TU Delft
26 produits trouvés
Housing, Urban Renewal and Socio-Spatial Integration
Tu Delft Xiaoxi Hui
- TU Delft
- 7 Février 2013
- 9781481999526
This issue of A+BE addresses two critical urban issues China faces today: housing and urban renewal. In the recent two decades, the Chinese urban housing stock underwent a significant, if not extreme, transformation. From 1949 to 1998, the urban housing stock in China largely depended on the public sector, and a large amount of public housing areas were developed under the socialistic public housing system in Beijing and other Chinese cities. Yet in 1998, a radical housing reform stopped this housing system. Thus, most of the public housing stock was privatized and the urban housing provision was conferred to the market.
The radical housing privatization and marketization did not really resolve but intensified the housing problem. Along with the high-speed urbanization, the alienated, capitalized and speculative housing stock caused a series of social and spatial problems. The Chinese government therefore attempted to reestablish the social housing system in 2007. However, the unbalanced structure of the Chinese urban housing stock has not been considerably optimized and the housing problem is still one of the most critical challenges in China. -
Smart Energy Management for Households infers design-related insights and guidelines to improve the use and effectiveness of home energy management systems (HEMS) through an empirical evaluation of the longitudinal effectiveness of these devices and an exploration of factors that influence their use and effectiveness.
Three case studies executed with three different HEMS in households, a life cycle assessment (LCA) on those three HEMS, as well as a reflection on the challenges of both researching and implementing HEMS in existing housing gave a comprehensive picture of the opportunities and barriers for HEMS.
The research revealed five typical use patterns that emerged amongst households. It also revealed average energy savings of 7.8%, which however decreased in the follow-up that was conducted, and factors that may influence the use and effectiveness of HEMS.
Nonetheless, the LCA cal culations divulged that the HEMS can achieve net energy savings when taking their embedded energy into account. -
n the past three decades, numerous high-tech city-regions have emerged with the rise of new high-tech industries across the world. Many of them have been specifically supported by national technology policies-in developed or developing countries-implemented to trigger economic growth and to enhance global competitiveness at the national and/or city-regional level. These policies have involved the development of high-tech spaces-including research science/technology parks, innovation centres, science cities, high-tech city-regions, and so on-albeit in different ways.
This issue of A+BE applies a comparative approach to explore the major factors that shape the practices of spatial planning in hightech development. The Eindhoven city-region in the Netherlands and the Hsinchu city-region in Taiwan are selected as case study areas. Both city-regions can be recognised as success stories of high-tech development not only on a national scale but also on a global scale, despite the fact that they apply different approaches.
Deze studie behandelt de voortdurende strijd tussen belangengroepen over hoe de stad Den Haag eruit dient te zien in de periode 1860 tot 2010. De these in dit onderzoek luidt dat het gefragmenteerde beeld dat mensen van de stad ervaren het gevolg is van de grote verscheidenheid aan stedelijk ensembles en publieke gebouwen die vaak met de beste intenties door groepen betrokkenen successievelijk werden gepresenteerd, al dan niet half voltooid en tegen elkaar geschoven. Deze betrokkenen, zoals nationale en lokale politici, de koninklijke familie, banken, industriëlen, woningbouwcorporaties, projectontwikkelaars, architecten en stedenbouwers en organisaties met kritische burgers zijn voortdurend in conflict over hoe publieke gebouwen of beeldbepalende stedelijk ensembles er uit dienen te zien. Elke groep wil met de beste bedoelingen op zijn eigen manier de stad vormgeven. Het lijkt wel alsof de stad is ontdaan van ruimte, beweging en tijd, en dat alleen het stadsbeeld nog telt dat eindeloos wordt gereproduceerd in de media om de opinie te beïnvloeden. Op de achtergrond speelt altijd het stadsbeeld dat men wil bewerkstelligen. Het getouwtrek om het Spuiforum is slechts het meest recente in een lange reeks incidenten in Den Haag. Het hardvochtig streven van betrokkenen naar het ene zuivere stadsbeeld levert alleen maar meer beeldfragmenten op, en misschien is dat wel de grootste kwaliteit van de stad.
Strategic investment of embodied energy during the architectural planning process
Tu Delft Linda Hildebrand
- TU Delft
- 28 Juin 2014
- 9789461863263
This year's fifth issue of A+BE outlines the relevance of the building substance as factor for the overall sustainable performance of the built environment. It wants to sensibilize the designer for the ecological dimension of planning decisions and to show how to optimize them. Design and construction of buildings include harvesting resources and producing emissions and stating a burden to nature. This can be perceived equivalent to a financial investment where the monetary value has to express adequately the real one. The planning decision has an ecological value which must justify its relevance by function and has to be optimized within its scope. Environmental impact and desired building quality must be alanced in order to establish a sustainable solution. All means to optimize need to be evaluated. In order to do so the designer needs to be aware of his impact and has to strategically invest embodied energy during the architectural planning process.
Amsterwarm biedt met de ontwikkeling van een gebiedstypologie inzicht in het stedelijk warmte-eiland effect in de stad Amsterdam.
De typologie maakt duidelijk in hoeverre de stad Amsterdam zelf bijdraagt aan het stedelijk warmte-eiland effect, in hoeverre buurten en woningen hun bewoners blootstellen aan het warmte-eiland effect, en in hoeverre de bewoners van de stad kwetsbaar zijn voor de gevolgen ervan.
De typologie is gebaseerd op het ruimtegebruik fysieke kenmerken van Amsterdam, op de leefbaarheid en de woningkwaliteit, en op de samenstelling van de bevolking in de verschillende delen van de stad.
De typologie geeft concrete handreikingen voor het soort actie die de stad Amsterdam kan ondernemen met oog op het welzijn en het comfort van haar bevolking, en met oog op het beperken van het energiegebruik om gebouwen te koelen tijdens warm weer.
De gebiedstypologie maakt het mogelijk om uitspraken te doen over specifieke maatregelen/prioriteiten voor verschillende delen van de stad Amsterdam.
Amsterwarm verkent tevens hoe sterk het warmte-eiland Amsterdam is. -
Heritage-based design concerns the relationship between design approaches and the cultural heritage essence of a monument. How to approach a design? How to get a grip on a site? How can a designer incorporate existing qualities of the heritage in the design? Chapter 1 describes the trends in the Netherlands, a development which has led to heritage policy becoming increasingly linked to spatial planning and development issues, and resulting in the fast growing importance of design for heritage. Chapter 2 focuses on the cultural heritage value - and in particular on the question of how a designer can achieve a translation of the cultural heritage essence of a site into concrete design principles. Chapter 3 shows how a designer can take a position by relating to the cultural heritage value and by subsequently reinterpreting this in his own way.
Flowscapes explores concepts, methods and techniques for design-related research on landscape infrastructures. Their main objective is to engage environmental and societal issues by means of integrative and design oriented approaches. Through focusing on interdisciplinary design-related research of landscape infrastructures they provide important clues for the development of spatial armatures that can guide urban and rural development and have cultural and civic significance. The geographical context of the papers covers Europe, Africa, Asia and Northern America.
Integral Facade Construction focuses on the future development of the curtain wall. While the requirements on facades have slowly increased over the last decades, the curtain wall has evolved from craftsmanship oriented constructions to highly developed facade systems. But its constructional principle is still the same. Simplified, it can be described as a two-dimensional stick system with infill. With the latest requirements of almost energy neutral buildings, faster building processes and increasing technicalisation of the building envelope this constructional principle is reaching its limits. The curtain wall system has reached a state of maturity; and it needs a new approach to guaranty that this successful product will meet the challenges of the future.
In dit proefschrift staan klantgestuurd voorraadbeleid van woningcorporaties en de empowermenteffecten voor bewoners centraal. De centrale probleemstelling omvat wat klantgestuurd voorraadbeleid is (definitie), welke vormen van klantgestuurd voorraadbeleid zijn te onderscheiden (categorisatie), wat de beoogde effecten zijn en tot welke effecten het zou leiden, is beantwoord aan de hand van zeven deelvragen. De focus van het onderzoek verschuift van een verkenning van alle initiatieven in het klantgestuurd voorraadbeleid naar de empowermenteffecten voor bewoners van Te Woon als één van de klantgestuurde initiatieven.
International Facades - CROFT
Tu Delft Architecture Marcel Bilow
- TU Delft
- 7 Avril 2013
- 9789461860279
"International Facades - CROFT" links the fields of architecture, building services and building physics. It aims at an international diversity in façade design to reduce energy consumption in building design.
Current architectural planning practices, such as the International Style, perceive the climate often as a problem, rather than an opportunity to work with it.
This doctoral thesis presents a "Facade Expert Tool" (FET) that analyses the climate and the combination of the façade and building services. The goal of FET is to easily analyse the climate of a particular location and to then limit the possible combination of façade and building services components to a practical level.
Through FET Marcel Bilow has developed "Climate Responsive Optimised Facade Technologies" (CROFT).
CROFT demonstrates the potential for sustainable building operation through the use new technologies that respond to the requirements posed on façades in climate zones as divers as those found in Moscow, Singapore, Berlin and Dubai. -
This book shows the potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM) for the development of building envelopes: AM will change the way of designing facades, how we engineer and produce them. To achieve today's demands from those future envelopes, we have to find new solutions.
The term `AM Envelope' (Additive Manufacturing Envelope) describes the transfer of this technology to the building envelope. Additive Fabrication is a building block that aids in developing the building envelope from a mere space enclosure to a dynamic building envelope.
AM offers the opportunity to manufacture facades `just in time'. It is no longer necessary to store or produce large numbers of parts in advance. Initial investment for tooling can be avoided, as design improvements can be realized within the dataset of the AM part. AM is based on `tool-less' production, all parts can be further developed with every new generation.
The basic principle of AM opens a fascinating new world of engineering, no matter what applications can be found: to `design for function' rather to `design for production' turns our way of engineering of the last century upside down. A collection of AM applications therefore offers the outlook to our (built) future in combination with the acquired knowledge. -
Renewing City Renewal
Tu Delft Henk Engel, Platform 31 Olof Van De Wal, De Nijl Ar Endry Van Velzen
- TU Delft
- 16 Juin 2014
- 9789461863119
Between 1970 and 1990 the prewar districts of Dutch cities underwent an unparalleled process of renewal. What began as `building for the neighbourhood' in protest against extensive demolition has now come to be known as `city renewal'. Large numbers of affordable dwellings and social facilities were created. However, businesses often disappeared, the quality of public space did not always improve and districts sometimes became isolated from the rest of the city. Since 1990 some of the old city renewal districts have taken off again and become popular (and expensive) housing districts. But others still have problems despite the renewal.
The design studies in this book show how economic activity, infrastructure and public space can be the keys to new strategies for improving city districts. Four `problem districts' have been chosen as testing grounds: Leiden's Havenkwartier, The Hague's Schilderswijk, Rotterdam's Feijenoord and Amsterdam's Indische Buurt. Three essays describe the history of city renewal, the future of urban renewal and the role of spatial design in changing the existing city. The book ends with a call for meaningful new roles and instruments for architects and urban designers at a time when large-scale urban development has come to a standstill.
Between 1970 and 1990 the prewar districts of Dutch cities underwent an unparalleled process of renewal. What began as `building for the neighbourhood' in protest against extensive demolition has now come to be known as `city renewal'. Large numbers of affordable dwellings and social facilities were created. However, businesses often disappeared, the quality of public space did not always improve and districts sometimes became isolated from the rest of the city. Since 1990 some of the old city renewal districts have taken off again and become popular (and expensive) housing districts. But others still have problems despite the renewal.
The design studies in this book show how economic activity, infrastructure and public space can be the keys to new strategies for improving city districts. Four `problem districts' have been chosen as testing grounds: Leiden's Havenkwartier, The Hague's Schilderswijk, Rotterdam's Feijenoord and Amsterdam's Indische Buurt.
Three essays describe the history of city renewal, the future of urban renewal and the role of spatial design in changing the existing city. The book ends with a call for meaningful new roles and instruments for architects and urban designers at a time when large-scale urban development has come to a standstill. -
Knowledge Sharing Strategies for Large Complex Building Projects
Tu Delft Esra Bektas
- TU Delft
- 25 Juin 2013
- 9789461861740
This volume of A+BE examines the current extent of knowledge sharing between actors who form design teams of Large Complex Building Projects (LCBPs), the problems that limited knowledge sharing causes in such projects. As part of this analysis I compare deliberately designed and emerging project-specific Knowledge Sharing Strategies (KSS). Based on this analysis, it proposes an approach how to promote knowledge sharing in future LCBPs.
Understanding the current knowledge sharing processes employed by actors in large complex building projects forms therefore the core of this study. Hence, the dynamics that both hinder and promote actors' knowledge sharing processes within LCBPs are investigated. Before making this investigation, the natures of LCBPs are elaborated since these projects are `the playgrounds' of the design team actors for knowledge sharing.
The study makes three contributions:
an understanding of the nature of LCBPs (as the playground of actors) that serves as a basis for exploring potential barriers and current approaches towards knowledge sharing among design team actors;
the formation of an analytical framework that synthesizes aspects for knowledge sharing strategies and investigates the current strategies that are targeted at building knowledge sharing between actors which has been undertaken in regard to the proposed framework of KSS;
the practical implications that provide knowledge for practitioners so they can design and implement knowledge sharing strategies for LCBPs.
Using engineering performance evaluations to explore design alternatives during the conceptual phase of architectural design helps to understand the relationships between form and performance; and is crucial for developing well-performing final designs. Computer aided conceptual design has the potential to aid the design team in discovering and highlighting these relationships; especially by means of procedural and parametric geometry to support the generation of geometric design, and building performance simulation tools to support performance assessments. However, current tools and methods for computer aided conceptual design in architecture do not explicitly reveal nor allow for backtracking the relationships between performance and geometry of the design. They currently support post-engineering, rather than the early design decisions and the design exploration process.
Focusing on large roofs, this research aims at developing a computational design approach to support designers in performance driven explorations. The approach is meant to facilitate the multidisciplinary integration and the learning process of the designer; and not to constrain the process in precompiled procedures or in hard engineering formulations, nor to automatize it by delegating the design creativity to computational procedures. PAS (Performance Assessment Strategies) as a method is the main output of the research. It consists of a framework including guidelines and an extensible library of procedures for parametric modelling. It is structured on three parts.
Pre-PAS provides guidelines for a design strategy-definition, toward the parameterization process. Model-PAS provides guidelines, procedures and scripts for building the parametric models. Explore-PAS supports the solutions-assessment based on numeric evaluations and performance simulations, until the identification of a suitable design solution. PAS has been developed based on action research. Several case studies have focused on each step of PAS and on their interrelationships.
The relations between the knowledge available in pre-PAS and the challenges of the solution space exploration in explore-PAS have been highlighted. In order to facilitate the explore-PAS phase in case of large solution spaces, the support of genetic algorithms has been investigated and the exiting method ParaGen has been further implemented. Final case studies have focused on the potentials of ParaGen to identify well performing solutions; to extract knowledge during explore-PAS; and to allow interventions of the designer as an alternative to generations driven solely by coded criteria.
Both the use of PAS and its recommended future developments are addressed in the thesis. -
Understanding culture in territorial management and its implications for spatial planning.
Tu Delft Suwanna Rongwiriyaphanich
- TU Delft
- 5 Septembre 2014
- 9789461863478
This study presents and applies an integrative conceptual framework which is used to explain how culture, planning policy and territorial management outcomes are interrelated, and what the implications are for spatial planning. The study investigates territorial development processes in the context of floodplain management in urbanised delta regions. This specific context is selected because of its strong relations between physical attributes and spatial planning activities. The analysis is carried out based on a comparative approach at two levels. At the cross-national level, the Rhine-Meuse delta region in the Netherlands and the Chaophraya delta region in Thailand are used as case studies. The comparative approach is useful for this study because culture can be best understood in a relative form. The sub-national analysis emphasises comparison of floodplain management in three selected districts in the Chaophraya delta region. Besides the theoretical contribution, this study contributes methodologically through development of a common conceptual framework that can be applied to the analysis of various issues in territorial management, which is not limited only to the subject studied here.
Duurzame Ontwikkeling door Collectief Bewonersinitiatief.
Tu Delft Fred Sanders
- TU Delft
- 21 Août 2014
- 9789461863591
Collectief bewonersinitiatief gericht op duurzame energie-optimalisatie is in Nederland in opkomst. Ook de installatietechniek speelt daar met een nieuw type installaties voor meerdere huishoudens op in. De onderliggende redenen voor deze trendwijziging liggen in een terugtredende overheid en een toename van burgerinitiatief in de samenleving.
Dit boek onderzoek de mogelijkheden van bewonersinitiatief bij de Nederlandse herstructureringsopgaven voor de transitie naar hernieuwbare energie in de woonomgeving: `Onder welke condities stimuleren sociale cohesie en duurzaam collectief bewonersinitiatief elkaar omwille van hernieuwbare energie voor wonen in de gebouwde omgeving succesvol?`
Het boek volgt twee lijnen: naast de condities voor sociale cohesie (sociaal collectief bewonersinitiatief) zijn de condities onderzocht waarbij bewonerscollectieven in hernieuwbare energie investeren.
Een drietal `Blokkerende dilemma's' verhinderen de verdere ontwikkeling van duurzaam collectief bewonersinitiatief. Met name de verdere ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie. Deze `Blokkerende dilemma's' zijn: de beperkte motivatie van bewoners om duurzaam te handelen, dat sociaal en duurzaam bewonersinitiatief geven elkaar geen startconditie, en het gegeven dat de betrokken professionals vooral op de lange termijn handelen en niet op de korte termijn zoals bewoners dat over het algemeen doen.
De onderzoeksresultaten bieden ook inzicht in nieuw perspectief voor een meer significante transitie naar hernieuwbare energie vanuit collectief initiatief van bewonersgroepen. Drie `Kansvolle ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden' kunnen daaraan bijdragen: dat vooral `Pull'-condities bewoners motiveren, bewoners bereid zijn `koplopers' die initiatief nemen te volgen, en dat sociale cohesie van bewoners volhoudbaarheid aan collectieve initiatieven kan geven. -
Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City
Tu Delft Ekim Tan
- TU Delft
- 5 Septembre 2014
- 9789461863560
This book is dedicated to building an open negotiation and design method for cities as self-organizing systems that bridges the gap between collaborative planning and collaborative design methods. Gaming as a tool for knowledge creation and negotiation serves as an interface between the more abstract decision-making and material city-making. Rarely involved in the creation of our environment, it has the unexplored potential of combining the socio-spatial dimensions of self-organizing urban processes. Diverse agents, the collaborations and conflicts within and between interest groups, and the parameters provided by topological data can all be combined in an operational form in gaming: potentially a great unifier of multiple stakeholder negotiations and individual design aspirations through which to generate popularly informed policies or design.
The starting point of the research is the need to refurbish existing residential building stock, in order to reduce its energy demand, which accounts for over one fourth of the energy consumption in the European Union. Refurbishment is a necessary step to reach the ambitious energy and decarbonisation targets for 2020 and 2050 that require an eventual reduction up to 90% in CO2 emissions. In this context, the rate and depth of refurbishment need to grow. The number of building to be renovated every year should increase, while the energy savings in renovated buildings should be over 60% reduction to current energy demand. To achieve that, not only is it necessary to find politics and incentives, but also to enable the building industry to design and construct effective refurbishment strategies. This research focuses on refurbishment of the building envelope, as it is very influential with regard to energy reduction.
Spatial planning and urban resilience in the context of flood risk.
Tu Delft Pei-Wen Lu
- TU Delft
- 5 Septembre 2014
- 9789789461868
Spatial planning is increasingly being considered as an important mechanism in coping with flood risk due to climate change. One of the reasons for this is that engineering approaches are increasingly expensive and cannot provide complete certainty of protection against climate-related floods. The thesis examines whether and how spatial planning is used in urban areas to promote resilience to flood risk and climate change. In this study, planning is considered as the regulation of physical implementation as well as the process of policy-making that guides spatial development. This process mainly involves the interaction and collaboration between actors (both public and private).
Stedenbouwkundige waardestelling van industrieel erfgoed
Tu Delft Kees Geevers
- TU Delft
- 5 Septembre 2014
- 9789461863430
Dit proefschrift is de weerslag van het onderzoek naar stedenbouwkundige structuren van historische industriële complexen. Doel van het onderzoek was om herkenning en erkenning van deze structuren te bevorderen als dragers van cultuurhistorische waarden in ruimtelijke transformatie.
Industrieel erfgoed heeft naast objectwaarde ook ensemblewaarde. Het vakgebied van de Industriële Archeologie biedt als "studieterrein van de overblijfselen van de materiële cultuur van bedrijf en techniek" de mogelijkheid om kennis te ontsluiten van de inhoudelijke achtergronden van industriële stedenbouw. Omdat het thema van cultuurhistorische waarden in ruimtelijke plannen actueel is en de strategie van `behoud door ontwikkeling' tot brede erkenning en toepassing heeft geleid, is in dit proefschrift de stedenbouwkundige kant van hergebruik en transformatie geconcretiseerd en geïnstrumenteerd. -
The aim of this thesis is to provide an outline to address questions with regard to the transformation of planning in China that has occurred after the 1980s. The research is using "planning evolution" as the main research skeleton. The starting point is to investigate to what extent Chinese urban planning has developed after the opening up and other reforms under the state-led and market-driven modes of Chinese reformation, and to investigate how the different modes and various actors have influenced urban planning, based on the investigation of the respective political and economic changes within the initial reformation in general, and planning in particular.
Courtyards have been used for thousands of years in different climates in the world. In hot climates they provide shading, in humid climates they cause a stack effect helping ventilation, in cold climates they break cold winds and protect their microclimate. In temperate climates (such as of the Netherlands), the thermal behaviour of courtyards has been studied less. In this dissertation, low-rise residential courtyard buildings were therefore studied among (and along) different urban block types in the Netherlands.
Shanghai, like the other big cities along China's coastline, has witnessed extraordinary growth in its economy and population with industrial development and rural-to-urban migration generating extensive urban expansion. Shanghai's GDP growth rate has been over 10 per cent for more than 15 years. Its population in 2013 was estimated at 23.47 million, which is double its size in 1979. The urban area enlarged by four times from 644 to 2,860 km2 between 1977 and 2010. Such demanding growth and dramatic changes present big challenges for urban planning practice in Shanghai. Plans have not kept up with development and the mismatch between the proposals in plans and the actual spatial development has gradually increased, reaching a critical level since 2000. This issue of A+BE asks to what extent have spatial plans influenced the actual spatial development in the peri-urban areas of Shanghai by paying particular attention to the role of the Shanghai Master Plan 1999-2020 (Plan 1999).