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Grâce à cette célèbre enquête de Sherlock Holmes, les élèves de collège pourront lire en VO, une histoire aussi mystérieuse que passionnante. Pour une meilleure compréhension, tous les textes ont été adaptés et des traductions des mots les plus difficiles figurent dans les marges.
Grâce aux enquêtes de Jordan, jeune français aux prises avec de mystérieux malfrats sévissant sur le sol anglais, les lecteurs de 9 ans pourront s'initier à la langue anglaise et mémoriser les mots essentiels et les expressions les plus courantes. Un lexique en fin d'ouvrage rassemble le vocabulaire anglais utilisé dans le récit.
Je ne suis pas un gay de fiction a été l'un des évènements young adult de l'année 2018 au Japon. Décrivant avec un réalisme troublant le quotidien d'un lycéen gay, l'ouvrage a su fédérer autant les concernés que les lecteurs lambdas. Loins des romans MxM fantasmés, cet ouvrage aborde des thématiques bien réelles. Un futur incontournable, à n'en pas douter !
Jun est lycéen, et il est gay. Bien que vivant caché, il sait parfaitement qui il est. Fan de Freddie Mercury, il fréquente un homme plus âgé que lui... et marié ! Son seul véritable confident, Mister Farenheit, est une connaissance d'internet avec qui il discute via les réseaux sociaux. Mais quand un matin, au détour d'une librairie, il croise Miura, une de ses camarades de classe, en train d'acheter un manga homo-érotique, son quotidien va petit à petit s'effriter. Car cette dernière, fan de " tout ce qui est homo ", ne voit pas l'évidence devant elle. Petit à petit, la lycéenne va tomber amoureuse de Jun... Ce dernier, prêt à tout pour entrer dans le moule et obtenir un bonheur " comme les autres ", va essayer de répondre à cet amour. Combien de temps pourra-t-il entretenir ce mensonge ? -
Mort par correspondance ; mail-order murder
Sylvie de Mathuisieulx
- Oxalide
- 1 Janvier 1970
- 9782916881652
Daniella, très digne, et toute de noir vêtue, est installée au premier rang de l’assemblée. Elle a atrocement mal aux pieds.
Le prêtre a été un peu long dans l’éloge de feu son mari, et elle examine depuis un moment, mais fort discrètement, les détails des vitraux de la petite chapelle. L’inévitable Christ en croix, immense, disproportionné, juste au-dessus de l’autel. Les apôtres. Les martyrs. Les saints.
À sa droite, Jean-Patrick est assis, incroyablement raide, jambes croisées, mâchoire serrée. Il a les yeux secs. À sa gauche, Nina, généralement si maîtresse d’elle-même, est, depuis le début de la cérémonie, secouée de sanglots. Elle était tellement plus proche de Roland que son frère cadet… Père et fille cultivaient une complicité qui avait toujours laissé Daniella pantoise : en compagnie de cette enfant qui lui ressemblait tant, Roland, si formel, si raisonnable, si engoncé dans sa petite vie rangée, devenait un autre homme, détendu et souriant. Il était soudain volubile, enthousiaste même.
Full of dignity and dressed entirely in black, Daniella was sitting in the front row of the congregation. Her feet were killing her.
The minister had rather overextended her defunct husband’s eulogy and, for a while, she had been examining intently, albeit discreetly, the details on the chapel’s windows. The inevitable Christ on the Cross, so large and out of proportion, just above the altar. The apostles. The martyrs. The saints.
Jean-Patrick, sitting bolt upright, with crossed legs, his jaw firmly set was sitting to her right. His eyes were dry. To his left, Nina, who usually had so much self-control, had been sobbing her heart out ever since the ceremony had started. She was so much closer to Roland than her younger brother... Father and daughter had developed a complicity which had always amazed Daniella: when he was with that child who looked so like him, Roland, usually so formal, so reasonable, so wrapped up in that cosy little life of his, would become a different man: relaxed and smiling. Suddenly, he would become very talkative, even enthusiastic. -
Les jours qui suivirent cette mémorable mousse au chocolat furent interminables : j’attendais le vendredi 8 mai où l’ancien ministre, Roger Blanchard, devait me remettre mon premier prix. Et puis, il y eut ce jeudi 7 mai !…
Je n’oublierai jamais cette journée ! D’abord parce que c’était la veille de mon triomphe. Ensuite, à cause de cette étrange impression que j’ai éprouvée quand je suis sorti du collège.
J’ai senti qu’il se passait quelque chose de bizarre, comme si le décor avait changé demanière imperceptible. Ce n’était sans doute qu’unminuscule détail,mais j’avais la vague certitude que ce détail était essentiel, vital même.
The days which followed thatmemorable chocolatemousse were interminable - I couldn't wait for Friday 8thMay when the former minister, Roger Blanchard, was to award me with my first prize. And then there was Thursday 7th May!...
I'll never forget that day! Firstly, because it was the day before my triumph was to take place and next, because of the strange feeling I had on coming out of school.
I could sense something bizarre was going on, as if someone had imperceptibly moved the scenery around. It was probably just a tiny detail but I had the vague conviction that this detail was essential, even crucial. -
Panique dans le tunnel ; panic in the tunnel
Corinne Albaut
- Oxalide
- Doublenoire Teenagers
- 1 Janvier 1970
- 9782916881669
Cela faisait plus de deux heures que le train roulait.
Les enfants du fond du wagon s’étaient réveillés de leur sieste et commençaient à s’exciter. Les deux jeunes monitrices s’évertuaient à leur proposer des jeux pour les occuper.
Ils exploitèrent tout d’abord les mots gigognes : valise - liseron - rond de chapeau - policier - scier du bois… jusqu’à ce que l’un d’eux prétende compléter oiseau par saucisse. On lui fit remarquer que le « seau » de oiseau se prononçait « zeau » et celui de saucisse, « sau », il ne voulut rien entendre et le jeu dégénéra en dispute. Les enfants disaient n’importe quoi et s’excitaient sur les mots de leur invention ou sur des grossièretés. On jugea qu’il fallait arrêter les frais quand on en arriva à sudoku-cul de singe et autre, et on passa à « Jacques a dit », qui lui-même se termina avec des propositions aussi intéressantes que « Jacques a dit : grattez-vous les fesses… ».
Les pauvres monitrices, dépitées, finirent par les laisser se débrouiller entre eux. Les gamins sortirent alors leurs Game Boys, magazines et jeux de cartes.
Là encore, le calme ne dura pas très longtemps. Les plus créatifs inventèrent une distraction qui eut un succès immédiat dans le groupe : il consistait à lancer des projectiles faits avec les cartes à jouer pliées en fusées.
The train had been going for over two hours.
The children at the end of the compartment had woken up from their nap and were starting to get excited. The two group leaders were doing their best to keep them busy by suggesting some games for them to play.
They first of all had a go at doing a last-syllable word chain game: picnic - nicotine – teenager – giraffe - after... until one of them reckoned he could complete terrific with thicko. The others pointed out to him that the "fic" of terrific was pronounced "f" and that of thicko "th" but he wasn’t having any of it and the game degenerated into an argument. The children were saying any old thing and were getting carried away with phrases of their own invention or with dirty words. It was decided to call it a day when they went fromadd-ict to dick-head and other words in the same vein, so they passed on to "Simon said" which, in turn, ended up with such interesting propositions as "Simon said: scratch your bum... ".
Feeling weary, the poor group leaders gave up and left them to their own devices. The boys and girls proceeded to get out their Game Boys, magazines and packs of cards.
Even then, the peace didn’t last very long. The more creative ones among them came up with a form of entertainment that met with instant success within the group, which consisted in throwing projectiles made with playing cards folded into the shape of a rocket. -
La sirène de la police. En pleine nuit. Sur les hauteurs de Nogared.
Anaïs était effondrée. Qui aurait pu prévoir cela ? Elle devait pourtant affronter la dure réalité. Ses quatre amies aussi. Élise, Lucile, Camille et Leslie. Unies comme les doigts de la main. Et âgées de seize ans.
On les surnommait les 5. Tout simplement.
Les 5 allaient devoir être soudées comme jamais. Plus encore que pendant leurs matchs de basket.
Des phares trouèrent la nuit. C’était la voiture des policiers. Anaïs poussa un profond soupir et se leva, pas certaine de tenir le choc lors de leur interrogatoire.
The police siren, in the middle of the night, in the hills above Nogared. Anaïs was distraught. Who could ever have foreseen such a thing? Yet she had to face the harsh reality of the situation. So did her four friends, Élise, Lucile, Camille and Leslie.
They were as close as they come, all of them sixteen. They were known as the 5, simple as that. But now the 5 would have to be more closely-knit than ever – even more than during their basketball matches.
Headlights lit up the dark night. It was the police car. Anaïs gave a deep sigh and got to her feet, not certain that she would be able to cope with it once they started their questioning. -
Le poltergeist d'Enfield Tome 2 : les voix de l'au-delà ; the enfield poltergeist Tome 2 : voices from the bey
Eric Trochon
- Oxalide
- 1 Septembre 2011
- 9782916881959
Table des Matières
— Je m’appelle Kilian Broddy. J’ai 11 ans. Ma mère est maîtresse d’école et mon père est recherché par toutes les polices de France.
— Tu vas me saouler longtemps avec ça ? Remets-toi, ça fait trois jours maintenant que ton père s’est évadé.
Je suis allongé sur le lit, face à un poster de Snoop Dogg, dans la chambre de Tariq, mon meilleur copain. Et je me demande si notre amitié n’est pas en train de partir à nouveau en sucette.
Enfin, c’est mon seul copain, et vu comme il me parle, c’est dire la vie que j’ai ! Mais bon, il est toujours là quand j’ai des ennuis et ça, ça n’a pas de prix. Quand même, il est bien pénible des fois.
Comme là, par exemple.
— Tu m’excuseras, ça fait tout de même un choc : il y a moins d’une semaine j’avais une vie normale, et tout d’un coup je découvre que mon père est trafiquant de drogue et que ma mère est complice de son évasion. Mais c’est pas grave, il faut que je m’y fasse, tout va bien, youpi !
— Arrête de dramatiser, l’Angliche. Personne n’est mort. De quoi tu te plains ?
— Oui, tu as peut-être raison. Mais bon, ça me perturbe quand même, et puis figure-toi que ça recommence.
— Qu’est-ce qui recommence ?
“My name is Kilian Broddy. I’m 11. My mother’s a primary school teacher, and my father’s being hunted down by all the French police forces.”
“When are you going to quit repeating that? Get over it! It’s three days now since your father escaped.”
I’m lying on the bed in Tariq’s room, facing a Snoop Dogg poster. Tariq’s my best friend. Mind you, I’m wondering if our friendship is not going down the drain again. Well, he’s my only friend, and given the way he talks to me, you see the kind of life I have. Anyway, he’s always there when I’m in trouble and that is priceless. All the same, he can be a pretty big nuisance sometimes. Like now, for instance.
“Well, I’m sorry, but it’s been a bit of a shock. Less than a week ago I was living a normal life, and all of a sudden I discover that my father’s a drug dealer and that my mother helped him to escape. But who cares? All I have to do is get over it, everything’s fine, yippee!”
“Hey limey, stop making it bigger than it is. Nobody died. So what are you complaining about?”
“Yes, maybe you’re right. Still, all the same, it bothers me. And let me tell you this: it’s beginning all over again.”
“What is beginning all over again?” -
It's the first day of the rest of Charlotte's life. She isn't going to be invisible any more. And she's not going to stop at just getting noticed, she's determined that she'll be envied! Much to Charlotte's surprise her plan actually seems to be working: Petula, the most popular girl at school has finally acknowledged her existence and her lab partner for the rest of the term is none other than Damen Dylan, school heart-throb and object of Charlotte's desire. It's only a matter of time before she's accepted into their elite circle . . . that is until, in her excitement, Charlotte chokes to death on a gummy bear. So, OK, it's the first day of the rest of Charlotte's death - why should that change her plans?
Three years ago, a mysterious package arrived for Jake and Kady Ransom. Inside were two halves of a Mayan gold coin, their mother's sketchbook and their father's notebook. But their architect parents failed to return from an expedition to the site of a long-lost Mayan civilization. Now Jake and Kady are plunged into a terrifying adventure. Someone is very interested in what's happened to their parents. And in Jake and Kady themselves. So begins a journey into a world of dangers both ancient and modern. Can Jake and Kady survive long enough to solve the mystery?
Take up your weapons and prepare to fight your own battle in these all-action, interactive adventures, in which you take part in epic battles from throughout history.
It is 1066, and Harold Godwinson has been crowned King of England. A mighty army has journeyed from Normandy, Breton and France to crush Harold's forces at what will become remembered as the Battle of Hastings. You are William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and leader of one of the largest invasion forces ever. You must command your army and position your forces to defeat the English, and claim the crown that is rightfully yours... -
Take up your weapons and prepare to fight your own battle in these all-action, interactive adventures, in which you take part in epic battles from throughout history.
It is 1944 and Europe is still in the iron claw of Nazi German forces. In an attempt to end the war, British leaders have a plan to send elite troops deep behind German defences to capture key targets, including bridges.
You are a Lieutenant in the 2nd Parachute Battalion. You must command your men forward through enemy territory and reach the bridge in the Dutch town of Arnhem. You must hold the bridge
at any cost... -
Take up your weapons and prepare to fight your own battle in these all-action, interactive adventures, in which you take part in epic battles from throughout history.
It is 490 BCE and the ancient city of Athens is under threat. The Persians have sailed across the ocean to invade your land, and now camp on the plains of Marathon, just a few miles from Athens.
You are Miltiades, an old warrior with one last chance to prove your loyalty to the city you love. You will command the mighty Greek Hoplite army as it attempts to halt the Persian invasion and save Athens... -
Take up your weapons and prepare to fight your own battle in these all-action, interactive adventures, in which you take part in epic battles from throughout history.
It is 1945 and though Nazi Germany has been defeated, World War II rages on as Japan continues to fight. The US Marines have fought their way across the Pacific Ocean, defeating Japanese forces one small island at a time. The fighting has now reached Iwo Jima, a rocky volcanic island only 600 miles from Japan.
You are a US Marine just about to land on the steep beaches of Iwo Jima. You must fight across the black sand to knockout the sea guns based there and take the island...