology, samples of special purpose equipment, and cyber-physical systems.
The outcomes presented in the book will be useful to specialists involved in the modeling and simulation of real-world system, management and decision-making models, production models, and software products. Scientists have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest research in a variety of solutions proposed by leading scientists and to determine promising directions for solving complex scientific and practical tasks. Chapters of this book contain papers presented at the 18th MODS International Conference, November 13-15, 2023, Chernihiv, Ukraine. -
Contemporary Australian Primary Science Teacher Education
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9789819756605
This book provides an evidence-based response to how `classroom-readiness' translates into the preparation of future teachers of science. It juxtaposes contemporary understanding of programming and practices in initial teacher education in an Australian context against international narratives. Through this, this book shifts the understanding of primary science education from a deficit model to one that critically examines, challenges and contest what is happening in this space, and why. It proposes problems of practice in primary science teacher education and then draws on these provocations to provide insights into possible solutions.
Environmental Risk and Resilience in the Changing World
- Springer
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9783031624421
This book provides huge knowledge and data in the fields of geospatial sciences, earth environmental sciences, humanities, and social sciences, which target a diverse range of readers, such as academics, scientists, students, environmentalists, meteorologists, urban planners, remote sensing, and GIS experts. Earth environment (ecological envelope of geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and cryosphere) faces a significant challenge from different risks and threats due to due to rapid changes in global land use, population increase and pollution. They might drastically impair the ecosystem's ability to maintain long-term service levels while bolstering the economic, social, and environmental pillars of sustainable development. Therefore, risk assessment (RA) has lately become a prominent research topic and a powerful mechanism for enforcing legal activities-related environmental restoration and health improvements to do sustainable development. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) first used the risk assessment approach in 1980, and since then, it has expanded and become standard practice in many areas of ecological research. Some practices are air quality assessment, land degradation assessment, natural hazards risk assessment, urban surface ecological health condition, wetland and forest health assessment and drinking water quality assessment. However, recently risk assessment alone is not sufficient to propose any sustainable management plans. Also, there is no universal strategy for conducting risk assessments, and insufficient expertise with the methodology may result in erroneous findings. Therefore, scientists are increasingly interested in developing resilience strategies with AI and geospatial-based risk assessment to lower environmental risk. Different resilience approaches make different assumptions about the system dynamics involved in resilience-based environmental risk and impact assessment. Therefore, this book seeks to showcase the most current advances in risk and hazards assessment of environments with resilience strategies to mitigate the prevailing environmental issues with the help of remote sensing, GIS, artificial intelligence, and state-of-the-art frameworks like PSR, VIOR, nature-based solutions.