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Livres en VO
29 produits trouvés
De cierta manera : cine y généro en América Latina
Laurence h. Mullaly, Michèle Soriano, Collectif
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Sexualité et genre : fiction et réalité
- 1 Novembre 2014
- 9782336359953
Los 12 textos que componen este libro abordan en cine como tecnología de género. Postulan que el cine que hacen algunas mujeres en América latina desde los años 70 - a pesar de su marginación por la industria del cine y el campo cultural -, replantea los modos y límites de lo pensado, de lo impensado y de lo pensable. Las autoras valoran aquí las obras de cineastas que intervienen en el campo cultural para alterar el orden desigual, denunciar todas las formas de violencia y crear alianzas entre las identidades híbridas y plurales.
Mineurs ou jeunes adultes migrants ? nouveaux dispositifs cliniques entre logiques institutionnelles et culturelles
Marie-Rose Moro, Rita Finco
- Harmattan Italia
- Harmattan Italia
- 1 Novembre 2015
- 9782336745596
La France comme l'Italie sont confrontées depuis 25 ans à une immigration particulière : désignés selon les termes de la loi sous le nom de « mineurs isolés étrangers » (MIE), ou mineurs étrangers non accompagnés », ce sont des enfants de moins de 18 ans qui se trouvent hors de leur pays d'origine et séparés de leurs parents ou tuteurs légaux. Cet ouvrage est l'occasion d'exposer les problématiques rencontrées par les institutionnels face à cette jeune population et les différents modes d'accompagnement.
Dangerous games violence and bullying in a school setting and extracurricular environment ; knowing, understanding, preventing
Françoise Cochet
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Janvier 2016
- 9782336400068
These are the collected papers of the second international symposium of the APEAS : texts heard in conferences and discussions with the audience. The event gathered doctors, paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists as well as magistrates, policemen, researchers and prevention professionals to discuss the different problems surrounding dangerous games and school bullying. They identify in particular the change in how these games are played and the impact of social network. To inform, educate and prevent are the goals of such an international meeting.
Ahmadis and muslim identity in diaspora : a short study of anti-ahmadi opposition in britain
Mahrukh Arif-tayyeb
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Mars 2022
- 9782140208461
In the introduction to his book, Yohannan Friedmann wrote that the Ahmadiyya has been one of the "most active and controversial movements within modern Islam". Indeed, the Muslimness of the Ahmadis has been debated ever since the inception of the movement in the 19th century, where several successive fatwas declared its supporters to be heretics and deviants. In Pakistan, this Muslim minority will be declared non-muslim through a Constitutional amendment and later an Ordinance will go as far as criminalizing their right to be Muslims. The community will thus face a wave of persecution and violence under the sight of the Pakistani State's silence. In 1984, the community led by a caliphate will find refuge in Britain and will start to explore the freedom to express and display their religious identity in a visible manner.
Through the theoretical framework of two sociologists of the School of Chicago - Howard Becker and Erving Goffman - and their work on deviant communities, this book explores to what extent the lack of recognition of the Muslim identity of Ahmadis in Pakistan evolves in the specific diasporic context of Britain.
This book examines the relationship between the treatment of a politically controlled minority in a theocracy and the modalities of its importation into a Western democracy. -
Migration control in practice : before and within the borders of the state
Federica Infantino, Djordje Sredanovic, Collectif
- Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
- 17 Novembre 2022
- 9782800418292
The book presents the results of several qualitative research project with different actors that put migration policies into practice. It shows the different ways in which day-to-day activities of organisations shape migration policies on the ground. This book offers a comprehensive exploration on how different migration policies are implemented day by day. Such an approach allows to show the different ways in which migration policies on the ground take a life of their own when compared to the letter of the law. The book shows the need to understand the specific logics and workings of the implementation of policies, while taking into account the continued role played by politicians and the judiciary, non-state actors and migrants. Qualitative research with different public institutions implementing migration policies are combined with an exploration of the role of NGOs, supranational institutions and the migrants themselves. Bringing together the results of several research projects with fieldwork in Belgium, the UK, France, Morocco and Malta, the book covers the different stages of the migratory career. It follows the potential trajectory of a migrant from visa obtention (both in general and for students specifically) to border controls, asylum (including resettlement and gender and sexuality-based asylum), access to residence (with a specific focus on marriage-based residence), healthcare and nationality, or to detention and managed return migration. Through its chapters it shows the day-to-day logics, routines and tactics that bureaucrats and other actors adopt, within the constrains of laws, social interactions, and ideas about policies.
Djordje Sredanovic est chargé de recherche F.R.S.-FNRS au laboratoire GERME de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. Sociologue spécialisé dans les études de la nationalité, citoyenneté et migrations, il a conduit recherches sur les expériences et l'implémentation des politiques migratoires.
Federica Infantino est Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow au Migration Policy Centre à l'Institut Universitaire Européen à Florence est Maitre de Conférence à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. -
Morale o diritto? riflessioni su libertà sessuale, maternità surrogata, velo islamico, eutanasia..
Daniel Borrillo
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Août 2024
- 9782336475257
Diversamente dalla morale, il diritto non proclama il bene o il male. Si limita a dare la priorità al giusto, inteso come un atto volontariamente scelto e senza ricadute pregiudizievoli per altri, ma non prende in considerazione il contenuto degli atti stessi. Ciò nonostante, spesso, l'uso individuale del corpo passa sotto il prisma del bene (donare il sangue o un organo è un gesto altruista, la prostituzione è una pratica disdicevole, il cliente di chi si prostituisce va sanzionato, la maternità surrogata andrebbe proibita, i transessuali non devono avere accesso alla procreazione medicalmente assistita, etc.).
L'analisi sviluppata nel presente saggio invita a mettere tra parentesi la questione morale (il bene) per approfondire invece la dimensione giuridica delle cose (il giusto). Tale scissione è una sorta di bussola che facilita la comprensione politica di temi profondamente controversi, quali l'aborto, l'eutanasia e molti altri, oggi al centro del dibattito pubblico in vari paesi dell'Europa, ma non solo. -
Criminology ; a complete introduction ; teach yourself
Peter Joyce
- Teach Yourself
- 4 Janvier 2013
- 9781444170252
Written by Peter Joyce, who is a current criminology lecturer and a leading researcher, Criminology - The Essentials is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like summaries of key books, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam. The book uses a structure that mirrors many university courses on criminology - starting with definitions of crime, then examining why people commit crime, and how crime can be prevented and detected. Later chapters hone in on the criminal justice system itself, examining the role of the police, the courts and prisons. This book is unique for its comparative approach to criminology, enabling students to understand criminology in the context of the UK, the US and further afield. Teach Yourself titles employ the 'Breakthrough method', which is designed specifically to overcome problems that students face. - Problem: 'I find it difficult to remember what I've read.'; Solution: this book includes end-of-chapter questions and summaries - Problem: 'Most books mention important other sources, but I can never find them in time.'; Solution: this book includes key texts and case studies are summarised, complete with fully referenced quotes ready to use in your essay or exam. - Problem: 'Lots of introductory books turn out to cover totally different topics than my course.'; Solution: this book is written by a current university lecturer who understands what students are expected to know.
The New Blackwell Companion to the City
Gary Bridge, Sophie Watson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Février 2011
- 9781444395129
This book considers the state of the city and contemporary urbanisation from a range of intellectual and international perspectives. The most interdisciplinary collection of its kind Provides a contemporary update on urban thinking that builds on well established debates in the field Uses the city to explore economic, social, cultural, environmental and political issues more broadly Includes contributions from non Western perspectives and cities
Reflections on a sustainable society ; humanity in the mirror
Isabelle Richaud
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Biologie, écologie, agronomie
- 1 Avril 2017
- 9782336785905
We are on the verge of a true crisis of civilisation : ecological disruption, chronic insatisfaction of the basic needs of a large part of humanity and degrading physical and mental health in industrialised countries. We must address the crisis's main cause : the pursuit of a development approach focused on economic growth and based on intensive, inefficient use of natural resources. This book is a call for humanity to look itself in the mirror, question its identity as a species and re-examine its place in this world.
Volk, reich und nation, 1806-1918. texte zur einheit deutschland in s
- Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
- 14 Mars 2018
- 9782878547887
This volume presents a collection of texts and documents (written in German): extracts of political speeches, of correspondences, legal texts, treaties, parliamentary debates, newspaper articles, autobiographies and literary works, as well as maps and statistics. It discusses the different aspects of national unity and identity's issues. It thus follows the path of Germany from the fall of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire in 1806 to the Wihelmian Empire's collapse in 1918.
The asian side of the world Tome 2 ; chronicles of Asia and the Pacific, 2011-2013
Jean-françois Sabouret
- CNRS Éditions via OpenEdition
- 20 Août 2019
- 9782271122247
Asia and the Pacific, an immense region, both new and old, in which two thirds of the world lives. A region of superlatives, exceptions, China, continually facing disasters and risks from its past, India, a continent of its own, Japan, archipelago of the future. It is a region that is attracting global growth and becoming the centre of the world. Who could have predicted that the GDP of Asia and the Pacific would be equal to that of the European Union? And what will tomorrow bring? This compilation gives an overview of Asia's world, bringing together texts written by researchers and specialists and that have been published on Asia and the Pacific Network's website (CNRS) between 2011 and 2013. It follows the first volume published in 2011 covering the period 2002-2011. These works covering the humanities and social science recount the past, tell us of the future and illustrate the complexity of Asia and the Pacific through its flaws, strengths and challenges. They reveal the profound roots and depth of the dynamism of these new powers that could soon take over the future of humanity. Numerous researchers and academics specialising in contemporary Asia and the Pacific are bringing into light many aspects of this great and inevitable shift in the world.
Transition periods as founding pillars of democracy and peace
Antonio Mapua Bambissa
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Diplomatie et stratégie
- 1 Juillet 2016
- 9782140013256
The purpose of this book is to explain why, after the occurrence of unconstitutional changes of government, a period of transition is necessary. The author sustains the view that periods of transition present opportunities to not only set up the structural foundations of the soul of the nation, but also to establish solid democratic institutions and durable peace. He believes that the success of a democratic transition is founded on the way transitional institutions are organised, as well as on their commitment to peace and to democratic values. Many instances are based in african countries.
América latina : género, sexualidad, frustración, placer ; de la sociología a la literatura oral y escrita
Milagros Palma
- Indigo - Côté femmes
- 15 Novembre 2016
- 9782140023705
En este libro figuran diez conferencias presentadas en la Universidad de Amiens durante la primera jornada "América latina : Género, sexualidad, frustración, placer : ficción y realidad", del Coloquio internacional, Genre et jouissance, 2015. Durante este evento la comunidad cientifíca llevó a cabo una reflexión interdisciplinaria en torno a la naturalización del género y la sexualidad por medio de la educación y la cultura.
Jeunesse africaine ; "bombe à retardement" ou opportunité historique ? africa youth ; "time bomb" or historic opportunity?
Africa initiative group
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Côte-d'Ivoire
- 15 Mai 2017
- 9782336789590
L'analyse en profondeur de la situation actuelle de la jeunesse africaine conduit à un pronostic très sombre pour le futur, à moins d'une véritable inversion des politiques actuelles vers de nouveaux "tropismes" : remettre la jeunesse "au coeur" de la politique et mettre l'emploi au centre de la politique économique. Cet enchaînement d'actions conduira à un véritable changement de paradigme, et l'implication de la jeunesse dans cette entreprise sera décisive (ouvrage bilingue).
Forced to flee ; stories of asylum seekers from Dardur, Sudan
Marie-josée Tubiana
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Juillet 2017
- 9782140041235
I only met those who managed to get through. Those who witnessed the attacks on their villages, the burning down of their homes. Those who buried their dead. Those who were caputured, imprisoned or tortured. Those who crossed the Sahara. Those who worked illegally in Libya to pay for the crossing of the Mediterranean. Those who do not speak the language of the country whre they arrive. Who are these men and sometimes women who ask for asylum in France ?
Your pathway to classical homeopathy
Mireille Peyronnet, Philippe Peyronnet
- Bookelis
- 23 Janvier 2018
- 9791093910055
This book is made for you who have decided to consult a classical homeopath. Classical Homeopathy was discovered and developed by Samuel Hahnemann (End of 18thcentury). A unique homeopathic remedy is prescribed.
'Before consultation' establishes the central notion of constitution. Good health is a perfect synonym of a balanced constitution, whereas an unbalanced one leaves the door open to illness. The unique homeopathic remedy restores the balance by giving the individual the equivalent energy.
'During consultation' explains the state of mind needed to go through consultation, to be as productive as possible. It is a singular living process.
'After consultation' establishes the importance of the follow up in the homeopathic process. Just because a remedy has been given, this doesn't mean it is all over... things may only be starting!
Numerous real life case studies substantiate the development of a homeopathic pedagogy. At the end of this guide you will find useful guidelines and practical factsheets for collecting the most important original and specific signs. -
Intercultural praxis for ethical action reflexive education and participatory citizenship for a respondent sociality
Maria Giovanna Onorati, Filippo Bignami, Furio Bednarz
- EME Editions
- 8 Novembre 2017
- 9782806651013
In an era when globalization no longer seems to simply mean the overcoming of national borders, but rather the increasing populist sentiment of isolationism, advocating for intercultural praxis becomes daring. The recognition that our very existence depends on our capacity to forge a different global paradigm has led the authors to identify in intercultural awareness one factor towards an ethical refoundation of cohabitation on the planet.
Tu seras docteur.e mon enfant ! expériences et postures de recherche des thésards africains
Larissa Kojoue
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Décembre 2017
- 9782140053672
L'économie mondiale du savoir auquel l'Afrique devrait contribuer passe nécessairement par le renforcement de la formation doctorale et le soutien à la recherche. Les étudiants africains s'engagent la plupart du temps dans une thèse sans repères, sans date butoir, sans bibliothèque, sans financements, sans ordinateurs, sans un encadrement effectif et surtout sans autres moyens que la volonté d'y arriver. Concrètement, comment rédige-t-on une thèse de Doctorat en Afrique aujourd'hui ? Comment devient-on Docteur(e) en sciences sociales à Yaoundé, à Ouagadougou, à Dakar ?
From new apps on our cellphone to car-sharing, from the invasion of drones to the reorganization of production lines, from tweets to digital tablets and procreation methods, from genetic manipulations to nanotechnologies, innovation is everywhere.
It has penetrated and turned upside-down all the economic, social, cultural and political sectors.
Nothing escapes it. Nothing can survive without it. Permanent innovation, that headlong search for the new, is the originality of our period.
What world are we living in?
How can we find our way in a profusion like this?
How can we evaluate the meaning and usefulness of this general and growing agitation of our societies?
What universe is being prepared?
For three years, at regular morning sessions, we invited the most diverse personalities: heads of major groups and startup creators, scientists and philosophers, elected officials and physicians, foreign and French experts in many fields. They tackled every subject: the energy and digital transitions, the biological revolution, green mobility, new towns, those consumers who have become actors.
Everything moves! Montaigne was right: "Our world eternally turns around.'
Here is a modest contribution to the portrait of our modernity. -
Women and children in migration, protections and reception systems
Setefania Giova, Antonio Mancini
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 20 Septembre 2018
- 9782336851273
Cet ouvrage apporte une réflexion multidisciplinaire sur les droits, la protection, la réception et les pratiques d'intégration s'adressant aux migrants forcés en Italie, avec un focus spécifique sur les femmes et les mineurs isolés.
Histoires courtes sur le thème du travail des enfants
Bureau International Du Travail
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 5 Octobre 2018
- 9782140102080
Je me suis mise à observer les enfants. Tous maigres et fatigués, ils n'avaient pas même 14 ans. Certains paraissaient si frêles et si menus que dans mon pays à n'en pas douter, ils auraient été envoyés à l'hôpital ou dorlotés au maximum par leurs parents. Ces histoires vécues font partie du Programme internationale pour l'abolition du travail des enfants (IPEC) du bureau international du Travail (BIT).
Five European women : women's achievement for business performance in Europe
Ayming Institute
- Débats Publics
- Ayming Institute
- 6 Décembre 2022
- 9782375093085
The European continent has never been more important to the future of the global economy. The role of the European Union is now being overshadowed by seemingly existential threats. Europe is changing, and changing quickly.
The global economy is also changing, and is doing so more quickly than at any other time in history. Companies are changing the way in which they do business, and the way in which they define business. What is success? How do we measure business performance in the new global economy?
The transition from old economic models to a new business paradigm creates environmental, social, and societal issues. Seeing companies through the challenges ahead will require strong leadership, exceptional vision, and talent. This book sets out the views of five women who match this description.
While women are still underrepresented in senior management positions, these women have succeeded as business leaders. Does the uniqueness of the female experience affect their vision of the economy? What can their careers and their companies tell us about business performance?
Perhaps most importantly - for Europe, for these women, for our economy as a whole - what comes next?
Julie Chapon - Co-founder of Yuka, Cristina Garmendia - President of the 'Fundacion Espana Constitutional', Emma Marcegaglia - President of Eni, Laurie Pilo - Managing Director of Ayming Benelux, Anne Rigail - Chief Executive Officer of Air France -
The transformation of research in the South : policies and outcomes
Rigas Arvanitis, David O'Brien
- IRD Éditions
- 28 Juillet 2020
- 9782709928014
Profound transformations are affecting the research systems around the world. We witness the emergence of new or restructured organizations to steer public research or promote innovation, new programmatic directions within these organizations, increased funding dedicated to research in academic settings, and new domestic and international partnerships and collaborations. A multiplicity of organizations and funding sources have appeared, creating a complex web where resources circulate along with knowledge in ways that are reshaping research systems in the South. This book gathers a large sample of these changes presented during a symposium organized by IDRC, IRD, IFRIS, and OECD, seeking to better understand their institutional, political and economic drivers. These cases document the building of scientific capacity and the broader use of results from scientific research and presents lessons for public policy. A large variety of case studies of specific research organizations and comparative analysis of the wider research system are presented in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Covid 19 : toward a world risk society
François Mabille
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 4 Février 2021
- 9782336921419
In 2020, the world was swept by a crisis that, though predictable, was in essence unprecedented. Among the most significant consequences were the human impact, whether in terms of lives lost or of durable mental and/or physical impairment; the restrictions of fundamental liberties ; and the overall economic and related social costs. Moreover, states have rarely been faced with the reality of their interdependence to a comparable degree : multiple societies suddenly found themselves utterly vulnerable. Our understanding of peace and security should now be redefined. The first part of this work will propose a comparative assessment of the current pandemic in light of past crises, and highlight the potential benefits of the early warning approach. We will then turn to the issue of international relations and of the resulting game of loss and gain at state level. The final part will provide a few innovative insights into a number of specific areas, such as the religious, the academic and the military playing fields. The concept that emerges is that of risk.